
I grab some spools of yarn. Purple, green, pink, blue and red all go into my shopping cart. My hand hovers over yellow and orange. Do I really need this many colors? Not really but I grab them both anyway because the yellow is gorgeous sunshine color and the orange is the same color as a flame. I grab some knitting needles and head to check out. I stand in line and wait for the person in front of me to finish checking out. I take a peek at what they've bought. Beads and string. Next time I come here I’ll get some. 

“Hey, how are you?" A familiar voice says behind me. 

I turn around to see Veronica standing behind me in the line. I smile at her. I haven't seen her in ages. I give her a hug.

“I'm good, what about you? I haven't seen you in ages.” 

“I'm great, Yeah, what are you doing here?”

“Well I was just getting some stuff to knit with. What about you?”

She motioned to her shopping cart. It was full of cans of paint.

“I’m getting some paint. It was my daughters birthday last week. she's just turned ten so we are going to paint her bedroom as a surprise for when she gets back from summer camp.”

“That's really cool. What color?”

“She's been going on and on about how she's always wanted a blue and pink bedroom so that's what we're going to do. And what about you? Do you know how to knit?”

“Oh I don't know how to knit yet but I’m hoping to learn quickly maybe from a youtube video or even at the community center i heard they had knitting classes.”

“Yes I think they do. What are you going to make?”

“I think I will start with a scarf or a beanie, maybe do a sweater after that. I've always wanted to make my own sweater.” I was really excited about knitting. I think it would be a really great and productive hobby.

She peered into my shopping cart.

“Don't you think you should only get one or two colors to start off? It might take you longer than you think to learn. You might not even enjoy it. Isn’t…” She looked back down at the shopping cart and counted the spools of yarn. “Seven being a bit too eager?”

I frowned. “I don’t think so but maybe I should return the orange. It's not such a flattering color anyway.” I went and returned the orange.

“Well ok… but remember what happened with your other hobbies?”

My frown deepened. “I don't know what you're talking about.”

“Remember when you got into watercolors painting and you bought that really expensive set of colors and only used it once?”

“Yarn isn’t expensive at all.” 

“Yeah but that's not the point. The point is you're going a bit overboard Like when you took up horse riding and paid for all those lessons only to quit halfway through.”

“Horse riding wasn’t the right hobby for me.” I say. Though the real reason was that horse riding had been at the same time that my favorite show was on TV and honestly I preferred to watch it.

“Or when you bought the pottery wheel only to give it away the next week because you hadn’t even opened it.”

“I was… I was busy and didn’t have the time for it.”

“And how about the time you started piano lessons and stopped after the second lesson?”

“I was -”

“When you decided you were going to take up baking and bought those fancy piping tools? Amanda, do you really need all those spools of yarn? Is this something you're really going to do?”

“Yes.” I snapped. “My grandma used to knit and it reminds me of her.”

“Oh, I’m sorry.” Veronica went quiet and I felt bad for lying. I turned back around in line just as the woman in front of me finished packing her bags and walked out the store. I started unloading my things as the woman started scanning.

“I thought you were taking up drawing.”

“Err no.”

“Just last week you were in here buying pencils and sketching paper.”

“umm yeah but I’ve decided to do some knitting.”

“Do you know how to?”

“No, I am going to learn?”

“So then don't you think six spools is too much?”

I huffed. “Why does everyone keep saying that it's a lot? I already put one back.”

“Honey it really is a lot if you've never knitted before.”

“Fine, I'll go put some of it back.” I turn on my heel and walk back to the knitting section. I take the red, green, and yellow out of my shopping cart and put them back where I found them. As I was putting the yellow back I noticed a beautiful pinky orange color like sunset. I picked it up and placed it in my cart. Four isn’t too much right? As I'm walking back to check out I notice the bead sections and go over to it. I throw some string in my cart followed by some round beads in three different colors, some charms and some square beads in green. I walk back to the checkout line and take my place behind Veronica. She looks at my shopping cart and sighs, shaking her head at me. After I pay for my stuff I load it into my car and drive home. When I get home Mark is sitting on the couch. 

“What's all that?” He asks motioning to the bags in my hands.

“My new hobby.” I say enthusiastically hoping he'd share my excitement.

“I thought you were learning embroidery.”

“Not anymore.” 

He laughs. “Oh Amanda.”


“You really don’t see it?”

“See what?” I demanded.

He didn't say anything just chuckled some more. I got up and went to my crafts room and put my knitting and beading supplies away in my already overflowing cupboard and went to make dinner still wondering what he found so funny.

January 24, 2021 17:59

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- -
01:33 Jan 26, 2021

Me again, lol...While yesterday we were on the topic of cringy things our younger selves wrote, lol i was reminded of something....have you ever played those cringy games like the one with fake graphics and stuff.. (lol idk how to describe this, its so so bad....maybe loola or sites like that) I'm already cringing just from remembering it :(((


Maggie K
10:35 Jan 26, 2021

Umm I'm not sure what you mean but I don't think so


- -
10:39 Jan 26, 2021

Oh that's all right, I don't even know what I mean half the time lol.. how are you? hope you're having a good night/day :)


Maggie K
10:44 Jan 27, 2021

yeah day you changed you name!


- -
11:00 Jan 27, 2021

Yeahh, the fruit names slowly died down :)


Maggie K
08:47 Jan 28, 2021

haha lol


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03:06 Jan 30, 2021

Heyaaaa, how are you ? :)) what do you think about the new prompts?


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09:50 Jan 25, 2021

New thread here! What do ya wanna talk about?


Maggie K
09:51 Jan 25, 2021

Whatever. how many siblings do you have?


- -
09:53 Jan 25, 2021

lol depends, would you rather ummm, a rainy or a sunny day?


Maggie K
09:54 Jan 25, 2021

huh what d you mean? definitely rainy i love the rain


- -
09:55 Jan 25, 2021

lol nothing, ohhh same, does it usually rain where you live?


Maggie K
09:56 Jan 25, 2021

n0t that much but recently it's been raining a lot and its amazing


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- -
02:07 Jan 25, 2021

Heyy, how are you? Great story! lol reminds me of me. I like how you decided to end the story, it's simple and enjoyable to read. I actually tried to do knitting during quarantine, but that didn't work out. Hopefully embroidery will. How about you, what do you like to do in your spare time? I don't really leave too much constructive criticism, I'm currently learning how to write myself and I don't really want to give out bad advice(s?), but this part could use a comma; (I'm not sure, I might be wrong! Sooo sorryyy) “Oh I don't know how t...


Maggie K
08:25 Jan 25, 2021

Thanks it was really helpful I also kind of started embroidery and stopped so it was kind of inspired by me I also did horse riding but I didn't like the teacher so I quit. Thanks for your help!


- -
08:30 Jan 25, 2021

Ohh that's cool, is embroidery hard? I kinda wanna try....also how are you? Hope you're having a great day/night :)


Maggie K
08:51 Jan 25, 2021

I'm good and you? It's not that hard just takes time to get the hang of there are lots of different stitches as well but you don't have to learn them all.


- -
08:58 Jan 25, 2021

I'm great :) since the prompts are about hobbies, seems like a good time to ask what yours are... Lol how are you liking reedsy so far?


Maggie K
09:04 Jan 25, 2021

Well my hobbies aren't many I write and read a lot. I like to draw houses and paint nails which i do a lot like to much I'm always painting nails real or fake I have like a bunch of nail art stuff. Reedsy is really fun i like reading all the stories.


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RBE | Illustrated Short Stories | 2024-06

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