
I didn't know if i would ever meet you in "real life" , But i always felt like we had a connection. The first time i heard you belt out "Love me Tender" , I knew i was hooked! You had a way of making the listener feel like you were singing for them and them alone.My home and my workplace soon became like a private shrine dedicated solely to you. Thankfully i worked in a record store , so i didn't come across as weird for having my locker plastered inside and out with images of you .

That was just the start for me. I needed to feel closer to you so i started collecting records, memorabilia , merchandise , anything i could get my hands on really! Unfortunately it meant i had to stay living with my parents because in reality , i just couldn't afford to live on my own and support my obsession over you.

Yes! I admit it ! I was madly , deeply and totally obsessed with you ! And given the chance i would have told you . And part of me felt you would genuinely feel the same way about me.Sure there is a huge age difference with me being only 19 . But i had always been told i had the maturity of a 35 year old! I also knew i stood a chance at winning you over , because of your now ex wife Priscilla. She was definitely a lot younger than you when you both hooked up! Some people might say that i even bore a slight resemblance to her.

I Think i may have taken things a little too far when i started to play your records in store, over and over. Regardless of what anyone else's taste in music was. I guess you could say that i was just a tad OCD. My usually very chill boss Murray, soon put me in my place as he said out loud so everyone in the store could hear, " Candice ! Get your sorry arse in my office pronto!"

I could tell by the look in his eyes and how red his face had gone , that this wasn't going to be pleasant! I tried so-ooo hard to keep a straight face as he rambled on and on about how important it is to play different genres of music to keep people coming in to his store. And that not everyone was into "The King" , even though he is one cool dude! I almost lost it when Murray suggested I take a break from "The King" and let myself experience other types of music and singers for a change. But I soon softened when he said "just as a suggestion , ok . You might find yourself pleasantly surprised with the other talented singers belting out hits these days".

I simply nodded and mumbled "sure thing Murray" , as i made a dash for the break room so i could calm down, and not get myself fired!

Murray must have given the order to my co-workers to give me some space. As I was left alone for a good twenty minutes or so , staring at the one autographed photo i carried of you everywhere i went. "Oh why did love have to be so hard! ", I said to my photograph of you. I can't recall ever having such deep emotions for anyone ever before! Not even when i dated Gary Shaw , one of the most popular boys in my high school senior year.


Murray must have phoned my parents about my behaviour at work that day , as they were seated at the kitchen table waiting for me when i arrived home. I knew there was no way to avoid them . Because as it had always been ..Their house , their rules. And i had always made an effort to respect that. After all they let me sleep and eat under their roof for next to nothing! I was sooo lucky in that aspect.

"Candice honey, Your father and I have been talking "...

"Oh boy here it comes!"

"Now just hang on there a minute Candice! You know your Ma and I only want what is best for you! And I think given how much we have supported you , you should give your mum the chance to speak".

"Sorry Ma! , Yeah you're right dad , I'm just a little embarrassed and annoyed that my boss would involve you in something ..that is nothing really".

Oops! I did it again . I zoned out while my mum gave me what was probably heartfelt advice . I just couldn't stop thinking about you . My heart starts fluttering at the very mention of your name! I was hopelessly in love with you!

"Are you listening to me young lady?"

"Yes mum , as always you give me the right advice . And i will take it all on board and try my best not to cross boundaries here or at work. I really love and appreciate you both , you know that don't you?"

Of course it works every time, and we huddle together for a family hug , to seal the deal so to speak. Now to go and spend some quality time with you my love...In my special hidden room i created at the back of my fabulous walk-in wardrobe.

"Are you lonesome tonight, Do you miss me tonight?" Oh how I love how you reach me through your song lyrics dear heart! And yes! I am pretty lonesome tonight.Thanks for asking !

It was my first night off in a month. Murray had pretty much told me , I had to cash in on my days in lieu that i had accumulated for the past few years. I just didn't see the point in taking days off when i didn't have a social life. So I reluctantly agreed , only because i had heard through the whispers of the Dallas Elvis fan club Association , that you may or may not be coming to my home town !

I was giddy with excitement! Now i just needed to figure out what to wear.Just to make sure I stood out in the crowd. This was my one chance in a million to tell you face to face, How much I adore you so! And maybe you will feel that instant spark with me too!

I found a cute little red mini dress with a daisy chain belt , that really brought out my curves and made my dark hair stand out even more.I Piled my hair up high into a conical shape on the top of my head, slightly backwards pointing. Giving shape to the most popular hairdo, the beehive. I looked amazing! Now to find where I put my white,sexy knee- high boots.

I must have spent a good 2 hours or more, preparing myself for our meet and greet. Time seemed to fly by ever so quickly! With just minutes to spare before my cab arrived, i put the finishing touches of shimmery hairspray all over my fabulous "do". A little touch up of my true red , my most favourite lipstick in the world! And I was set.

The line leading into the Sportatorium was way-yy too long for my liking! I did wonder how we would all manage to squeeze in to such a small building. I knew that this would mean that some people would be turned away . Luckily I remembered I had a vip ticket which allowed me to skip the line and go straight to my front row seat , deadset in line with where I knew Elvis would definitely not miss sighting me!

I was too nervous to stop at the refreshment bar on the way through. But I did manage to grab a soda from a vending machine . As I walked along the front of the stage , towards my seat, I noticed from the corner of my eye movement behind the backstage curtain. My heart started racing and my body started convulsing! "Could it be! Is it really..You?" I found myself saying out loud as i stepped onto the stage heading towards the figure now emerging from behind the curtain.

"Sorry miss, but you aren't allowed to come back here! This area is for work crew and performers only "

The look of disappointment on my face must have triggered something in him. Because as I turned to walk away , hanging my head down , He called out to me! I was so-oo euphoric! Oh my gosh! This was really happening!

"Look, I don't usually do this , but seen as you are the first person here ...(pause) and I have a sister around your age who is also a big fan of "The King", I'll see if i can get you a quick meet and greet okay".

Okay ! Ooo-kay! Of course it was okay! Of course this time words failed me, so i only managed to think the words. And then..the unthinkable happened. I felt so-oo overwhelmed by what was about to happen, that i fainted! Yeah you heard right! I blacked out , right at the feet of "the King" , my love!

Not only did I miss out on talking to you for the first time ever! I missed the whole entire concert! To say I was devastated is an understatement! But you know , every cloud has a silver lining...

My parents came rushing into the ward where i was under observation after my little fainting episode. Mum in particular looked worried. But she soon relaxed when i sat up to greet them, looking a lot more chipper then when i first was admitted.

"Mum ! please don't cry! You'll make me cry too!"

Too late .. we both started sobbing uncontrollably , leaving dad and the doctor feeling a little uncomfortable with all of the emotion flying around!

"The good news is , Mr and Mrs Parker..That you daughter is going to be ok . And there is no bad news. Candice is displaying signs of exhaustion from not getting enough sleep".

"Thank you doctor! I will make sure that my daughter Candice gets plenty of rest when we get her back home. You gave us quite a scare young lady! Your mother and I couldn't get here fast enough!"

Then something incredible happened! Standing in the doorway of my hospital room was none other than the "king" himself! carrying a bunch of white roses (my favourite to this very day!) .

"Hello Ma'am, Sir , sorry to interrupt..But one of my crew members told me that your daughter was brought here by ambulance , after collapsing at my feet. I just wanted to check in on her to see if she was ok".

"Mr Presley".

"Please, Ma'am, call me Elvis".

"Ok, ELvis how very kind of you to put aside your busy schedule to come and see our Candice. I can assure you that she is perfectly fine. Just a touch exhausted, probably from the excitement of seeing you in concert for the very first time".

"Candice, honey, what do you say to the nice man? I mean Elvis? "

Words failed me as i gazed into the depth of your beautiful blue eyes. You ever so gently, took my hands in yours and smiled that trade-mark "crooked" smile.All the while keeping your eyes and your focus entirely on me.

I finally found the courage to peak , as i felt your touch sending calming waves throughout my trembling body.

"I love you Elvis!!!!"

There! I said it! Ohhhh, I really did say those words. Not just in my head this time. I feel so-ooo embarrassed right now! But you , ever the gentleman, didn't seemed phased by my emotional display. You just took it all in your stride, like the true professional that you were.Oh..there it is ,reality sinking in. "you" don't love me. You probably never will. I am just one of your many "love -struck fans" that you deal with almost every day. I can see it in your eyes.

We spoke a little more , small talk really . You gave me a hug. That was nice. And a special pass that would entitle me entry into any concert , in any town you are performing in , for the next 2 years. Such a generous gift! Then just like that, you were gone....

Today I got to meet "The King" an experience that I will never forget. But when he said goodbye, I kind of did too. I will still listen to his music of course. Just not as obsessively.

"Oh, ain't she sweet,well see her walking down the street.....

Oh my Gosh! that song! its almost as though the lyrics are written about me! I just have to know who sings this! ...

January 27, 2020 02:15

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