
The moon, large and smooth, glowing with all its might to lighten the whole earth at night, some houses with excitement some with sadness. The same stood for a house near the lake, in that house lived a girl and her two parents.

She had no friends as all the children used to be busy with their mates, she never achieved good grades at school as she was not brilliant, and on top of all that, she had a haughty and cruel babysitter who used to come to her house every day as her parents went to work, it looked like she could never get happiness anywhere.

The story revolves around Rita a 13-year-old girl, as she discovers a mysterious object in her house that changes her life forever.

The morning was, as usual, the sun came up, the alarm rang, Rita jumped out of her bed, dreadful to go to that prison of a school, she glumly walked down the flight of stairs, skidded into the shower and then globbed all her breakfast.

It was 13 Dec her birthday, but still she had no one to wish her as always as her parents are out of town during this time and she had no friends, and it was out of the question for her baby sitter to wish her, it was just her.

She walked up towards her room to get a bag, just when she saw something shiny near it.

It was a bracelet made of diamonds, the shine made her smile, she kept it in her pocket and rushed to her bus as she was 15 minutes late and going to make a world record of missing her bus and arriving late for the 40th time, but when she went down she saw her bus arrive at the gate, she became happy.

"Sorry for the delay"apologized the bus driver "Our bus was out of fuel".

She quickly went to her seat and sat on it, thinking to herself that this was some good thing that happened after ages.

The bus reached the school quickly and she got ready to go out of the bus, just as she was about to leave the conductor and driver wished her Happy Birthday!!. She was so happy and delighted, she could not gather enough words to thank them.

"How did you'll know," she asked happily after thanking them.

"Oh, the thing is that, while we were refueling the bus we took out our list to find out, who all are the students we are going to get delayed for" said the bus driver.

"And also to check if there is an alternate route to reached you'll early, that time we, notice your birth date and realized today is your birthday" said the conductor.

"Oh thank you, you don't know how special you made my day" said Rita with that she got out of the bus towards her school feeling contented.

That was the happiest moment she ever had, with that she walked towards her class.

The first period was Science and the teacher entered the class.

"Good morning Maam" the children chanted.

"Good morning, sit down you all, do you remember the homework I gave yesterday"

Suddenly it hit Rita, she had totally forgotten about her homework like always and now she would be punished, so much for a great day.

"But Maam the homework you gave yesterday, there was a mistake ma'am, I couldn't find those page numbers you told" said Margret the smartest nerd of Rita's class and also teacher's pet.

"Really" the teacher looked astonished as she had never made a mistake in giving homework " Show me"

And she looked at the page numbers she gave with a raised brow.

"Oh sorry kids, this homework was actually for your seniors I must have made a mistake as I was busy yesterday," said the teacher "So don't need to submit it today"

Rita was so happy that she was about to jump from her desk, her day was going abnormally great, the bell rang the classes flew by until break time.

As she was used to sitting alone for a break, she did just that, as she was eating her lunch quietly four girls came by and sat next to her.

"Hi I am Emma" said the first girl.

"I am Elizabeth" said the second.

"I am Mary" said the third.

"And I am Donna," said the fourth.

"Hi I am Rita," said Rita astonished as nobody has spoken to her nicely and friendly before.

"We are new in this school and since we saw this seat free we came and sat here, I hope you don't mind," said Emma politely.

"Do you want to be our friend?" asked Donna.

"I would be glad to be your friend" spoke Rita happily and her heart kept racing as she never had friends before.

They kept talking and discovered that Rita is their neighbor, and they planned to meet up in the evening to play, to which Rita agreed hesitantly.

"Oh no, my babysitter would never allow me to go out" thought Rita to herself but she still agreed to go out with them.

Her school got over and she raced home, happy to meet new friends, this was the best birthday for her, when she reached her home there was nobody there.

She looked around the house for her babysitter to ask her whether she could go out, but not a soul in sight.

She hurriedly called the babysitters house, a servant answered the phone.

"Hello" said Rita.

"Hello is this Rita," said the servant.

"Yes" said Rita worriedly.

"Oh Great. I called many times to inform you that today our madam can't come to babysit as she is ill" said the servant.

Rita's heart did a somersault she put down the phone hurriedly and raced out of her house in excitement.

She met her friends at the fountain in the city's park where she had the best time playing. Then it became dark and they parted to go home.

Rita walked to her house wondering about the exciting day she had and wished all her days will be like that day.

When she reached the front yard of her home, she saw the front door opened and the lights were all off.

She panicked.

"Oh blimey, I should have checked the front door before going I wonder what must be stolen" she cried.

She gathers all her courage and walked towards her house she opened the front door and shouted "Who's there" just then the lights switched on and standing there were her parents with a large cake on the table.

"Happy Birthday my doll" said her mother coming to hug her.

"Our trip ended early and we reached today, wanted to give you a surprise, we saw you playing and thought about organizing this" her father said.

"Thank you, you are the best parents" she hugged them both and then they sang the birthday song and they ate the cake and order pizza and they danced on old songs.

Now it was time for going to bed, Rita dreadfully did not want this day to end. She slumped on her bed wonder about her usually amazing day when something hard poked her, she put her hand into her pocket and took the bracelet.

The whole thing hit her on her head, after getting this bracelet her whole day was lustrous, it was as if this bracelet had luck in it.

Her eyes fell heavy and she slept holding the bracelet all ready for the next day.

The sunrise woke Rita with a smile, she got up but couldn't feel the bracelet.

"Oh god where is my bracelet" she worried searching all over for it, but it was not there it was gone.

She felt gloomy and now thought her day won't be good again but something hit her again, it was 13 Dec on her calendar, the day this all happened.

So was it all a dream, she asked as she went down to eat her breakfast and boarded the bus on time.

Nothing happened nobody wished her a happy birthday but she was still happy.

She went to class and sat on her bench, the first period was Science, the teacher came in following by the chants of the students.

"Ok kids, I corrected your papers and now announcing the results," said the teacher " Any guesses who is in the first place"

"MARGRET!!" the whole class screamed.

This made Margret smile.

"Yeah I thought about that too but no, this time it's someone else" said the teacher, Magret's smile faded away.

"The topper is Rita" said the teacher.

Rita stood up astonished and looked at everyone's shocked faces.

Even the teacher was shocked.

"I guess the world is full of surprises," said the teacher "Rita come front"

Rita came and stood in front of the class proudly as everyone was looking at her.

During recess, many of Rita's classmates came to make friends with her.

"How did you top the class," said Magret.

"Lucky I guess" Rita smiled widely.

May 23, 2020 13:55

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Nicole Caldwell
16:19 Jun 06, 2020

I enjoyed your story and felt drawn in to your character. It has a nice set-up. I think shorter sentences could give it a little more punch.


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Margie Ricca
13:04 Jun 04, 2020

I enjoyed your story. It was whimsical and entertaining. The opening paragraph was very well written and grabs the attention. I do think you have a lot of extra long sentences and maybe break them up into shorter sentences alternating with longer ones. You could also try more showing and less telling. Please keep reading and writing in your genre. You are very good.


Sherwin Dsouza
08:41 Jun 05, 2020



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