Holiday Fantasy Romance

This story contains sensitive content

(This story contains curse words and mild sexual tension)

“Oh stupid son of a fluffernutter avalanche. Blasted fluffy white shit.” Ember couldn’t help but growl out her frustration glaring towards the attendant. 

“I’m sorry ma’am but there are no flights at this time, the storm is set to last all weekend and into the better part of next week.” 

Sighing, Ember turned her head towards the word ‘CANCELED’ flashing in vibrant sanguine across the flight board. “Are you sure there are no private jets that can be rented out? I know private pilots tend to be willing to take more risks.”

Shaking her head the flight attendant gave her a stern look. “The airport is not allowing any departure, public or private. The safety of others is our greatest concern. I apologize.”

With a nod her burgundy locks fell across her shoulders and tumbled down her back as she grasped her luggage and turned away. All she wanted was to leave town before the festivities of the holiday season sat in, but this year it looked as though she was stuck. Since her mother died she hated Christmas. Unfortunately, her Aunt made sure to make the holidays as abundant as ever considering she was the president of the Holiday Committee in their little town of North Pole.

Normally she would have already left a week prior but work ran late this year, last minute deadlines for the new website launch on the first had her putting in last minute touches hours before her flight was to board. She was aware that New York got snowed out around Christmas, but the higher temperatures this year had given her hope that she would get to escape. 

Every year she went as far south as the cruise line would take her, a cruise line dedicated to a lack of holiday cheer and quiet meant for boring business types and writers. She never left the boat, never had full day excursions, she simply existed while reading a book or two from her list of favorite authors. It was a lot of money to avoid the holiday season, but for her heart, it was worth it. 

Dragging herself into the back of the black sedan rented out as an uber she huffed glancing towards the waiting driver before rambling off the address to her Aunt’s house. 

Just twenty-four Ember had lived with her Aunt Dahlia since her mother passed away about two years ago. She had graduated college with her Master’s about six months ago and had been saving up to leave the little hamlet since then. Dahlia enjoyed having the company, she even tried to coerce Ember into staying on more than one occasion, but there was nothing in this town for her. She hadn’t been happy here for the better part of three years since her mother got sick, and that feeling only weighed her down with every passing day.

As the sedan drove down the center of the small town Ember eyes the bustle of people eyeing the holiday displays. Many had seemed to make it over the mountain to spend Christmas with their families drawing a frown to crease roseate lips. Now that she was stuck she was obligated to help Aunt Dahlia with the holiday events meaning her fake smile would need to be abundant. The holiday ball was the largest event of the season and full of big name politicians who meant to show their greatness for making such a small town thrive. They made their name investing in a “lost cause” town and putting on this decorative display, and Alexander Riley was the worst of them. 

The Riley family were the first to put their money into North Pole and the reason this whole holiday-fuckstastular was a thing. The invested and planned out a giant holiday festival and ball based around the week of Christmas which drew people in from all over the Country. Yeah, they helped the town grow, but their pockets had also inflated because of the festivities. For setting up and initializing the event the Riley family gained ten percent of the festival every year. Meaning if the festival brought in 500,000 in profit, the Riley family got 200,000 of it. 

She had wrote a letter to Mr. Riley when her mother got sick begging for financial help. A North Pole native Alexander had attended the same high school as her mother, they had even dated before he went off to Yale. Mr. Riley’s assistant had responded with a ‘Condolences’ letter and informed her that they did not hand out charity in cases like these leaving Ember bitter with the man himself and his family. Even more so when he didn’t even show up at her services, instead sent a bouquet of carnations, which her mother was allergic to. 

Trying to push away her negative thoughts she rolled back her shoulders climbing out of the backseat as the vehicle parked in her Aunt’s driveway. Handing the driver a tip she closed the door and trudged through the slush that was sure to solidify overnight. Those same shoulders sagged as she walked into the door and past the foyer giving a soft greeting to her Aunt who was in the kitchen baking cookies. 

“Ember? No flights out? Oh honey, I’m sorry. I am so excited that you will be here with me this year though.” Aunt Dahlia stuck her out of the kitchen door with the brightest smile she had ever seen. “Why don’t you go put those bags in your room and come bake some cookies with me?”

“This storm coming our way has all flights canceled, not even private jets are allowed to depart.” Nodding she put her bags beside the front door and resorted to heading into the kitchen donning the cheesiest holiday apron. A large black and white cow was plastered across the front and the caption read ‘In the holiday Moood’. It was catchy, sure, but so not her style. “What are we baking?”

Walking over Dahlia adjusted her own robe sliding a bowl of dough to Ember. “Lemon Butter Zingers, and Gingerbread Bears.” 

“Yum.” Sliding gloves on she dropped the ball of dough on the clean counter and rolled it out flat grabbing the bear-shaped cookie cutter. “So, what is the theme of this year’s holiday ball?”

“Oh?” Showing piqued interest Aunt Dahlia worked on her famous lemon zingers while eyeing Ember’s own technique critically. “Roll the dough out thinner, these have to be perfect for the ball tonight, the theme is Victorian Masquerade and I had preemptively bought you a ball gown just in case.”

Well, that was one thing to look forward to. Her Aunt had the best taste in dresses meaning the gown was sure to be a spectacular sight. “I bet you saw this storm coming, ye olde witch.”

“That’s medieval, Ember. Know your timelines. Considering it is a holiday event the gown needed to represent holiday colors. Since I know my niece the gown is emerald with a black lace overlay and corseted bodice. I know that strays some from the color scheme, but you will look magnificent and the mask matches.” Red lips spread wide in a grin that plastered across Dahlia’s face, almost making Ember’s heart melt. She would at least pretend contentment for the evening so her beloved Aunt felt useful and needed. 

With a nod she worked to thin the dough before cutting out the shapes of bears, tilting her head to glance towards the hall closet where the magnificent dress was surely hidden. “Sounds wonderful, truly. I am excited to attend with you, even if it was not my original plan. Any suggestions on hairstyles?”

Words became a frenzy of excitement as both women put their cookies into the oven and even pulled them out for decorating. They talked make-up, dates, music, and even shoes as the cookies made their way onto dishes and into the cooler.

Parting ways both women headed upstairs to dress for the occasion only to meet at the foyer decked out in gowns and masks with their hair down in loose matching ringlets.  Smiling with pride Dahlia hurried Ember out to the car which had already been loaded, the pair making their way through the falling snow and towards town hall.

If the masses of people earlier were bustling, the ball was a zoo of all types mingling with eggnog and cider. Some avoided the mistletoe, others did not, making the view quite interesting between the full deep kisses and the short, innocent pecks. 

Footfalls carried her through the crowds as she settled the cookies upon the desert table and turned noticing her Aunt’s red gown as the woman fluttered away in conversation with Alexander Riley. The sight of him turned her stomach. She expected him to be here but was hopeful he wore a mask so extravagant she would never know who he was. Seeing Dahlia point towards her and Mr. Riley glance her way Ember scurried back, quickly fleeing from the scene and into the broad expanse of a gentleman’s chest. Her breast met his hand which wrapped fingers about a glass of cider, such glass which sloshed out across his tuxedo making the man gasp in horror.

“Oh my god, I’m so sorry.” Flustered she rose her hands up as though meaning to fend off any attack only to earn laughter from the mountain looming over her. 

“Relax, little red. The big bad wolf will not devour you tonight.” 

His words made her pause in spot tilting her head back until blue eyes settled upon the most ornate wolf mask she had ever seen. The fur was carved out decoratively making it appear as though it would be soft to the touch, and across the muzzle peered the most brilliant set of emerald depths. If his size was not monstrous enough, those eyes could stop a person’s heart with one glance. 

“Relax does not mean stop breathing, girl. Inhale.” 

The command in his voice snapped her back to reality, making her hands drop to her sides. She felt herself shuddering as though she were a rabbit hunted by this wolf, yet couldn’t draw her gaze from his own as she nodded, taking slow, deep breaths. “I am so sorry about your suit. I didn’t mean to bump into you, I was just..”

“Running.” His words cut off her own making Ember flush beneath the ebon mask that covered half of her face. “Tell me, little red. What were you running from?”

The fog clearing Ember huffed as though she were a bird whose feathers just became ruffled. “I saw someone I didn’t wish to speak with. Not that it is any of your concern.” 

“Ohhh, the kitten has claws. Pretty girl. Come, dance with me. I will keep your stalker at bay.” Long fingers extended towards her only after settling his empty glass upon the tray of a passing waiter. Seeming as though he wouldn’t take no for an answer she relented to the mountain placing her hand in his own.

“Fine, one dance. Don’t get any ideas Mr. Wolf, I’m watching you.” Words slowed as fingers wrapped her own, guiding her out to the center of the room. Her gaze searched the crowds settling upon her Aunt and Mr. Riley who still watched her, though Alexander seemed to nod almost in approval.

Feeling an arm wrap her lower back she jerked her head towards her new captor feeling him erect their arms locking them into spot. Following his guide her body flowed with his, her chest pressed along his abdomen as the long stride swept them across the dance floor in perfect cadence. “So, little red, what brings you here this evening?”

“Uhm.. my push Aunt and a flight that seems canceled indefinitely.” Words showed her distaste as she counted the beat of the music in her head trying to match her unknown partner’s pace. 

“Sounds tragic. A failed escape attempt, guess the big bad wolf wins this round.” Tightening his grip he gave her a squeeze. The way they pressed together, the feel of his body along her own drew her breath to hitch as the flood of light-headed wonder washed over her. Everything about him called her in, making her nearly stumble when he pulled away as the music stopped. 

“Well, little red. Thank you for the dance. I need to be on my way. Perhaps a holiday miracle will bring us together again.”

Before she could retort his departure the sea of bodies surrounded her, only interrupted by the announcement of Mr. Riley and family on stage. 

Feeling as though she was left to fight the war alone, Ember sighed, setting her sights on the boring stage before her.

December 27, 2023 08:44

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