Teens & Young Adult

There was a loud bang! We all ran inside the Baker Family Bakery, located in San Diego California.  as we went back to the kitchen, we saw the table where we had our ingredients. “Oh No”, Bethany gasped, all the ingredients aware scattered and worst of all  the most secret of all the secret ingredients was stolen. That secret ingredient is toenail clippings of everyone from the family that have been aged for years and years in a nice wine bottle, but lost everything.  We called the police to have them come investigate, they checked the cameras, “we got nothing”, said the cop as the day went on nothing was found. The mood in the baker family was ruined for the day, until they got a note slipped under the door. The Note was a very suspicious note. The Baker family was scared. They had no idea who wrote that or where it came from. They didnt know how it got there or how whoever put it there knew who they were. The whole situation was just a little bit suspicious. The note read “Look in the fridge”. We looked in the fridge and saw nothing, and went into other drawers and cabinets to look and we found nothing. Bethany, who is the sister of the family, gave the note to the cops. The cops thought it was suspicious and were very worried about the Bakers safety. The cops started asking the family questions about friends and other family. We explained that we have friends that have been very jealous of our success. The names of the couple are Joe and Jess. The cops called them in for questioning. They asked questions such as where they were the night of the crime, and how they know the family. Joe responded by lying, and Jess was too nervous to answer and kept her mouth quiet. As they interviewed the cops started to quickly realize that not only did the Couple steal the famous Bakeries secret ingredient but they might have also committed a crime that is much much worse than anyone could have ever imagined.

 The Cops went back to the Bakers and asked the family questions about if other family members have gone missing in the past, everyone in the family responded with doubt. No one knew of anyone that was missing but that was until the Cops brought up the father of the family who was on a business trip promoting the Bakery all over the country. The family realized he had not been home in weeks, and they grew worried. The cops started to explain the issue, how Joe who was being questioned by the police had said something about the father, and how the cops think that the father could be in danger. The family started into a panic, and they began to fear that their father had been killed or taken. No one knew how to react. Joe knew he had been found out and feared for his wife, so he packed up all of their things and went on the run. As the Couple began to travel, the Bakers were pressing charges and trying to figure out what they can do to find their father. As time went by they began to worry more and more, until one day. Weeks after the night the couple broke into their home bakery, they found their dad in the woods dead. The family was shocked and knew right away what it was from and what happened. They were all sick with the thought of it. They alerted the police. As the police arrived at the scene they already knew who it was, all they needed to do was find Joe and Jess. 

Joe and Jess are not the smartest people so they left behind tracks of them, and after a week of looking the police knew where they were. They traveled from San Diego to Phoenix Arizona in a matter of just a couple weeks, but the good news was that they were located and caught, Evidence was stacked against them. The Police broke into their hiding spot, found them, and placed them under arrest. The police took them in for questioning. They confessed to stealing the secret ingredient and to the killing of Mr. Baker. No one knew why they killed him, that was the big question, and the Bakers wanted to know but didn't know how they would find out. They started individually asking but eventually, that got shut down. After a couple days in custody, Joe and Jess wanted to talk to the Bakers. When they talked to the Bakers they explained what they did, and when asked why they answered. They said that the reason they killed their father was that without them knowing, the reason the Bakers were so successful was that Mr, Baker stole money from Joe and Jess. The Bakers were very confused but they had their answers they were looking for. 

As we rewind back to the night of the crime, we realize that who broke into the bakery isn't who we thought. It wasn't Joe or Jess, it was their father trying to warn them. He ran into the kitchen and made a loud noise to make the family aware because Joe and Jess were gonna kill the whole family, the secret ingredient was already stolen days before, and no one ever realized. When the Bakers found that out they were really hurt and thought they could have saved their dad. They wanted nothing but for the Couple that caused all this pain to spend their lives behind bars. After months of trials and going through courts they finally got the result they were looking for. Joe and Jess were sentenced to life in prison and the BAkers were very happy. They were the happiest with the peace of getting closure from the killers themselves. Their story was shared all around social media, and that drove people to their business. They proceeded to be very successful and make lots of money as their life went on and they lived Happily ever after.

December 11, 2020 04:29

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