The Christmas Wish Lists.

Submitted into Contest #19 in response to: Write a short story about someone based on their shopping list.... view prompt



Christmas is fast approaching and with it comes holiday cheer. Everyone is in a happy mood, looking forward to Mom’s cooking and the presents under the tree. Some of us still believe in Santa. Some don’t. But we are still asking for those things we want, and putting them on our Christmas wish lists. We don’t really care who gets it for us. Just so long as we get it.

Every Christmas, I notice that some people think that our wish lists say something about who we are. A fellow teacher and I wanted to test this theory. For Christmas, I had the children in my year three class write Christmas wish lists to give to Santa. She did the same for her year eight high school class – all of whom no longer believe in Santa Claus.

These are just a few of the wish lists for Mrs. Jeff’s Year three class.

Dear Santa.

I was naughty yesterday. I gave my sister her first wedgie. She is two years old. I wish they left her at the hospital. I guess that means you won’t give me any presents. That’s what my sister said would happen. I think you should get her new underwear because I ruined hers.

From Darren.

Dear Santa,

I am always nice. Today I gave away my cookie because it didn’t taste good. I gave it to my friend. She liked it. I gave it because I want something from you. I would like a new doll, please. Like I said, I’m nice. Just ask my friend. She has chocolate all over her face.

Love Jenny.

Dear Santa,

I’m asking for good grades because I don’t like school but my father says I won’t get a job without school. So, I thought if you would get me good grades for Christmas, that would solve my problem and make my Dad very happy. If you want, you could get me good grades for Dad’s Christmas present, then I can get a new toy race car that I wanted from the toy shop.

Thanks, James.

Dear Santa and Mrs. Claus,

I’m asking to return my present from last year for two presents this year. I don’t want my doll anymore. Instead I would like two new toys. Surprise me. (No books and no puzzles, please.)

Thanks and lots of love,


Dear Santa,

I’m asking you for magic beans. I want to trade them for something else that I want. My friend has a cool new skateboard. I want his skateboard but since he already has one, maybe I can just have his.

Thanks, Peace out!


Dear Santa Claus,

I know that my friends are asking for dolls. I want my doll to be better than theirs.

Thanks! Nancy.

Dear Santa,

My older brother told me I won’t get anything because you aren’t real. I want you to prove him wrong by getting me a very big present this Christmas. Maybe you can check his wish list and give me whatever he wants. That would show him.

Thank you, Santa!


Dear Santa,

My name is Lucas. I don’t know what I want for Christmas. Just get me whatever is left in the toy store. (be prepared to spend a lot.)

Thank you,


Dear Santa,

I’m Denise. My Mummy said that if I was nice you would get me whatever I want. I want a puppy. He has to be funny, purple and have a red nose. Thank you for my present!


These were just a few samples of how creative the kids got when they were asking Santa! The following wish lists were written by high-schoolers for Mrs. Sauvin’s Year eight class.  

Dear Santa,

I stopped believing years ago. I know you aren’t real. But Dad, if you are reading this, I want a new car.

Thanks, Steven.

Dear Santa,

My teacher asked for this letter. If you do exist, you owe me presents for the last five years.

See you,


Dear Santa,

If you are going to get me a present this year, I want something amazing. Think a car, jewelry or designer gear.

Thanks! Alice.

Dear Santa,

I am the eldest in my family. My siblings keep stealing my makeup. I would love some repellent that will make them stop. Or new siblings who don’t steal from me and ruin my makeup collection.

Cheers! Susan.

Dear Santa,

My kid brother keeps taking my clothes and stuff out of my room, so that I can’t find them. I would like you to take my brother with you, so I only have to see him on holidays. He is so annoying. You’ll get on great!

Thanks man!


Dear Santa,

Mom told me you aren’t real when I turned eight. She said that she and Dad ate the cookies and drank the milk. If you do exist and you got me such crap presents because there were no cookies, blame them and get me something good this time.



Being the nosy teachers we are, we read every letter. Some made us laugh, others made us cringe. Through each letter we felt each child’s personality – not everyone believed, and that was just part of the fun. We gossiped over a glass of wine and added a letter each from ourselves (probably helped by the wine).

From Mrs. Jeff, the primary school teacher:

Dear Santa,

I wish that I would get a pay rise. I really deserve it. These kids put me through hell and back every year. As much as I love them, I think that I am underpaid.

Thank you, Mrs. Jeff

And from Mrs. Sauvin, the high school teacher:

Dear Santa,

These kids have made me age prematurely. I can’t afford Botox on my salary. Is there anything you can do?

Thanks a bunch! Mrs. Sauvin.

We put all the letters together and postmarked them North Pole, Santa Claus. A month later, the kids all got what they wished for. The teachers also got what they wished for. Next year, everyone wants to write again, this time for bigger, better things that their parents won’t buy them. The moral of this story is: wish for the things you can’t afford, that your parents won’t buy you. You just might get it.


December 06, 2019 23:02

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