Echo of Darkness: The Secret Within Beatrice Cunningham.

Submitted into Contest #211 in response to: Write a story starring an octogenarian who’s more than meets the eye.... view prompt


Crime Mystery Horror

This story contains themes or mentions of physical violence, gore, or abuse.

In the peaceful town of Willowbrook, nestled between rolling hills and meandering streams, life flowed at a leisurely pace. The townspeople knew each other by name, and the scent of freshly baked pastries often wafted through the streets. It was a place where time seemed to stand still, and everyone felt safe within the embrace of the community.

One crisp autumn morning, the tranquility of Willowbrook was disrupted by an unexpected visitor at the local police station. The officers exchanged puzzled glances as a petite, white-haired woman with bright eyes and a warm smile entered the station. She introduced herself as Beatrice Cunningham, an 89-year-old resident of the town.

With a gentle chuckle, Beatrice began to speak, her voice carrying an air of innocence that belied her years. She confessed to a series of murders that spanned six decades, claiming that she was responsible for taking the lives of several individuals. The detectives exchanged incredulous glances, unsure whether to take her confession seriously or dismiss it as a delusion.

"Sweetie, I understand this might be hard to believe," Beatrice said, her eyes twinkling with mischief. "But I have a memory like a sieve these days. Can't recall what I had for breakfast, but those names and places are etched in my mind, clear as day."

The detectives, Detective Sarah Adams and Detective Michael Harris, exchanged another glance. With a sigh, Detective Adams leaned forward, her expression a mix of curiosity and skepticism. "Alright, Ms. Cunningham. Why don't you tell us more about these incidents? We'll do our best to investigate, but we need all the information you can provide."

Beatrice's face lit up with enthusiasm. "Oh, dear, where should I start? You see, it all began in 1960 when I was a spry young thing of 29. My first victim was a no-good scoundrel named Stanley, who thought he could swindle the townspeople out of their hard-earned money."

As Beatrice recounted the details of the first murder, the detectives began to take notes. She spoke with remarkable clarity, describing the events, names, and locations involved in each case. The more she spoke, the more Detective Adams felt a shiver run down her spine. There was an eerie conviction in Beatrice's voice, and the details were so specific that it was hard to dismiss her claims outright.

Over the course of the day, Beatrice shared the stories of several more murders, each spanning a different decade. Detective Harris and Detective Adams listened attentively, their skepticism slowly giving way to a sense of unease. There was something about Beatrice's demeanor that made it hard to brush off her confession as mere ramblings.

With a newfound determination, the detectives decided to take Beatrice's claims seriously and launched an investigation. They began with the earliest case she had mentioned, working their way through old records and speaking to anyone who might have information about the incidents. The townspeople, initially skeptical, soon started to recall strange occurrences and unexplained disappearances from the past.

As Detective Adams delved into the case, she found herself developing a sense of respect and even fondness for Beatrice. The old woman's charm and wit were undeniable, but Detective Adams couldn't shake the feeling that there was more to her story than met the eye.

Days turned into weeks as the detectives painstakingly pieced together the puzzle. The evidence they gathered painted a disturbing picture, linking the names and locations Beatrice had mentioned to unsolved cases from decades ago. The pieces were falling into place, but the more they discovered, the more baffling the situation became.

One evening, Detective Adams sat across from Beatrice in the small interrogation room. "Ms. Cunningham, we've been working hard on these cases, and the evidence seems to support your claims. But we need to know the truth. How did you manage to remember all these details after all these years?"

Beatrice smiled, her eyes gleaming with a mixture of mischief and wisdom. "Oh, my dear, memories may fade, but some things never truly leave us. Each name, each place, they were etched into my soul. You see, I've been carrying these stories for so long, and I couldn't bear to take them to the grave without sharing them."

As the investigation continued, the town of Willowbrook found itself grappling with a chilling truth. The sweet, elderly Beatrice Cunningham had indeed been responsible for a series of murders, spanning decades. The detectives struggled to reconcile the woman they had come to know with the crimes she had committed. It was a mystery that defied easy explanations, a blend of darkness and innocence that would forever haunt their perceptions of the world.

And as the truth unraveled, Willowbrook learned that even the coziest of places can hide the most unsettling secrets, and that within the heart of even the most unassuming individuals, a world of mystery and darkness can reside.

As the investigation continued, the town of Willowbrook found itself grappling with a chilling truth. The sweet, elderly Beatrice Cunningham had indeed been responsible for a series of murders, spanning decades. The detectives struggled to reconcile the woman they had come to know with the crimes she had committed. It was a mystery that defied easy explanations, a blend of darkness and innocence that would forever haunt their perceptions of the world.

And as the truth unraveled, Willowbrook learned that even the coziest of places can hide the most unsettling secrets, and that within the heart of even the most unassuming individuals, a world of mystery and darkness can reside.

In the weeks that followed, the detectives meticulously pieced together the stories Beatrice had shared. Each name, each location, it all checked out. The evidence was irrefutable. Detective Adams spent hours with Beatrice, pressing her for details on how the murders had been carried out.

Beatrice's eyes would glisten with a mixture of nostalgia and something darker as she recounted her actions. With a chilling calmness, she described how she had lured Stanley into the woods with the promise of hidden treasure, only to end his life in a brutal act of violence. She went on to describe other victims—their fear, their pleading, and their ultimate demise.

Detective Adams felt a shiver run down her spine as she listened to the gruesome details. The calmness in Beatrice's voice was juxtaposed with the horrors she was describing, creating a sense of unease that seemed to permeate the very air around them.

But there was a particular story that left Detective Adams sleepless at night. Beatrice recounted an incident from the late 1970s, a murder that had taken place during a summer festival. She described how she had infiltrated the crowded event, her wrinkled face twisted into a wicked grin as she explained the meticulous planning that had gone into the act.

"I mingled with the crowd, my steps sure, my intentions concealed," Beatrice's voice dripped with eerie satisfaction. "And when the fireworks lit up the night sky, I moved with the shadows, taking my time to choose my victim. The chaos of the celebration masked my actions, and by the time anyone realized, it was already too late."

As Beatrice's words hung in the air, Detective Adams felt a cold sweat prickling her skin. The image of the festival, the joyous laughter, and the unsuspecting crowd contrasted sharply with the chilling intent that Beatrice had harbored. She tried to push the unsettling thoughts aside, but they lingered, festering like a dark presence in the corners of her mind.

Days turned into nights, and the investigation led to an astonishing discovery. The photographs from the festival showed a woman who bore a striking resemblance to Beatrice, captured among the revelers. Detective Adams stared at the image, her heart racing. It was Beatrice, there was no doubt about it. But the woman in the photo appeared far younger than an 80-year-old should have been at the time.

With a growing sense of dread, Detective Adams confronted Beatrice with the photograph. The old woman's eyes held a flicker of something sinister, a knowing glint that sent a shiver down the detective's spine. "You see, dear, some secrets are kept in plain sight," Beatrice's voice held a sinister edge.

As Detective Adams pressed for answers, Beatrice leaned forward, her expression taking on an almost ethereal quality. "I have a gift, a secret that has kept me young. A pact made long ago, a choice to exchange life for life."

Detective Adams stared at Beatrice, her mind struggling to grasp the implications of what she was hearing. The woman before her claimed to have found a way to extend her own life by taking the lives of others. The horror of it all hit her like a tidal wave, drowning her in a sea of disbelief and terror.

The realization that Beatrice had not just been confessing, but boasting about her twisted longevity, left Detective Adams shaken to her core. The lines between innocence and malevolence, reality and the supernatural, were blurred in a way she had never imagined. She had entered the investigation with skepticism, only to uncover a nightmare that defied all logic.

As the investigation came to a close, Detective Adams stared at the photograph of Beatrice, her heart heavy with a mixture of revulsion and dread. The town of Willowbrook had been forever scarred by the truth that had been unearthed. The sweet, innocent façade had given way to a terror that was all too real, a terror that lay within the heart of a seemingly gentle old woman.

And so, as the sun set over Willowbrook, the once-cozy town was left with an unsettling truth—an elderly woman had shared her tales of horror, leaving behind a legacy of fear that would forever haunt their thoughts, reminding them that sometimes, the most terrifying monsters can hide behind the mask of age and innocence.

August 17, 2023 03:09

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David Elkind
01:31 Aug 24, 2023

Brandon, I liked the story a lot. You have clear, concise writing and a vivid imagination. The descriptions and the scenes were well-written and well thought out. I only had one problem with the story. Your description of bucolic Willowbrook seemed inconsistent with a place with this many murders, even one per decade. One way to solve the problem would be to have the murders not unsolved, but unknown. A better way to do it would be to have the murders the town's little secret. Just a thought. You could easily turn this into a much longer p...


Brandon Hunt
07:39 Aug 24, 2023

Hey thanks Dave, really good eye! I’ll definitely think about that one and see what I can do!


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Emilie Ocean
16:28 Aug 21, 2023

Thank you for sharing Echo of Darkness: The Secret Within Beatrice Cunningham. with us, Brandon. The story began in the crime genre, and I like how it ended up being a dark fantasy / horror. Beatrice had no remorse haha Good on her!


Brandon Hunt
17:44 Aug 21, 2023

Hey thanks, I appreciate your comment. Means a lot!


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