
The Day started as it always did, I woke up and went to see if Jack was awake. 

Jack Is my owner and he is the best Owner in the world. 

Why is he the best you ask? Well Do you have an Owner who is as cool as Jack? I don't think so. 

Well Today Jack is still not awake, something that has happened a lot these last couple of days, but that is okay Jack is home a lot more then he ever is so I am happy, he must be really tired as he sleeps a lot and doesn't respond to me barking hello at him. 

But that has to be because the people in the box kept talking about this big thing happening and people no longer waking up. But Jack Always wakes up, That’s how great he is.


This last week or so Jack has been around more, He used to go out to what he calls work, a lot. But every once in a while he would be home a lot and take me places. 

Last time he was home this long, we went on this big trip, we did not just go by car, I like Car rides, But no we went into this big metal thing that made lots of noise. 

I had to go in a cage with other dogs, I did not like the cage, But the other dogs were amazing, we all talked about how we were and how great our owners were, but Jack was far the best amongst them, and I could tell the other dogs knew this too. 

There were also some cats, but who believes them anyway?

So after that long trip, we went to the beach. I love it there, all the sand and the water, swimming is fun, did you know how much fun swimming is? Jack Knows so he threw the Frisbee, The coolest Frisbee ever, Into the water a lot so I could go and swim after it. 

We spent a long time there and afterward, we went to this big place with a lot of people, and Jack had told this snooty man behind a desk that I was his support Animal, and after saying that and showing the man some papers Jack got to take me with him into the big building. It all smelled so nice, even the bathtub Jack put me in to clean me off. I Never understood this, sand was good, it makes me feel great, so why would he wash it off me? Ah well it doesn’t matter. 

I loved the Trip it was also Where Jack Met Emily, she is nice too, Even though she sometimes steals time, so that Jack and I cannot hang out as much. I have not seen Emily come by in a while though. Maybe it's because of what the people in the box spoke about.


Emily came by more and more and at times even took me out walking when Jack was away, Something that happened often making me wonder if he had Left me With Emily, but he came back every time and made me so happy. 

See I told you Jack was the best, even though I am no longer allowed on the sofa or the bedroom when she is there.  

That is why it is so great that Jack is home a lot now, There has been no Emily and he is once again allowing me to lay on my blanket, The best one I have Because Jack bought it, On the sofa. 

Now That I am back in the kitchen I see that my bowl is still empty, Jack will Wake up soon and give me my breakfast when he has his own, When Emily is not here, he even shares his breakfast with me, Nice tasty bacon. 

Emily always tells him not to because I am “Too Fat already” Is that why she takes me when she goes running? I mean I Like running but id rather Run in the park and not on the street. 

So for a while not Jack has been home a lot, But it is not vacation time yet as we did not go to other places, just a quick walk around the block. 

The last time Jack did not wake up early to go for a walk, his face looked bad like he had not slept at all, He had been spending so much time with me that week, He had even taken time off from work for it. That was nice of him. 

We went to all the best places, we went to the beach, not the one where he met Emily but still the beach, and we played a lot of games. He even gave me great food, Like steaks, I like Steaks.

Still, Jack Looked a little sad when we played, it never occurred to me why, but seeing how he has been laying in bed for so long, not responding to me makes me worry for him a little bit. 

Know what will cheer him up, Going for a walk, Walking Witch Jack always cheers me right up. I will go get the leash and his shoes and place them by the bed, so when he wakes up he will see them and take me on a walk and be happy. 

But first Jack needs to wake up 

Someone is at the door, I have to tell jack That there is someone at the door. I start barking, to Wake up JAck, he has to know there is someone at the door. I can hear the doorbell, Jack must also be able to hear it. Why is Jack not waking up? I bark, I bark loudly, Jack has to wake up. I hear a key going into the lock, Jack Come on Jack Wake up, I bark Again, Louder this time, usually Jack would have made a sound, stood next to me and placed his hand on my head telling it is okay, but he is not, he is still in bad, and I can see the door opening. 

Emily Is stepping through the door, and she goes straight to the Bedroom, Good she can wake up jack. “Why is she holding a box? And why is the box moving? 

I get closer to her but she ignores me. As she lays her hand on Jack's shoulder I see him move, He turns around and looks at her, not even me. 

He has been crying, why has he been crying? Did Emily make him Cry? 

As I look at Jack and see he is sad I know what to do. Walks always make me happy, as I go to the living room to get his shoes and the leash to cheer him up, something is off. 

A man is sitting in Jacks Chair, I growl at him, He is not supposed to be here. There is not supposed to be anyone in Jack's chair, Maybe me, but not some strange-looking man. 

As I look at the man and growl at him he smiles at me, or at least I think he is smiling, as his entire face seems to be one big smile. 

I have to tell Jack about the man, but when I want to leave the room, the Strange man calls my name. 

“It Is Time to go Buster” he says, Time to go? Why? I live here, this is my house. 

Suddenly a small dog darts in walks to my bowl, My Bowl. Emily follows shortly after, she ignores the strange-looking man and put food in my bowl. I walk over to growl at the small dog, but…It doesn't respond. 

Then I see Jack, Finally, he is out of bed and ready to tell the strange-looking man to get out of his chair and to take me for a walk, But Jack Walks past me and the strange-looking man. Tears stream down his face as he looks at the small dog and kneels. 

“I appreciate what you are doing for me Emily, but this little thing can never replace Buster”

Why is Jack talking about replacing me? Is he so mad at me that I ate that cake? I can make it up to him, we go out for a walk and I can get him a nice big stick People like sticks don’t They? 

The Strange man once looks at me again and slowly gets to his feet, Good at least he is out of jacks chair now. He looks at me “Its time to go Buster.”

This cant be has Jack sold me to this man? All over a cake? I can get him a stick or better yet a dead squirrel. 

I don't want to go, I have to stay here, stay with jack as he is my friend, my best friend and I am his. 

I walk to Jack to lick his hand, but he doesn't notice. Why isn’t he noticing? 

I feel the strange man's hand on my head and for the first time realize the man smells of bones. It is a quick scent, it is followed by the scent of the beach, and not the beach close by, no the beach we went to before. As I look up there is a door open in the Living room, Which is strange as there is no door supposed to be there. 

As I See through the door I see the beach and the frisbee Jack ost. I bet if I get him that one back He will like me again. I run through the door, to get the frisbee. 

As I Grab the Frisbee and turn around there is no longer a door there, there is still the strange-looking man, He pulls something from his pocket and looks on it. “He should be here right about now” The moment the Strange man closes the thing, I think I heard jack once call a pocket watch, I see Jack. He looks older, Much older now but it is him, I can smell him. 

As he looks at me he kneels and smiles. “Is that you Buster?”I lick his face as he pets me, I have missed him. Jack stops me licking his face and looks at the Strange man. 

“Has He been a good boy those last 12 years?” Jack asks. 

The Strange man nods his head. 

“He Has been the best, and I think he has a gift for you”

The end.

March 27, 2020 17:40

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A. A. Thakre
10:47 Apr 03, 2020

The story is good and expressions are great. You need to work on typos and paragraph spacing as they are all over the place. A good presentation is also important as the story, Mark. Please invest some time in editing as well.


Mark Krijgsman
12:54 Apr 03, 2020

English is my 2nd language so I use a ton of programs to help me write :) Sadly they don't help with all, so I am trying my best to write and edit on time for submission. Iw ill try to look into editing more, or get some one to help me there :)


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