Drama Fantasy LGBTQ+

Sometimes broken people can read the world in a way that can’t be understood by so many. The world isn’t mean for them in the same way, and they realize that very soon. Mistakes happen and no one is free from making said mistakes, little or big. Some mistakes can be fixed and then there are the mistakes that can't be fixed no matter what you do, those mistakes can cost you so much more than you'll ever know. This is the story of a person that made a choice and that choice led to a mistake they can never undo. This is the story of Luke and how he broke his promise to death.

Once upon a time, when the world first experienced life it was brand new and beautiful, something about bringing new life into this world was important and needed. Life was never to end, never to be interrupted and yet there came the day that someone took the first life, and on that day death was born. Death was born of jealousy and rage, of vanity and sin but death is none of those things. Death cradled every soul that life gave them with care and respect, no matter how scared or angry that soul was. One day Life asked Death not to take the life of a young man, who was meant to for great things. Death had never of such an agreement but trusted Life and decided not to take the soul but let them live longer, with the only requirement be that they not fall in love.

The agreement was made, in the presence of Life and Death, Luke who had died from a tragic accident was now alive and ready to take on the world once again with the knowledge of what he was expected to do. Now Death kept up with the dying but always checked in on Luke to ensure that he abided by their agreement and lived to his life to the fullest with this second chance. Death would know of course should it ever be broken but their need to just watch and see how Luke lived his life and what he would bring to the world. Now Death had never questioned why Life wanted to extend this one soul mortal life, knowing he'd be back on earth one day after the cycle of his soul was complete. But it was just a single instances that would one day be forgotten.

One day as Death was checking up on Luke, Death saw Life and what could Life want with the life they saved? Death approached and Life spoke softly, almost in a whisper “I give life so that they may experience everything it offers, but to have everything but love seems to cruel.” Death stared at life, confused but didn't speak because there was nothing to be said, the soul and Life agreed upon this. Life turned to look at death and smiled “This isn't a problem, we all agreed I know this but the purpose of his return was to make the world better and it was needed now rather than later. In another life, maybe he can have the love he wishes for.” And while Death understood this and what it meant to humans to love, love was the quickest way back to Death. Life stared and Death finally asked “Love is a beautiful being, without doubt. But for his life to hold meaning he must not have it, should he, his choice will cost him dearly. I visit every so often to ensure that he doesn't break his promise.” Death disappeared after that statement and Life chuckled at their disappearing act.

Over the course of the next year, Death watch Luke, live his life and create the change and meaning Life wanted for him. Now Death knew that most people can love people without being in love but how long could Luke hold out, for he loved deeply and with all his heart and that of course would be the death of him. Over the course of the year after his initial death, Luke began to hold favor of someone who was a deep friend of his. Death worried over the implications of their relationship and wondered how this would affect Life plan for the world in a whole. Now while the whole future didn't rely on just this one person, he was a part of a bigger picture. Luke had become close again with his childhood best friend Damien and while they had rekindled their friendship they seemed closer than friends. Death didn't want to make any assumption but the human heart was an uncontrollable thing and that could be a dangerous thing.

Life stood in front of death, frown marring their face and arms crossed. “Death, I'm worried Luke's heart may fall in love, what happens if he does?” Death ponders the question and realized that this would become a situation of what could happen next. So Death explained; "Well, Luke would die, and upon his death after loving and being loved; it'll start a chain of events leading to the death of the one he loved the most. And he'll have to watch without being able to stop it. This will be his punishment for making the mistake of love when he no longer held his soul.”. Death knew that sounded cruel, but life comes at a price and for Luke this was his payment. Should Luke decide to love, then he forfeits his life and the life of his beloved. Life groan before disappearing into dust. Death decided to wait to see what would happen, after all this isn't a deal that Death needs to make sure stays together. 

Staring down at Luke, Death and Life could see Life plan falling apart as Luke started to fall in love. The months went from a chilly autumn to the cold weather of January and Luke and Damien had been growing closer over the course of the few months since they reconnected. Life shook their head and sighed before disappearing however Death stayed a little longer and waited until Damien had gone to bed before appearing Luke. Death watched Luke as he sat on the patio and drank a cup of hot chocolate. Luke didn't move his head or even show he had to acknowledge that Death had walked in but when he spoke Death realize he did know he was there. “I fell in love and now I am about to rain hell onto this man life because I couldn't stop my own heart, what can I do to stop this?”. Death simply shook their head and held out their hand for Luke to grab. “Death is final and you were living on borrowed time, because you loved and have been loved now you and that love will be together forever but in death.” Luke grabbed Deaths hand, and he died in that very moment.

~Week later~

Life stood in attendance of Luke and Damien funeral which took place on the same day in memory of both men. Life was proud of the outcome, of the lives changed in just a year and knew that as more life came into the world, the more changes would be for the earth and it's people. And although Life was proud of this they couldn't help but watch the families of both men and realize that what Death said was correct, love causes a chain reaction that affects more than the people involved. Luke's and Damien's death were suspicious but there was no evidence of foul play and it was supposed that they died mysteriously and it was left at that. But Life knew the families would never heal from this loss and wondered if their decision a year ago was worth the pain that was happening now, it's doubled if not more since last year's incident would have been. Death stood beside Life within a moment and hugged Life from the side “Their deaths was to restore the balance of borrowed time, but do not worry they are together in peace.” Life smiled and hugged Death back “Death, I'm glad that you are my counterpart in this cycle that we must see every day.” Together they disappeared from the funeral of the life changer and the love of their life.

December 01, 2020 03:25

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