Written in response to: Write a story that ends with a huge twist.... view prompt


Christian East Asian Fiction

There was a beginning when the world came into existence and that started in the book of life which is the bible when God created Heaven and the Earth, Then He created light and divided it from darkness to be day and night and his work to fill the Earth seven days of living things plants and animals. The mountains were filled with trees and the waters filled with fishes and the ground was filled with plants and animals. Then God thought of creating a man from a handful of clay from the ground that could think and use his mind. Physically God infuse life into his nostrils and he became a living soul. He was a complete human being with physical attributes the head which is composed of hair to cover its head, eyes to see things around, seeing upward but he can't look his back, ears that could hear the sound , nose to smell fragrance of the flowers and mouth to take food and tongue to taste , teeth to chew his food to nourish him His hands were used to pick or pick up things , it extend to reach out and handle many things to do his task. His breast has ribs to protect his lungs heart liver and his stomach had his long and short intestine to digest the food that he has eaten. His limbs are very important in order to walk around to look for food and other things to sustain his life. His skeleton make up his skeletal frame to be able to stand upright and his whole body composed of tendons, muscles and flesh. Flesh makes up his body and it was covered with skin the largest part of the human body of a man. The first man on Earth was named Adam. While walking around and roaming the place called Eden God noticed Adam being alone seemed sad and feeling lonely. It didn't went well with God as a creator He had to do something to make Adam happy so He took one of Adam's rib and made into another human body in which He called woman and named her Eve. Now there are two human beings in the Garden of Eden who can do all the things they wanted to do. Since plants grew on their own Adam had nothing to do at all but to pick what they wanted to eat from the plants and the trees. If they wanted to eat fish they were eaten raw, when they wanted to eat meat they were also eaten raw. How happy were they to live what they call Paradise when they don't worry anything at all but live in abundance and there was nothing to worry about. Adam and Eve didn't even noticed the animals that crawl on the ground or bats sleeping inside the caves. They were really carefree human beings. At this point we can tell they are immature that's what people say with their kind of behaviour, very playful and doesn't have any responsibility to handle even if they could be considered as grown ups as they didn't pass through childhood. God created them from clay and became alive. God was really happy to have them live in paradise. That was the dream and desire of God on how the man and the woman live but one day when God visited them there He made an strict order that there was a kind of tree that they cannot eat its fruit. God didn't explain why but it was a big No and they were totally prohibited to eat it. Here , it was a big test to Adam and Eve living in the land of paradise. Is this not a test if they follow God or not? Did they have the right mind to make a choice? Did they think what God wanted them to be? To be carefree in life just the two of them living in paradise. This is a very big question why God made this prohibition. Was this His real plan for them? Then one day the greatest mistake in God's creation happened when Eve picked the forbidden fruit and ate it and God was so angry when He learned about it. Adam and Eve didn't know what to do but hid from God. How come Eve ate it? Did she listen to a talking creature crawling animal the serpent that no amount of repentance can undo what had happened to change God's judgment to drive away Adam and Eve to live in Paradise. It was done. What did God do to Adam and Eve to punish

them? He told Adam that he had to work hard in order to eat and to support his family with Eve. Did God tell him about this before? If so Adam must have told Eve to follow God strictly. Then God said to Eve that she will suffer the pains of childbirth as they are going to raise a family. Did God also said to Eve what it was going to happen after eating the fruit? Which of the two, the man or woman had a stronger emotional strength, is it not the woman while the man can be physically stronger but turns away when it comes to tragedies having less emotion than the woman? The woman had suffered so much but a man can't help her when in pain , the woman suffer alone. Man must understand the woman that what happened in the Garden of Eden was not the total mistake of Eve but the third party who was the Deceiver of Mankind. For the next generations God continue to make rules for men to follow like the 10 Commandments, still men didn't follow and women continue to suffer until God sent His only Son Jesus Christ to spread the Good News that men can have eternal life if they follow Jesus Christ. Jesus live on Earth to show how men must live in order that men can live in the kingdom God has prepared. In the kingdom of God there will be no more suffering , no more pain no more poverty but joy happiness and rejoicings. While Jesus Christ and His disciples spread the Word of God the descendants of those who were not following God continue to do what they have been doing. Until one of his disciples betrayed Him and identified Him as the Son of God to let him be crucified. God's plan sending Jesus Christ to redeem His creation the descendants of Adam and Eve was not fulfilled but again at His second coming. Why were the creation of God not God fearing but following the one who was against the goodness and His Love to men? The real plan of God maybe hard to understand. Instead of living in paradise men was led to live in deception, confusion and falsehood. Had Eve ignored the Deceiver what could life be on Earth? Men had to wait the Second Coming of Jesus Christ to let men be free of the pangs of pain and suffering but to those who are listening to God's Word, Trust in Him to fulfill His promises they can enjoy the abundance of living right now but those who don't will continue to live in the darkness of this world. May that day come when the twisted plan of God will be straightened to let men live forever in paradise.

December 31, 2024 16:38

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RBE | Illustrated Short Stories | 2024-06

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