Always look on the bright side of life

Written in response to: Write a story in the form of a series of thank you cards.... view prompt


Coming of Age Christmas Friendship

28 December, 1991

Burscott Farm, Cornwall

Dear Aunty Pat (Or should I say ‘Fat Pat’ as Dad refers to you, but I didn’t say that.)

Mum said I had three choices: 

Pick up the phone and say thank you for my Christmas present;

Go and see you and say thank you for my Christmas present;

Write a note to say thank you for my Christmas present.

I clearly chose the latter as I’m not picking up the phone as it’ll be just so awkward. I’m not being funny, but I don’t know anything about you, and you don’t know anything about me which is clear from the choice of colours on the jumper you sent me. I’m not actually convinced it is something to wear as its huge. I’m going camping with my friend next summer so we could always use it to sleep under. Did I mention I’m not that large?

I’m sure as you read this, you’ll be watching TV and talking to your smelly cat.

Harsh I know but my hormones are all over the place and I’m what mum and dad refer to as ‘their biggest nightmare’. They’re so dramatic. 

Anyway, I’ll bin this note and start again,


Dear Uncle Kieron,

This is probably the only genuine thank you card I will write this year. Thank you so much for coming along on Christmas Day and entertaining us. I always look forward to seeing you even if mum and dad look a bit anxious. I’m always surprised that you don’t have some glamorous lady on your arm but mum says you’re just like Aunty Pat and forever single. I’m sure that can’t be true. You’re much cooler than Aunty Pat. Even her cat Tinks is cooler than her. I have to say I think your performance on Christmas Day was the best I’ve ever seen. I’ve only seen the Irish River Dance performed at the royal variety performance on TV and not in real life. I did wonder if you’d started celebrating early when you said you’d been down to the club with the boys. I hope you’ll take me down to the club when I’m older…hopefully when I’m sixteen as I’m sure all the boys you know are as handsome and funny as you. I suspect that all that red wine Granny gave you really gave you the confidence you needed and stopped you from hurting yourself when you tripped over Teddy’s tail and fell on your bottom. I do hope you’re not too sore and hope to see you again soon. Perhaps you can take me down the club before I’m sixteen? What about next week? I do think it was the most I have laughed all year so thank you. I know mum and dad are looking forward to your next visit. Not!:-)

Lots of love, Milly (thirteen and a half but almost sixteen:-))

Dear Thomas, 

Thank you so much for my handmade Christmas card. I was a big fan of Thomas the tank engine when I was three but I’ll forgive you as you’re only five. I also loved the Lego table you made me. You are a very annoying little brother at times especially when you run into my room and think it’s funny to run out with my Marks and Spencers knickers on your head, but I did enjoy watching the look on your face when you opened your gift from Father Christmas. So pleased Father Christmas listened to your request and brought you your bright green bike.

Your loving and responsible sister,


Dear Aunty Sylvia, 

Thank you for my unicorn stationary set. Did you not get the memo that I’m thirteen and not five?

I don’t have anything else to add to this letter,

Milly (aged thirteen and a half)

Dear Keanu Reeves,

Thank God for you. You are the most beautiful man I’ve ever seen and when Christmas day was just too much, I retreated to my room and lay on my bed looking at my picture of you I’ve blu-tacked to the ceiling. I have seen all your films and can’t wait for another Bill and Ted film. I dream that as soon as I’m 18, I will fly to LA and we’ll go on a date at the Viper Lounge and you’ll introduce me to all your friends and we’ll be the cool couple. Of course, if you marry someone like Winona Ryder, I wouldn’t mind as she’s very beautiful.

Love your adoring fan, Milly (looks like an 18 year old)

Dear Bestie Jo,

Thank you sooooooooooooooo much for my amazing presents. I love my Keanu poster and my copy of smash hits is amazing. I cant wait to learn the words to the latest kylie song and work on a dance routine to when we next see each other. Hope you’re having a lovely Christmas. Miss you millions.

Your BFF,


Hello Jo,

I’ve not heard from you so wanted to check you were ok. Have you had chance to listen to the Now 91 album I sent you? I love it. So many good songs including your mums favourite girl group…salt n pepa. Love them. I hope you’re ok? Was it just the three of you on Christmas day or did your mum take in any strays this year?

Love you BFF,


Dear Mills,

I'm so sorry its taken me so long to write to you. It’s been tough here. I think mum and dad are going to split up. They keep fighting in their room ans they think I can’t hear but dad keeps calling mum ‘pathetic’ and then she looks all red and blotchy when I see her. I really hope they don’t divorce. There is only the three of us and I want us to be together forever. I love my present. Thank you for my album. I keep playing it on my new pink cassette player. I keep playing the monty python song ‘always look on the bright side of life’ but then find myself crying. Anyway, write to me again with th latest news of your crazy uncle. Perhaps he can take us down the club in the summer? We definitely look 16 when we wear those little black dresses. It sounds like you had a wonderful Christmas. Youre so lucky to have a large family who think about you and even if they’re not what you deem ‘cool’ genuinely love you.

Lots of love, your bestie JO.

Dear Mum and Dad,

Thank you so much for being my mum and dad and thank you for all my pressies including all the presents in my stocking.

I’m so thankful to have you, lots of love, Mills.xx

August 02, 2024 19:20

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James Plante
05:21 Feb 18, 2025

Hi Rebecca, I loved this story told through the eyes of a precocious youngster who wants to be a grown-up. Very creative in the way it's told through a series of letters back and forth. It reminds me of a song called "Kilkelly" by Moloney O'Connell & Keane. The story is different than yours but sung in the form of letters to and from a family in Ireland over the course of a lifetime. If you don't know it, look it up. I must warn you, though, it has a sad tone. Great job on this one. I look forward to reading more from you.


Rebecca Detti
19:51 Feb 18, 2025

Thanks so much James and I’ll definitely check out this song. I am a fan of Keane! Thank you for reading and your kind feedback!


James Plante
11:22 Feb 19, 2025

If it's not too much trouble, Rebecca, please do get back to me about the song. I love Irish music, and this song hits home for me. I am a big fan of music that has a heart-tugging effect and makes a person feel something other than needing a break from the dancefloor. I don't know why, but I have a feeling you'll like this ballad of the ages, too.


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Trudy Jas
22:00 Oct 06, 2024

Hi Rebecca. Is life still getting in the way of writing about life? Miss reading you.


Rebecca Detti
17:02 Oct 08, 2024

Hi Trudy! I miss you and writing. I’ve set myself a goal to get lots of business rubbish out the way by the end of the month so I can focus on writing. Feel quite lost without it! How are you? Xx


Trudy Jas
18:41 Oct 08, 2024

So, ambitious! I applaud the (in other people, of course). :-) I'm good, staying busy writing, tried a few other contests, but without getting feedback, or see what others are writing, it's a little like sending your first born to the dark side of the moon. Looking forward to seeing your stories again, :-) xx


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Trudy Jas
13:26 Aug 30, 2024

Hey Rebecca, I don't know if you are still judging stories. If you are, could you go back to the ones you nomintated for a shortlist and see if they are marked correctly. All 5 stories I nominated for short list this week are showing as approved, meaning none of them are being considered for prizes. If you notice any discrepancies, please contact Isabella at reedsy. Thanks. Bet the puppy has worked through a few shoes by now. :-)


Rebecca Detti
16:41 Aug 30, 2024

Hey Trudy, lovely to hear from you. Yes I am still judging stories so have flagged to Isabella as all those I nominated for the short list are now approved. Good spot! Hope all well with you! The puppy is a chewing maniac:-) hope all well with you. Hoping to spend more time on Reedsy once my son is back to school. It’s been a long summer! 😊


Trudy Jas
17:52 Aug 30, 2024

If you give me your email I will forward what she sent me, since she may have gone home (or to the pub) by now. :-) puppies and little boys grow up. There are good things about that, and things we wish we could hold on to. Looking forward to read more of Becca's saga. :-)


Rebecca Detti
09:57 Aug 31, 2024

Thanks Trudy, it’s I know I need to savour as they won’t be so little soon. Hope you’re having a lovely summer. Speak soon😊


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15:52 Aug 13, 2024

You never know what you have, until you might lose it. Nice ending.


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Mary Bendickson
17:50 Aug 06, 2024

Lots of reality shining through. Fun look through eyes of 13 (and a half) -year-old.


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22:40 Aug 05, 2024

Such an innocent, honest (albeit tactless) 13 year-old. Well portrayed and a fitting style for the prompt. And it is true that they see themselves as older! I went though so much at 13 years and could be difficult and blurt out the wrong things at the wrong times. My father called me, "cantankerous." I identified with your MC. She is such an appreciative sweetie. Wish I had been.


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Alexis Araneta
06:12 Aug 04, 2024

Ah, being thirteen, it was...interesting. Hahahaha ! Lovely work !


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Trudy Jas
02:35 Aug 04, 2024

My eternal gratitude goes to Mother Nature because I don't have to be thirteen (and a half) ever again. Not that fourteen was much better, but ... How's the puppy? Does everybody still have complete pairs of shoes? :-) Thanks for liking 'Keep Waking'.


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