Fiction Inspirational Speculative

"My end won't leave you empty. I strived to keep this shrine till now; it will not end in my time," Kamaya, the great witch uttered as she yielded up her spirit. 

"What is it, great one? You can't leave me alone," Jekinko, the son of Joba II of Dantoki kingdom, expressed in tears. He continued, "I need you now than ever. The king is dying; of the potion, he's served, by the maidservant."

Sadly, King Joba II died in the evening before the son could return from the shrine. The villagers gathered to witness what had happened; the prince returned perplexed.

This day was like another journey to the hill of Cotumbo, where some of the villagers lost their blood for the sake of princess Serila, who ate the poison meant for her mother 30 years ago. Before the present, the princess was very hungry that she couldn't hold her thirst by the attraction of the watermelon on the table; she ate herself to death. These brought incredible shock in the hearts of all who lived in that kingdom not until Dorkas openly confessed her evil heart out before the king. The king couldn't stomach all she had to say and ordered for the council to convene.

That day was the last time Dorkas experience the sunrise and sunset on earth. Seeing the prince in the attire of the great witch challenged all who were present to think otherwise.

"I know Kamaya couldn't have given to you this herself. Tell us, what is going on with you?" Kosha, one of the elders in the council, questioned angrily. 

The prince tried to explain to them what had transpired as he went to consult the witch about his father's illness; questions were thrown at him from all corners of the world and these made him mute and didn't say anything.

Next was his disappearance. He never stayed to bury his father, King Joba II. As tradition demands, a king is not supposed to be buried without the presence of his heir. When the whole villagers learnt about the prince's disappearance, they envisioned calamity coming to take up the kingdom.

Seven days passed the prince was nowhere to be seen; the king's body was kept till the whole compound was a smell of the dead body. Those who were to keep the corpse couldn't survive the smell. They left the dead body to rot as they made their way out of the kingdom.

Still, in this confusion, the elders also lacked the choice of what to do rather than seek the guidance of the witch. They were in doubt as they were embarking on the journey.

Akora, one of the elders in council and the custodian of the customs and tradition of the land inquired; “What if the witch is no more?”

The other men, Fombi and Zofas, concurred to his question because, since the day the prince appeared in the kingdom with the apparel of the witch, they noticed that something had gone wrong but they had nothing to hold on to clear their doubt and also was afraid of what other elders and the villagers could say. They reached the shrine but found no one. Fear crippled them and made no speech as they turned back to the kingdom.

The silence couldn’t go on for long because they are as confused as a lost sheep.

Zofas broke the silence, “are we not in danger here?”

“Who are you asking for the answers?” Fombi retorted.

“I think this is not the appointed time for questioning. We must make haste to find the prince; he is the only eye that may know the matured pumpkin now. Otherwise, let us all be calm and seek a way out," Akora said.

As the kingdom is still in limbo, prince Jekinko was already using his powers of witchcraft in the next village, Kafanana. He was known as the end resort for all who believed in him. His magical powers could command anything and it will obey him. The men and women who go to seek powers always approach him at night. He offers both the poison and the antidote that neutralizes it. These made the whole Kingdom of Kafanana believe he is a great healer. On the contrary, his patronizer's were confused as they couldn't see the effectiveness of the charms and potions in their enemies. They realised that the wizard, Jekinko heals the same people whom they have bewitched when brought before him. Those evil men and women were not at peace with that. They planned to trap him. They told the villagers that he was responsible for all the poisoning that has been going on in the village. His trick was realised and was to be stoned; it was unfortunate to the warriors of the Kafanana kingdom as they couldn't get hold of him.

Jekinko vanished with his powers and never resurfaced again in that kingdom. It was the end of witchcraft in Kafanana and the end of King Joba’s II dynasty.

A new throne was established. The elders of Dantoki couldn't wait any longer without a king. Four weeks later, the eyes of the gods of Omalanze finally came to help them chose who was to become the new king. Omaka was elected amongst the elders in council. Omaka was the only surviving son of Dim who was known to be the wisest man in that land. He lived for 103 years and died. Since then, Omaka grew up and was wise like his late father. Seeing him grow in such wisdom challenged the king. At his decree, he was elevated to serve at the king's court at his tender age. Omaka served the community very well; his lifestyle was exemplary to the whole community. No wonder the gods chose him as the next king of the Dantoki Kingdom.

During his reign, Omaka abolished the class division that was there at the time of his predecessor. At present, there is no one greater than each other in his kingdom; both the rich and the poor share everything in common. These brought unity in the land; the gods are happy with him. They are prospering beyond other surrounding kingdoms like the emerging China of our time. His dynasty stands as a quintessence for leadership and a true sense of community living and breaking bread together.

June 30, 2021 07:38

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