The Mask

Written in response to: Write a story about a tragic hero.... view prompt


Historical Fiction Suspense

Warning: contains a cliffhanger (I don't know when I'll continue, or if I should) *I'll come back for more editing.

What is a hero? The definition is: a person who is admired or idealized for courage, outstanding achievements, or noble qualities. To me; however, a hero is someone who is there for you at any time. Who is a hero? It could be anyone or anything. For me, my heroes are family. I think pets are heroes. I also think that significant things like (blankets, stuffed animals, etc.) from childhood are heroes. 

What is the word tragic/tragedy? The definition is: an event causing great suffering, destruction, and distress, such as a serious accident, crime, or natural catastrophe. Meaning that someone who is ‘tragic’ is someone who experienced a tragedy. I believe a tragedy is a significant event that sticks with you, usually in a bad way. Tragedy is something that can cause upheaval in one’s life.    

To put all that together, what is a tragic hero? The definition is: the central character of a play, film, etc., depicted as a noble figure who experiences a tragic downfall. I don’t think that fully describes it. I would say a tragic hero could be someone who would put their life on the line for someone else (as in a tragic death), It could be someone who sees tragedy a lot, and/or someone who had a tragic past and doesn’t know how to live with it.   

Here’s part 1 of my tragic hero story. I hope (you) like it. 

1843 Part 1 

Genevieve Winter walked down a city street. A man wearing all black galloped bareback on a horse; and rode very closely to her. When he got too close; Genvieve fell to the side of the road, collecting dirt on her blue dress.  

“How dare you!” she said.

Without making eye contact, the man dismounted his horse and uttered, "You were obstructing my path."

“I was not! I was on the left side of the street, and you were on the right side. You had plenty of room, ‘Sir’.” Genvieve said mockingly. 

“Think what you must,” he said. 

“I do not wish to continue in this conversation.” She spoke. 

With the flip of a curl, Genevieve began walking again. She had hoped the man would hop on his horse and ride off into the sunset, never to be seen again.  

Who was this man, anyway? She knew almost everyone in town because it’s quite small. She knew all the eligible bachelors as well. Eligible bachelors? Why in the world would she think that?   

Unfortunately, the man didn’t ride off into the sunset. He galloped off on his unsaddled horse in front of her. What was wrong with that man? 


When Genevieve arrived in town, she went to her father’s shop, Winters’ General and More. “Hello, Father,” Genvieve said. 

“Hello, Genevieve.” He paused. “What have you been?” 

“An incident happened on the way here, Father,” Genvieve said. 

“Oh. Go get me 20 pounds of flour.” 

“20 pounds? Who would need that much flour?”  

Her father did not answer, so she went to the back of the store. 

Genevieve began gathering the 20 pounds of flour. Scooping some flour, she placed it inside a large brown bag that was placed on the scale. It would need to be weighed to make sure it was the right amount of flour.  

Once she gathered all the flour, she folded the top of the bag so it would not open up. 

“I surmise whoever bought this will carry it out?” Genvieve asked. 

“He or I. You may go home now.” Father said. 

She walked out of her father’s store and began the walk home. Genevieve was occupied with her thoughts as she walked. She hadn’t noticed that two men had been following her. 

“Excuse me, Miss. Could you point me in the direction of the nearest hotel?” The man that was the tallest of the two said.  

Genevieve cautiously looked at the men and said, “A hotel would be in town.” 

The men did not turn around, instead they continued to follow her. 

“Town is that way,” Genevieve said, pointing in the opposite direction. 

The men seemed intent on following her.  

“Excuse me, sirs, but I most get home. I prefer walking alone.” 

“I’m sure you do,” the short man said twisting his mustache.  

The two men had yellowish gold teeth. The short man had hay in his mouth, and the tall was chewing grass. 

Genevieve was quite frightened by these men, but she was afraid to show it. 

Someone save me, please! She thought. 

Just as she thought that, a man riding on a horse wearing all black and a black mask came to her rescue.  

“Get away from her!” He yelled from atop his horse.  

The men did not immediately move away from her. They were shocked by the man’s arrival.  

“Shall I repeat myself? Get away from her!” The man yelled. 

Grabbing a rope from his saddlebag, he dismounted his horse. “Get over here! Or I could have my horse trample you.” 

“I’m not going back to jail again. You?” the tall man said. 

The two men looked at each other, backed away from Genevieve, then attempted to escape. 

“Dynamite, get them.” The horse charged towards the two men.  

Dynamit did not trample them; however, he reared up. The man tied the two men’s wrist and legs to a tree. 

He said, “That should hold them until someone can deal with them. Miss, are you alright?” 

Genevieve looked at him and said, “I will be alright.”  

“Would you like an escort home?”  

“I would, Thank you.” 

The man grabbed the horse’s reins and walked alongside her. That was when she saw that the horse had no saddle. Was this the man from earlier? 

“I appreciate you accompanying me home.” Genevieve said 

“It’s my pleasure.” The man said.  

The two walked in silence the rest of the way home. When they arrived, she said, “This is my house. Thank you again.” 

“You’re welcome.” He said.  

When Genevieve reached the porch, the man walked away.  

“Who are you?” Genevieve yelled.  

“Call me The Rogue Mask.” He said before strolling away. 

It was an odd encounter for Genevieve. She was certain this was the man from earlier, but he seemed different. Who was the Rogue Mask? Genvieve would find out. He was definitely a man of mystery.

July 05, 2024 20:12

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Beverly Goldberg
01:03 Jul 07, 2024

I agree that the opening remarks aren't necessary. Ah, we need to find out who is the first horseman. The Rogue Mask's doppelganger, him from a parallel universe, clone with a brain with that's firing incorrectly. Please continue this fun story.


03:35 Jul 07, 2024

I might continue it, but I don't know yet. I guess we'll see.


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Trudy Jas
21:55 Jul 06, 2024

Ah, fun! Dual personality? Twins? Yes, do think of how it may grow. Love/hate? Conspiracy/abetting/betrayal? Just one note on your opening remarks. I'm not sure the explanation is necessary. Often when we make declarations like that, we set ourselves up for someone to take exception. (Like I'm about to do) :-) For instance, there is the school of thought that a "tragic hero" is a righteous? well-meaning? honorable? person who intends to do the right thing, but b/c of a character flaw (greed, vengeance, self-righteousness', lack of sympathy ...


03:33 Jul 07, 2024

Yeah... it wasn't necessary. I just needed a filler, so I could finish my story on time.


Trudy Jas
03:45 Jul 07, 2024

:-) And sometimes we need a few more words to make the minimum, I know the feeling.


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Mary Bendickson
21:14 Jul 05, 2024

Suspenseful start with lots of potential.


23:43 Jul 05, 2024

Thank you. 😊


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