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Yes! Finally a good song! At least I thought, Carol turned the radio station to a dumb overplayed song that everyone in the car has heard a million times. A good song, but I’ve heard it so many times. I’ve been in the car sitting back seat wedged against the window next to Carol and David’s two children for the past hour.

My wife and I have lived with them for the past nine years. On this particular vacation my wife couldn’t get the time off so she stayed at home to take care of our many pets.

I aspire to be a full time animal breeder so I am constantly purchasing new exotic animals to breed.

I’m glad she will be home to take care of my babies, although normally I prefer to stay home. After having lived with the same people for nine years sometimes having the house to myself is a vacation in its own self. I’d have optioned out of this vacation as well but Holly, David and Carol’s 12 year old daughter begged me to go.

Holly is actually my best friend (which says a lot about my social life). I just go to work and come home, that’s my routine. When you have a routine like that it doesn’t leave a lot of time for socializing.

My wife and I never had kids, I never wanted them. Oddly enough Holly and Alma seemed as close to children as my wife and I would ever get. Alma was close to my wife being that she was 15 years old and my wife was someone she could talk to and confide in.

Holly took to me, and together we went on many adventures around town. Holly was always very nice to me. She would give me anything she had, and I would never take it. I looked out for her and she looked out for me.

Needless to say, but I’m going to say it anyway... I went on the vacation with them. A three hour car ride from Baltimore, Maryland to Ocean City, Maryland. Luckily Carol had a big SUV we could pile into, yet once I was in it, didn’t seem nearly big enough...

Holly: I’m sitting next to Mr. Tim! (That’s me, I’m Mr. Tim)

Alma: Fine, but you’re sitting in the middle!

Holly quickly piled in the back and we were on our way, and now here I am. Sitting here trying to listen to the radio while Carol changes every song I like to something else. She has been doing it the past hour while my dead cell phone slowly charges on the front console charger. So looking out the window and imagining a creature is running next to the car hopping from trees to keep up with the car it is.

About another half an hour and its time to take a break, stretch our legs, use the restroom, etc. We all pile out of the vehicle, me first of course while the rest of the turtles slowly move out of the vehicle. I already went to the bathroom and washed my hands before the second person got out. (See? This is why I stay home. Typical nursery school when you travel with family) The first person I see is Holly as I walk out of the restroom...

Me: Hey kiddo! You want some snacks?

Holly: Of course best buddy!

Me: Okay, what do you want?

Holly: I don’t know. I want to look around.

That’s the usual, Holly looks around and eventually finds what I knew she would.... A chocolate bar with almonds and a half tea/half lemonade drink. I chose not to get anything, treats weren’t my thing unless it was gummy worms, and honestly I wasn’t in the mood. I walked out of the store with the thought that something bad was to happen soon. You know? That feeling when life goes good for five minutes and you wonder what is about to happen. Yeah, that feeling is what I felt.

Nothing bad happened and we drove amongst our merry way. That was until, it happened. Like they say all good things come to an end and sure enough they did. Another 15 or so miles after leaving the gas station is when it came. A Diesel tried to swerve on to a missed exit and tipped. Next in line was a Prius slamming into the cargo with excessive force before my party slammed into the Prius ejecting Carol and David onto the street. Death came quick, and just like that it felt like I was knocked unconscious. Only to wake in an old man’s office, not knowing where I was.

Old Man: Hmm... Tim. Would you say you’re a good person?

Me: I don’t know, maybe in certain instances.

Old Man: Interesting...

Me: What!?

I looked around the small little office and wondered why I was here and how I got here.

Old Man: Purchase greatness, that is something you can’t buy.

Confused I asked the question...

Me: What am I doing here?

The old man stared at me to the point of awkwardness before he spoke.

Old Man: You cling to life, as does another.

Me: Okay, what does that have to do with me?

Old Man: I can only save one, choose.

The old mans vagueness is beginning to wear thin on me.

Me: What are you talking about?

Old Man: Choose.

Me: Choose what?

Old Man: You or the girl. One must die, one must live.

I thought of all the times her and I shared together and asked...

Me: Will it hurt?

Old Man: You’re already here aren’t you?

Worried, I had some more questions...

Me: What happens if I choose to die, is there an afterlife? What is this place?

Old Man: There is nothing, this place is nothing, you are nothing.

I thought about the void and life itself and figured that if there is nothing than Holly won’t be angry at my decision and it really doesn’t matter what I choose.

Me: I choose myself to live.

The old man chuckled and said...

Old Man: That’s ironic. I asked the girl the same question and she chose to die in order to save you. I suppose unconditional love over looks flaws. Very well, its time for you to wake up.

I slowly came to in a hospital bed, and I hear a stranger say...

Stranger: He’s waking up!

I open my eyes to see my wife and a few hospital staff members gathered around me.

The doctor looks down at me and says...

Doctor: Ah, good! Now that you’re awake we can fit you for a custom wheelchair. Your paralyzed from the neck down but that doesn’t mean you can’t have a fulfilling life.

My choice was a mistake, but if Holly had to be paralyzed like me, perhaps I did something right for once.

The End.

August 14, 2020 20:13

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1 comment

Vineet Bhave
15:34 Aug 21, 2020

I genuinely liked the story!! Especially the part where he imagines someone running next to the car. I do that too. There were a few punctuation mistakes but nothing too major. Keep it up!!! Do read my stories if you get a chance


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