Baby Watches Over The Nurse

Submitted into Contest #20 in response to: Write a story about a day in the life of a mother.... view prompt

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The makeup from last night’s shift still lies on my tired eyes. The distinct smell of hospital and old people rests in my greasy messy bun. I lie in my bed and reach for the phone on my nightstand. It was Wednesday, July 18th, 2019. I reread the date and tears filled my eyes. I rubbed my belly, wishing that I could still feel the hard kicks and uncomfortable squirms. My due date of my first baby girl was today. I looked over at the ultrasound sitting peacefully on the wall next to me, hanging by a pink thumbtack. The image put a fire in my heart and a river in my eyes. I was not looking forward to the twelve hour Emergency Room shift today. I just wanted to sleep. I wanted to be at the hospital but for a different reason, giving birth. 

I bent down and picked out my Winnie the Pooh scrubs from the bottom drawer of my dresser. They were slightly wrinkled but I did not care today. I walked into my bathroom and turned on all hot shower water. I reached my hand in to feel the temperature just to realize it was not hot at all. I sighed in despair, stupid hot water tank. I didn’t care enough. I stepped into the shower and let the cold water hit my face. The old mascara floated down the drain along with loose strands of hair as I took down my greasy brunette hair. My hair brushed the back of my neck and gave me a chill, more than the water did.

The soft towel wiped the water droplets and tears from my face. I didn’t even feel better. I couldn’t call in sick. I’d have half of the hospital staff at my house seeing if I was dead. I did not need people asking if I was okay today. I would instantly break down. I glanced at the clock. I needed to dry the tears and hurry up. 

The car ride to the hospital was long and quiet. I never turned on the radio the whole way there. I didn’t even remember driving there. My mind was focused on what life would’ve been like if I was giving birth today, what my baby girl would’ve looked like, if I never would have met Daniel. 

Daniel, the love of my life, in the past, was a 26 year old male, tall, tan colored skin, brown floppy hair, and the most beautiful and wicked smile I had ever seen. I met Daniel at a coffee shop on campus when I was taking nursing classes. I was sitting all alone my beautiful blonde curly hair resting on my back. My glasses were sitting on the edge of my nose as I studied for my final exam. Daniel walked in and gave his wicked smile. He was a business and finance major. He bought me a cookie crunch coffee and sat with me while I studied. We laughed and talked, it was such a splendid time with him. He was late to class so he slipped me his number and ran off. 

I hesitated calling him for about a week. I went to the coffee shop everyday since I met him, hoping he would come searching for me. One night, I got up the courage and texted him. He quickly responded. We stayed up until my first class talking about our future life. I felt as if I had known him for a lifetime. We met at the coffee shop the next day. We began hanging out everyday. Soon, what seemed like pure magic, turned to evil. 

I found out I was pregnant. I couldn’t tell Daniel. I was too afraid. We had only been talking for about a month. I had to tell Daniel though. I couldn’t keep this a secret. That’s where I made the biggest mistake. 

Daniel and I were at the coffee shop. I had a white bag with a blue bow sitting next to me. He kept poking at the bag, trying to guess what secrets it held. I handed him the bag and walked out of the coffee shop. I stood by the side glass watching his facial reactions. His face turned beet red. He opened his wallet and slammed a twenty on the table. Leaving the bag on the table as well. I wanted to run but my feet were stuck to the ground. My knees were shaking in fear. He flung open the door and put a tight grip on my right arm. He opened the passenger seat of his Ford and threw me in. He never said a word. 

We got to my dorm on campus and I only remember his two words, “Get out”. Those words beat in the back of my head. That was the last I thought I would ever see Daniel. I was very wrong. That was not the last of Daniel. 

Four months later, the day after I found out that my baby would be a girl, the worst thing imaginable happened. I had removed Daniel’s number from my phone. I was absolutely disgusted at how he reacted to the news. However, I got an apology text from him, saying that he wanted to be in the child’s life, if I was still carrying. I agreed I thought it was sweet. We meet at our usual coffee shop spot but Daniel wanted to go for a drive. The next thing I knew we were flying down the highway towards my hometown. It was mainly semi trucks surrounding us. I had asked Daniel to slow down but instead he jumped from the car. I didn’t realize what had happened until I was in the emergency room. Gladly, with nothing but a break in my left ankle and heartbreak, a total tragedy. 

A miscarrage due to instant traumatic impact caused by the accident. I was truly devastated. The pain in my leg never would amount to the pain in my heart. I never heard anymore from Daniel or about him. The police never followed up with information about him. I had cases of severe depression and anxiety. I dyed my hair brown in hopes if Daniel found me he wouldn’t recognize me. 

Fast forward two years later, even through my pain I still managed to finish college, get my degree, start a full time job switching between the Emergency Room and nursing home, I grew closer with my family, and got engaged. 

My twelve hour shift at the hospital finished. I didn’t drive home in silence. I turned on my radio and jammed to my favorite music. I smiled and laughed. I cried tears of joy. My baby girl was looking down over me and I knew it. On the drive home I had an idea. 

I got home and flung open my laptop lid. I began researching how to become a foster parent. I was so incredibly thrilled with the idea and looked into getting my fostering license. In my eyes, I'm still a mother. I’m going to be a new mother and I am so excited.

December 18, 2019 01:12

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1 comment

Craig S
01:14 Dec 26, 2019

I could feel the main character’s anguish. Well done. I feel like you rushed the ending a bit but I don’t really know how I would have written anything different so maybe that’s not very helpful... sorry. Good story.


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