Fantasy Teens & Young Adult Adventure

The text below has been expertly translated from the fairy language into modern English by Emily Debois, a human guardian who has shown exceptional courage and dedication to the fairy world. We will endlessly remember her service.

More than three hundred years ago, near the Isle of Skye, there was a mystical realm known as Emerald Ben, inhabited by magical creatures. In the past, this thriving, bustling realm was a point of reference for magicians seeking wisdom and knowledge in the magical arts. Throughout these lands, people have learned to tame the power of gems by balancing the natural elements with them.

At birth, pure witches and magicians were naturally bound to a gemstone that embodied their power. The ruby symbolised the phoenix and control over fire, while the emerald was associated with nature and earth. The sapphire represented water power, but the diamond was the most esteemed, symbolising strength, balance between the elements, and indestructibility. However, there was another race of witches called devious, whose power came from evil and whose sole purpose was to ignite rivals who could stop them from destroying the magic creatures. A long time ago, pure witches and fairies fought together to control their lust for power until the crucial conflict. During that period, Amos was the king of the fairy realm of Inverewe. He was both loved and feared by all the creatures of the little people due to his behaviour and immense powers that were similar to those of a unicorn. Amos advised the pure witches to prepare for war as the devious one would attempt to wipe them out on the first midsummer night when the full moon rises to avoid the birth of two infants that had the power to eliminate them permanently. Despite King Amos' prophecy, the witches disregarded it, leading us to the story of the Emerald Twins, who brought balance back to the fairy world.

In a mysterious place called Lochan Uilebheist, which means land of monsters lake, there resided a driven and aspiring magician named Andre. He was blessed with the exceptional ability to manipulate the elements and dedicated himself to perfecting his talents through the tutelage of his mentor, the famous sorcerer named Elijah.

Andre's dream was to become the greatest sorcerer the fairy world had ever seen and to put his magic at the service of the little people as Merlin the magician did so many centuries ago. But to do this, he knew very well that he would have to undertake a perilous journey to the edge of the dark forest where everything dies and blurs to defeat the witch Carman.

One spring morning, as the sun drew shades of gold and purple on the sky, Andre entered the sorcerer Elijah's study, his heart brimming with determination.

"Great sorcerer Elijah," Andre said, his voice echoing with excitement and awe, "I am now ready to embark on the journey into the dark forest. Will you lend me your guidance?"

Elijah smiled, his wise eyes scrutinising him at length. "Andre, my little warlock, I see determination in your eyes. Are you truly ready to face the trials that await you? A dark forest is a place of perdition. Many sorcerers have lost their way there and never returned."

Andre's voice echoed with a determination unknown to him. "I am ready, Great Sorcerer Elijah. I will not lose my way."

"Perfect, Andre. But remember, we will cross the dark forest after finding our gem."

Andre remained silent for a few seconds before leaving. He dared not ask his mentor why he was wasting his time finding a gem that had been extinct for over a century.

The next day, when the sun was still rising, Andre and Elijah, with a sack full of provisions, set out into the forest to reach the realm of Adaria. The sunlight could not penetrate the dense forest filled with the most bizarre plants with turquoise-coloured and frothy flowers. A long time had passed since they started walking, and even the way out still seemed far off.

"Elijah, am I mistaken, or are we walking in circles?" said Andre with a worried look.

"Don't believe everything you see; the forest can cloud the mind of even the wisest man in this world."

Andre did not feel heartened; fear gripped his heart, but he would not allow his mentor to see any signs of weakness.

They ventured through the forest until late in the evening when the light was gone, and they could go no further. The moon rose high in the sky in fullness; Andre and Elijah camped by a small stream. Andre was stoking the fire with his magic to prepare supper, nettle stew with cauliflower when he heard a rustling in the nearby bushes. He turned and saw a tiny elf emerge, its ethereal wings glistening in the moonlight. 

"Well, well, what have we here?" the elf teased him, his voice shrill as a whistle. "A sorcerer and a half-wit, eh?"

Andre looked at him cautiously. "An elf from the north."

The elf laughed, his voice cheerful and mischievous. "I am Xenus, the trickster elf… I meant your helper. Your quest intrigues me. I could help you if you are willing to make a deal."

Andre raised an eyebrow, intrigued. "What kind of deal?"

Xenus smiled mischievously. "Ask me for three wishes, and I will help you in your quest. Sounds like a fair deal, doesn't it?"

Elijah abruptly interrupted the conversation by standing between the two and trapping the elf in a water bubble.

"We have discovered the saboteur, Andre. Here is the origin of your fears. Tell me, my dear elf, who is your master?”

“Damn you, let me out! During the first midsummer night when the full moon..."

Elijah did not let him continue the speech and burned him in the fire, turning him into dust as black as his soul.

"Let this be a lesson to you, Andre. Never waste time with mischievous elves whose desires bring only destruction. I am very bitter that after years of study, you still allow yourself to be confused with so little," Elijah said in a reproachful tone.

Andre pondered for a moment, considering Elijah's words. He knew very well how dangerous the evil creatures of the forest were and their way of mystifying themselves, yet he had given his mentor another disappointment.

The following day, Andre was awakened by the sound wave of magical energy in the air, buzzing with anticipation for him.

He got up hurriedly and walked towards the end of the pond, where a large waterfall began. Andre's senses heightened. But to his surprise, Elijah was standing at the precipice of the waterfall riding a golden and white dragon.

The dragon's deep voice boomed, causing the ground beneath them to tremble. "Hop on, sorcerer's apprentice."

Andre took a trembling step forward, his voice hesitant. "Elijah, can we trust the dragons of the east?"

"Don't be a wimp right now, Andre. Eastern dragons are the noblest race there is. He will give us a ride to the realm of Adaria," Elijah said in an amused tone.

Andre plucked up courage and jumped onto the back of the dragon, which plunged precipitously down the waterfall and then took flight into the sky's clouds. From there, he could see the great lakes where he had grown up and the sea monsters frolicking in the water, emitting sweet melodies.

"Elijah, what did the elf mean when he spoke of the midsummer night?" asked Andre, eager for answers.

"Don't pay so much attention to it; it's just nonsense," he replied cryptically.

Andre was disappointed by his answer. Elijah could be so mysterious, especially to him. He stood staring into space for a while. When suddenly a roar echoed through the air. Another one followed, of a deeper tone. Andre turned, and Elijah's locket shone with a bright light that blinded him.

"Andre, we must jump," Elijah said in a trembling voice, which amazed even Andre, who, for the first time, saw a sign of weakness in his esteemed mentor.

"What's going on?" Andre asked.

"It's a barbed dragon from the dark forest, trained to hunt," Elijah explained before grabbing Andre's arm and dragging him into the void.

Just in time, the two dragons began to fight in the air, spitting flames and smoke that spread everywhere. With a protection spell, Elijah created a shield that protected them from the violent impact of the fall. They landed in the wicked swamp near the Kingdom of Adaria.

"Why are these creatures preying on us, Elijah? I demand an answer!" Andre said seriously.

"You will have all the answers you want after we find our gem in Adaria," replied Elijah.

Andre flew into a rage; he couldn't take any more of this gem thing. He decided to go on alone out of anger. After walking for a while, Andre began to think about what had happened and felt guilty towards Elijah, who had taken care of him as a newborn abandoned by his parents. He wanted to return but lost his way and no longer knew where he was.

The swamp was eerily silent; all background noise had suddenly subsided. Andre began to shiver with fear, hoping with all his heart that Elijah was following him. Suddenly, he heard gurgling from the rank and filthy water of the swamp. And behold, a scorpion demon stood before him. Its eyes were cold as ice, and it had a centaur-like body with a scorpion tail so pointed it looked like a spike.

Andre froze, utterly still. Anxiety gripped his heart, making it difficult to act. He knew his magical abilities were not as strong as Elijah's, and he was not trained to defeat the demon. He conjured the spell "In medium Anzar" to weaken the demon's attacks. However, the creature was sly and took advantage of Andre's weakness, striking him in the arm.

The pain was excruciating, and Andre began to collapse to the ground due to the poison that blurred his vision and inhibited his movements. He knew his death was imminent, but his only thought at the moment was that he had given Elijah another disappointment.

A bright glow spread through the air, revealing a shimmering figure in a white and gold tunic with a large hood, who began to fight the demon with such skill and ease that it was defeated in a split second. Slowly, the shimmering figure approached Andre, who caught a glimpse of its eyes, a light grey that reminded him of a precious diamond, before he completely lost consciousness.

November 01, 2023 18:14

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Trevor Berndt
12:25 Nov 08, 2023

I really liked the names for your places, and the scorpion -centaur demon!


Maryam F.W.
17:22 Nov 08, 2023

Thank you so much for your kind words. In my work, I try to draw inspiration from the cultures of Scotland and Ireland.


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