Parenting is not a popularity contest. Part Two

Written in response to: Write a story in which a character achieves a new level of clarity about how they’re really feeling.... view prompt


Adventure Christian Teens & Young Adult

Looking through the eyes of love.

Gets downright dicey at times.

Slicey, too.


When done properly.

Is the gift that keeps on giving.

The reward of a gagillion rewards times a gagillion.

It is not that I do not like you.

It is, that I look at the safety of another as:

A fight that never ends.

An Act of Grace.

And Fortitude.

And until and when I close my eyes for the last time.

My inner pit bull walks alongside me.


Bring it On.

I got this.

I am not sure you do.

And that is why.

I do.

Got this.

I do not also care,

If you like me. At all.

”If you can’t feed your baby, then don’t have a baby.” (MJ) the other (MJ).

You see.

Defer. Deference.

Buying ya dinner.

Is loaded with a price too high to lay.

Even in apologetic ways.

Is a price too high to pay.

In the long run.

In the short run

I don’t defer.

So terrible at negotiation

Especially if and when the “price” is put upon or on the head or heads of persons and beings that

I love.

Once commitment takes hold.

It takes hold.

There is no going back.


Most definitely.

No. looking back.

For me.

You. Ya have made you bed.


I am sorry for your lumps.

Your bumps.


Ya just gotta be a pit bull. In the grand scheme of life.

I am ok with this.

You see.

Deep down.

I know me.

I do not know you.

And that is the scariest of all the scary parts.

Humans are capable of so very much, wrong.

So. Very. Much. Wrong.

And then we throw it all away.

Because caring becomes, so, well,


When a person looks right through you.

This can be both good.

And bad.

For you.

Soulless people have a lot of, how shall we say,



I do not know about you.

But I will not be explaining myself to any Doctor, anytime soon.

I have my privacy rights.


I am not afraid to use them.

Sue you for them, either.

I have been a round the block a few gagillion times.

I know it when I see it.

A fraud.

A kidder.

A player.

A bidder.

I am not a gambler either.

I do not know how to hold ‘em fold em ,walk away.


I do know how to run.

Catch me if you can.


Have a great time doing it.

Because a soul is a soul is a soul.

And. I know mine.

And when persons care to hang around you, you know you are on.

The right track🫵🏻.


May God have mercy on the blasting of the disingenuous messages, text, talk or otherwise.



Pictures. Especially pictures.

Some are swell.

Some are ok.

Many are deviously manufactured to and for and of


Bring it on.

The old way does not work.

My error. My apologies for you. My hope. Was that you may have learned that a time or thousand ago. Learned to give up the selfish ways and

Get real.

My inner pit bull.

Comes out.

And by God’s grace, my homies-pit-bulls get it too.

How will I know.

If you really love me?

I do not really care.

Really don’t care.

To know true love.

Feels good.

Really real.

Innocent, new baby birth good.

The rest is just.



What some people will do for a buck is unbelievable.

To me.

Misguided and misgivings have tipped their apple cart so far over, they throw their own back out trying to pick up the pieces.


There we have it.

Pick up the pieces.

Of their own broken heart.

I carefully took of mine and mines a long time ago.

Bring it on.

Good luck. All the best to your deviously held intentions versus my personally held beliefs.

I will win. And.

You will lose.

No matter how many pics you send my way, or anyone’s way.


Whom or who. You plan to use in the long run. Or the short run.

Provided you can even run..

Catch me if you can.

Have fun.

Best of luck you you, too.

Me and my pit bull calistentic life each and ever day. We rough house too. With one another. We know instinctively. We will not hurt each other.

You will go down.

You will go down.

If and when you try to use another.

I got the other.


Not so much.

I may be small.

But there is a lot packaged in.

And. I am very smart.

Maybe not A+ smart.




As mentioned.

Have been around the block a gagillion times.

Know how the game is played.

Tap, tap, tap away on your devices.

Good luck.

Take a pick.

And enjoy it all by yourself.

When piece by piece I had to collect the pieces.

Of a broken heart.

I learned a few things.

About loyalty.

About players.

About schmucks.

About good people.

About honesty.

About persons who genuinely put others before their own self.




We most want to look away when we look in the mirror selfish.

Unable, incapable of the reflection. (Because we were repeatedly really told how “hot”

We were. And we began to believe it.


It sucks.

Looks good.

Good looks.

No. I am not the jealous type.

Just the real type.

Try it.You may like it.

Superficiality has its place embedded in the hairless and shiney crowns of some. For others. It is a battle.

Not for me.

Hopefully not for you.

But time will tell.

It usually does.

I do get the taps. Likes. Clicks and the likes.

It is part of the job.

Goes with the territory.

Goes with the territory.

Therein lies the landscape of the map.

Being as directionall y challenged as they come.


The fact I do not play well with others.

Well. Humans at least.

Leaves me at not the disadvantage you may have hoped for.

But a great advantage.

Dog is God spelled backwards.

Cat is tac.

As in tacky, ticky, tocky, trickery.


Want no part of that messy. Sloppy, messy mess of deceit and destruction.

Cats are ok. I like ‘em well enough.

But to trust the feline. Is a whole ‘nother story..

Trust issues abound.

There are no shortcuts.

But there is a lot of lotion, hip motion and emotion.

Jealousy and envy at waiting at the door.

To get in.

Hopefully out, too

Cats can get positivity giddy when a looker walks through the door.

Usually they end up regretting the flirtatious hellos. In spite of and despite of the carful soul, and in the process of the giddy-ness, they threw their fellow cat under the bus.

Superficiality at work.

Ugh. And. No thank you.

A for effort for you.

December 26, 2023 13:49

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