
"Congratulations!" my Grandfather shouted and gave her daughter a hug.

"Thank you Papa!" Mom beamed.

"Aren't you going to say something?" Nyla whispered.

"Hello." I said in a bored tone.

"Idiot." Nigel shook his head and snatch a piece of brownie from the table. 

Nyla gave me a small smile and held my hand.

"It's time for a new beginning,Niamh." she said.

I didn't say anything. I felt like I was still in a dream. Everything happened so fast I haven't even had a time to brush my hair or paint my nails.

"Look at them,they look so happy." my younger sister muttered.

"What are you trying to imply?“

"That you should be happy for them too."

My brows immediately furrowed on that thought.

"Our mother just married a man the same age as our older brother. What you'd think people might say?" 

"I don't care about what other people might think or say,I only care about mom's happiness." Nyla stated.

"Of course." I said and laughed sarcastically.

Why can't she understand how I feel? Our dad just passed away a few weeks ago and now his wife is married to another man. Did they even feel a single ache from what just happened?I don't think so.

"Niamh,tell your daddy dinner is ready." mom said

It's been 5 days since Jake settled here in our house and everyday,my mom keeps on insisting to consider him as my new father. I haven't talk to her

"He's not my dad." I hissed and stood up.

I walk quietly and went towards the master's bedroom. Before I could even raise my fist to knock,I heard a voice spoke so I decided to listen.

"Tomorrow would be another remarkable day for a member of my family." 


"A big surprise."

"Film it."

I heard a loud laugh before the room went silent.

"Jake! Dinner's served!" I shouted and went back to the dinning room.

A big surprise? Really?

The next day,I was really excited to go home to give my younger sister a new dress that I bought for her.

"Nyla I'm here!" I shouted.

"She's still not home." Nigel said and poured some orange juice on his glass.


"They went out to watch a movie." he explained.


"Yeah together with mom and Jake." 

So I'm guessing Nigel doesn't want Jake to be a part of our family too. That's cool.

"Oh,okay." I grinned.

I was about to take a walk outside when I heard the door opened.

"Nyla!" I immediately went towards her and hugged her tightly.

"Go away." she whispered.

I slowly released her and placed both of my hands on her shoulder.

"Are you okay?" I asked.

"I think she's sleepy." mom said. "It was a long and tiring day."

I smiled shyly and handed Nyla a paper bag. She really looks exhausted and her eyes were still swollen like she just woke up from a 12-hour sleep and still needed more.

"Nyla!" I called.

I made a few knocks and it took a while before the door opened. 

"What do you want?" she asked in a bored tone.

"I just finished baking!" I giggled and show her a tray full of cookies.

"I don't like it."

"But it's your favorite." I chuckled.

"I said I don't like them,didn't I?" Nyla snapped.

My smiles faded as I stare right through her eyes. I know how to read someone else's emotion and all I could see within her is pain.

I placed down the tray at the top of a table near me and held her right arm. "Nyla."

My eyes widened when she pushed me back. I winced when I felt my body ache from the impact I received.

"Leave me alone!" she screamed at the top of her lungs and slam the door in front of me.

I blinked twice before standing up. I couldn't believe what just happened. This was the first time my younger sister shouted at me. Before I could even say anything, I already felt the tears rolling down my cheeks.

"I'll always be here for you." I whispered and ran to my room.

Something's not right and I need to find it out as soon as possible.

"Mom!" I called out.

"Yes sweetheart?" she wiped her hands with a clean towel before leaning to gave me a kiss.

"I think we need to take Nyla to a psychiatrist." I said.

"I don't think that would be necessary." Jake suddenly spoke behind her.

"Are you even my mom?" I hissed.

Jake smirked at me before sitting in a chair.

"That's out of our monthly budget." Jake said.

"He's right, what makes you think she needs one?" my mom chuckled.

"Have you seen her movements these past few days?" I asked,not leaving my eyes on Jake.

"No." she answered.

"It's because you don't care." I said nonchalantly.

"Niamh?" I could clearly hear the confusion in her tone when she called me.

"You heard me right,it's because you don't ca-" before I could even finish,my mom slapped me so hard I took a step back.

I glared at the both of them before heading back to my room. I opened my cabinet and grab my wallet. When I returned,they were both talking in hushed voices. I threw my wallet and it slid right in front of them.

"500 bucks and two debit cards." I growled. "Set an appointment tomorrow morning." I demanded and left them dumb founded.

I was about to walk past Nyla's room when I decided that maybe I should talk with her. 

"Nyla.." I spoke.

I knocked on the door a few times but she won't open it. I knew she was there,I could hear her sobbing and that made my heart shatter into pieces. 

"Nyla,talk to me." I pleaded.

There was no response but I don't want to give up.

"You told me we wouldn't keep a secret and now you're here,ignoring my presence." I whispered and let out a heavy sigh.


The door opened and I immediately hugged her tightly. I thought she might push me away again like what she did before but she didn't moved at all. 

"Nyla,please tell me everything." I said when I finally let her go.

She wiped her tears away before taking my hand and letting me inside her room. She locked the door and sat on the floor. I sat beside her and caress her cheek.

"Do you remember the day when I didn't go to school because I was sick?" she asked all of a sudden.

"I do." I answered.

That was the day when mom and Jake took her out for a movie. Also the same day Jake said he'd have 'a big surprise' which didn't happen at all.

"I was here in the room reading some books when someone knocked. I opened it and saw Jake carrying a tray. I let him in so he placed the tray on the table. He went towards the door and I thought he was going to leave but instead he locked it." she cried. "He locked the door and pushed me." 

I felt like my heart stopped beating when I realized what she had just said. 

"He.." my voice trailed off.

Nyla nodded and cried even harder. "He took advantage of my weakened physical state." 

"Why didn't you tell me?" I asked softly.

"He told me he will kill all of us if I even say a single word about it." Nyla answered.

I wipe my tears away and hugged her tightly again. 

"Please don't tell anyone." Nyla whispered.

"I won't." I said.

I gave Nyla a kiss before letting her go. She leaded me out of her room and smile before closing the door. I walk towards my room and took my phone out.

"I'm sorry,Nyla." I whispered before calling a number.

It was a minute past nine went I heard sirens of a police cars outside. I immediately went out and I saw Jake being handcuffed by four policemen. My mom kept on crying while grabbing her husband's arm and I was still there,standing near the corner, watching them. Nyla went towards us with eyes wide open while Nigel's taking random pictures,obviously enjoying the scene. Nyla began to cry and hugged me tight.

That was the moment I knew we were all safe now.

July 24, 2020 16:42

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09:46 Jul 31, 2020

Hey, I got your story for the critique cycle and I'm just going to tell you what I think. I'm new to this myself so I may give the best advice but here goes nothing. It's a nice story but it could've been executed better. I spotted some grammar errors, so go through your story again cause you may have missed them. I do too, so many times, even when I go over my story thrice, I still end up missing some of my grammar mistakes which I then spot later on, so just go through it again. Also, after a comma it's better if you space and then writ...


11:29 Aug 01, 2020

Thanks for the constructive comments really appreciate, It is my first time to send an entry and writing a story is one of my hobbies though only now was able to write again hoping to enhance my skills in writing some stories. Thanks again for sparing your time to write a comment towards my story. Have a great day ahead.


13:59 Aug 01, 2020

No problem I'm glad I was of help. I too am also still learning a lot and hope to improve. I'm certain that when u continue to write you will also improve tons. I hope u have a great day too.


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