Fiction Funny Suspense


"Ugh, is it already 7:00?"

"Sure is, now get ready."


"Don't forget, after school is the Muri Ans."

"Oh, I didn't. Nor will I."

"Alright, well eat breakfast please, I must go to work and I'm already running late. Be home by 10:00 with your friends."

"Please make it 11:00? Jill and Noah are allowed to stay until then."

"No! At 10:30 the "Misapprehension" happens."

"It's not even real!"

"Enough arguing, I said no. I have to leave now. Love you!"

"Ugh, love you too mom."

"She is so annoying sometimes. I figure I could just run away..."

The day became brighter as the sun rose, and Annie began her trek to Evercrest Middle School. As she arrived, she noticed that two of her friends Noah and Jill motioned her over.

"Hey, Annie!"

"Hi, Jill."

"Why so down?"

"My mother said I could only stay at the festival until 10:00 because of the stupid Misapprehension. It isn't even real!"

"I've heard some scary tales about the Misapprehension though, Annie," mumbled Noah.

"Like what?" "All of it is just a dumb conspiracy to keep children inside so the other adults can have the food trucks and mazes to themselves. That's all.

"Um, Annie I myself can not be so sure." "Just because my dad said I'm allowed to stay out until 11:00, does not exactly mean I want to Annie."

"Jill, you aren't helping at all."

"I don't know how to help you then." "If you want to deny something people warn you about, don't as for help when the thing you deny comes around to haunt you."

"Well, whatever then y-"


"We'll see you in class Annie, Noah and I must get to Science class."

"See you I guess"

"Who is all going to the Muri Ans tonight?"

After Jill raises her hand with a few others in the room, the burning question is still swirling around inside of her head. Should I stay longer with my friends? or should I learn more about the Misapprehension? She decided before she went against her mother's rule, she would ask Mr. Rockens about the alleged Misapprehension.

"Mr. Rockens!"

'Yes Annie?"

"Do you believe the Misapprehension?" "The infamous tale that parents tell about the Muri Ans."

"Do I believe it?" "Of course, I know it's true since my friend had denied it himself, and decided to see what would happen if he stayed." "Sure enough, he never wanted to go back."

Of course, Mr. Rockens would say that, if he didn't, the parents would get him fired.

"Class dismissed." "Have a good weekend! and be safe tonight to those attending the festival!"

After the children flowed out of the school, Annie met up with the two others before walking home. First was Jill's house. Jill ran in and got dressed, grabbed some money, and said her goodbyes to her family. After Noah's stop, Annie collected her materials and was ready to head to the festival. The three of them walked to the Muri Ans around 4:30.

"It got cold tonight!" Exclaimed Annie.

"Not too bad, but surely not fantastic weather for April," uttered the other two.

After running around the festival for a few hours, and riding a few rides, Noah decided to leave around 9:30. Jill and Annie said their goodbyes as he stumbled away.

Just before 10:00, Jill had talked to Annie about how long Annie would be staying. Slightly later, about 10:20, Jill left.

Annie remained past the time her mother had said and had 5 missed calls from her mother, she was too afraid to hear her mom's angry voice.


"Annie? why are you still here?" "In 5 minutes, the Misapprehension is sure to happen, you must leave."

"I told you people already I believe nothing of it!"

"James looked down at his watch and sprinted away."

Annie was confused why she and two others were the only two left. She shrugged it off and continued her circling aroung the center where the festival was rumbling less than 6 minutes ago. Just then, she tried to check the clock on her phone, but nothing worked, and she had no service. Soon after, she began to feel dizzy and felt as if she was hallucinating.

"Help!" "Someon-" "Ple- ase" Her breath was running down, she began seeing colors, shades, glitter, and shadows as she began to collapse.

She had woken up shortly after on the grass. She smelled food but had seen nothing but what remained before she blacked out. No people, no animals, no performers. Just her hands, arms, and feet. She subsequently realized the importance of listening to her mother.

It felt as if she had been in this unescapable place for years. Sunrise, sunset. Day in, and day out. She cried almost every day, praying as if she could just go home, but the exit was gone. Only the grounds and tents where the festival lied, in reality, 9 years ago.

Days went on, and Annie began to feel hopeless. She knew there would never be an escape. She thought about her mom, how lonely she must feel. She thought about Jill and Noah, surely had graduated by now, and laughing at how stupid Annie had been.

Back in reality, Annies mom was sad, in fact, so sad she had lost her mind herself, she lost her job, and searched for her lost daughter day in, and day out. Annie felt guilty, but most importantly, discouraged.

She walked to a new side of the grounds on the day that happened to be April 30th, the same day as the festival. At the edge of the delusion, she had seen a mirror and noticed herself. She hadn't aged a day. Her mind was racing with the question, would she live here for eternity? All alone?

Instantaneously, her mother came through the mirror with a panicked look. They stared at each other for a second, then lunged into a hug. Annie felt no warmth, backed away, and noticed the mirror, nor her mother was there. She slumped to the ground and began to cry. Eternally cry.

May 09, 2021 02:32

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