
Once there was a loving, honest, kind human being in a Morocco city. His name was David. He was such a great human being that he would help each and every person in the city. He always use to say "No person should die because of starvation" in the city. Every child should get of free education in the city. He would make justice for every destitutes in the city. People consider him as Morocco city Saviour. He built various Schools, Hospitals, Hotels, Dams for people in Morocco city. Whether rich or poor each person is treated equally in his legacy. People use to say it was their good deeds that they are born in Morocco city and are staying under the shed of Mr. David.

One fine day David got the news some people's are forcing women's & girls to enter into the flesh trade in his city. As soon as David got the news he visited the spot with local police and rescued all women's & girls on the spots. Among the recused women's and girls David was so kind he gave full support to them. For some he gave jobs, for some he helped them financially to start their own business, for young girls he given free education & food till their marriage. But among them only one beautiful, charming, fair lady left in alone in that group. Mr David asked how can I help you dear. The lady started weeping & started narrating his story. He told Mr David, Ohh Sir, My name is Carol, I some how done my Post graduation in psychology. I lived in a orphanage in my village. One day a Gentle man called Jerry came to the orphanage and told me that he will help me to get better job in bigger cities. I also thought if I get good job I will not help the orphanage but also help many girls who are residing in the orphanage. But this crooked person sold me in the market of prostitutes. Again she started to weeping loudly. Mr David heart was filled with sorrow. His soul got upset. Somehow he controlled himself & vehemently with soft voice told her. Carol you just tell me how can you I help you. Carol pleaded her Sir, I will stay with you till I die. I will work with you. As Mr David was also a orphan person he really felt bad for Carol grievances. He told her, "Alright you be with me as my personal secretary". Carol over whelmed with enjoy, everyone in the crowd started praising Mr. David.

Days passed, year passed Carol also done his job flawlessly. David was impressed with his job. Her love for people made David to fall in love with her. One day David proposed Carol. Carol was so happy that she started crying. And told David , David till the moon exists, Till the sun Exists I will love you. Mr David in reply told her two things. Whether you love me or not you should love my Morocco city people, help them in their every step. Secondly he told her, Baby you can rest on my Shoulders till I go on four shoulders. Both of them kissed each other & got married. Again days passed, year passed David was busy helping his Morocco city people. Carol heart & soul started changing looking David's property & assets. She started hating & ignoring Morocco people. She stopped helping Morroco city people.

As soon as David come to know about this. One afternoon when he came to know that a large amount of money is not being given to poor people and the poor people told him about this, David got furious, he ran to his home, as soon as he opened the bed room door he saw, Carol was half naked slept with his Manager Sebistain. David shouted so loudly he felt that his world has came to an end . Carol & Sebistain started pleading Mr David for forgiveness. David told her , You know Carol what is hurting most to me right know, it's not the affair that you kept with this manager but the fraud you have done with Morroco people is not acceptable. David Shouted louded Get Lost from life, Don't show your face again to me. As soon as Carol and Sebistain heard this , Carol taken the vase of flowers and hitted on Mr David head five to Six times, looking at this Sebistain also holded Mr David hands tightly. The whole floor was spreaded with blood & finally the Saviour like man breath his last. Carol told Morroco city police & people that robbers had murdered Mr David & looted large amount of money. Somehow people managed to believe. Now Carol took the incharge of Mr David & started harassing Morocco people. Days passed , two months later when Carol was sleeping alone in Bedroom. A strong illumination shawdow was seen by her. She looked at the shawdow her whole body was in sweat , her fingers and legs started shivering. She once again the saw the shadow but this time she was not able to believe that it was Mr David standing in front of her. She was so scared that she was speechless. Mr David shadow started speaking to Carol, " No Matter you killed me, I forgive you but the money you taken of poor people please return to them. Till you return the money to them my soul will not rest in peace. And within few seconds the shadow vanished. She screamed David is Back , David is back all servants and the manager came to his room. When everybody asked her what happened ? She told I saw a horrible nightmare. Everyone left the room , Sebistain was now alone in the room. She narrated the whole story Sebistain started laughing loudly and made fun of Carol.

And he left the room. The next night Sebistain also saw the white brightening shadow. As soon as he saw he the shawdow he died because of cardiac arrest. And the moment Carol got the news about the Sebistain death. She got more scared. The next night Carol saw the shadow again , this time the Shadow of Mr David told Carol, "Look you are foolish & the greedy lady. But remember as my soul was roaming in Morroco city I saw many families have no food to eat, no clothes to wear just because you taken their money they are suffering now. My soul will not rest I peace till I saw them leaving in harmony & peace . Please return them all the money which I kept for them. Carol started crying loudly, started screaming two things David is back and I am Mr David killer. She bowed on her knees she realised the amount of Love, Respect of Mr David to Morroco people. She wrote a letter confessing all her wrong doings and written clearly I will die today , No one should held responsible for this. I deserve this only, Really Morroco people have done good deeds that they got Leader like Morroco. Yes for the upliftment, for the development, for the advanced enhancement the pious soul of Mr David is Back. Then she committed suicide. After hearing all the story some peoples of Morroco city claimed they saw a white shawdow on some streets who laughs and says "Mr DAVID is back".

Moral : True & Pious love is always immortal in the universe.

July 30, 2020 11:52

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