African American Christian Coming of Age

"It IS the kind you buy in a second hand store!" Tabitha squeals. Her and her found again bestie, marvel at their thrift store finds as they comb the streets of their home town. Both gals ended up making their way back home to their folks a few months apart, due to a split in both girls' marriages. Very different as far as scenarios go, but equally dramatic in nature.

Elise and Michael met their demise in silence. They both agreed on everything mundane, but disagreed on some pretty important things. The severity of the strangeness lies in the silence, for sure. Never an unkind word or knock down drag out fight, but many chances given on both parts. A lot of boundaries were crossed over the 15 years of marriage, but all in Grace and stride. Almost like it had been planned. Like the two played a part in some new age, black Broadway Show. Elise marvels at this out look when she paints, often. It makes the art she sees in random locations literally slap her across the face. This sort of intensity she desperately needs. This concept has become clear to Elise in recent days, but she hasn't quite put her finger on it yet. The idea that she has some sort of Divine Purpose intrigues her at this time, but the idea of Jesus Christ feels uncomfortable and flat out fucking strange, comes to mind often.

Tabitha likes to test Elise on this, in a playful manner rather. Her views are much different, but expected and heard by her dear friend, Elise. Tabitha and Jack split a little different, teetering on the brink of volatile almost. She definitely wore the pants in the household and Jack needed a little more than she could offer up. Neither's fault at all, just separate expectations and emotional fulfillment that was way too far to reach. She is very spiritual and connected to nature and her body, which seems to grow in each way. Tabitha values her peace seeing as how she has been lacking it for several years until this point. It's okay though at this moment, new beginnings/fresh starts are underway.

The gals are leaving a thrift store "grab and dash" experimental type trial run before the big day.

"Three fucking days dude!" Elise squeals from the passenger seat. The ladies have a big plan, the craziest thing they have ever done. For sure.

"This is insane, but I am so excited and nothing could possibly go wrong. We have worked too hard." Tabitha replies. She's certain in her sound but her anxiety soars when she speaks out loud about this.

"I mean, it has to work. We have no choice. We need to get Nicholas out of there before that maniac kills him or something." Elise laughs, but with actual concern in her voice.

After her 10 month dating hiatus, Elise reconnected with an old flame from junior high that moved to Los Angelis a couple decades ago. Social media is to blame for the reconnect, but this reunion is welcomed and adored for sure. Nicholas is in an unideal living arrangement, a mentally ill roommate that he met year back in the military. Being in consider financial debt to this diagnosed schizophrenic roommate has put this new love under duress, to say the least. The objective is to buy the plane tickets for Nicholas and his German Shepard, Katie and get them home ASAP. Tabitha and Elise benefit considerably from this heist as well. Both gals left their marriages with some unwanted financial baggage.

The plan is simple. The nearby one hit wonder bank, Bank of Fallen Angels, is due to close in 6 weeks. The police will be hesitant to touch these two African American ladies due to the present conditions of the world. They wear their mandated masks, headress, many layers of clothes in many different colors.

"Confuse the fuck out of them." Elise says confidently. "We got this shit, ladybug." The girls laugh.

"Alright, bitch. We ride at dawn." Tabitha drops Elise off after they polish up the grand plan.

Tabitha's constant communication with God and her spiritual guides have secured her through this ascension she has been plowing through that this will be alright. The assured promises she receives through her dreams remind her that she will be safe in the arms of Jesus Christ and there is a divine purpose for this mission. She has told Elise on several occasions that she has this purpose and with Elise's goals and motives in tact she feels as if this is a safe bet. As much as her "mind's eye" will allow at this time.

Elise has been listening to the Gorillaz on loop for weeks now lately, every lyric and beat flows through her. It's an addiction at this point in time. This will help, she thinks as she drifts to sleep with one ear bud in her ear.

Nothing to be justified in

Just one thing, you should feel nada

I know she lies alone, she's my caller

I sense her in my mind, she's my collar

The words help her drift to sleep.

They are ready to go.

The heist goes smooth.

"Just as God intended!!! Tabitha yells, as she peals out of the parking lot. The girls don't know it yet, but they cleared $25,000. The scarfs, headresses, sweaters and socks of all colors of the rainbow the girls chose from the Goodwill helped with their disguise and the note they slipped was simple and sweet.

Dear Young Lady,

Put the cash in that bag and noone gets hurt.

God Bless.

The little flash of Elise's pretty silver 9mm pistol didn't hurt her decision to comply either.

The young, blonde haired girl at the bank was afraid to be insubordinate to the two beautifully layered Goddesses. This helped a lot, and God kept his promise which is most important.

Humility, by the Gorillaz comes on the radio as soon as the ladies hit the interstate.

"This is magic dude..." Elise says as she rolls her window down and marvels at the sky. It is purple, pink and orange. Absolutely magnificent. The relaxing lyrics flow through the air

Calling the world from isolation

cause right now that's the ball where we've been chained

And if you're coming back to find me

You'd better have good aim

"God is good, dude." Tabitha exhales into the wind flowing through the small, black 10 year old Honda Civic.

"Yeah, I see..." Elise replies calmy.

She looks back into the sky as she succumbs back to silence. Somehow she is able to stare directly into the sun.

What the fuck is going on dude?

November 21, 2020 04:51

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