

No matter how many times they warned us, there was still a nagging feeling to go into the woods. To ignore their pleas, and walk in the dark forest. My friends and I knew about the lost children and the dead bodies. There were times when even my gut told me to never go near those woods. But, that nagging thought-that voice- that desire- never left us. 

It happened last summer. It was our last summer before high school(or as a kid), and we wanted to spend it doing fun, exciting things. We all knew this was our last weekend of really being carefree kids. Each week leading up to this, we’ve spent pranking, playing, really just being children. We only had one more day before summer was up, so we decided to have a mini party at a nearby bowling alley. Winterville wasn’t near much. No mall, or trampoline park- just a few ma and pa stores, a movie theater, and a little bowling-alley. We already did most in that small town — everything except bowling. So the three of us planned a fun day at the bowling alley. It was only a few blocks from my house, three from Tommy’s, and two from Rob’s. It was close, so I still don’t know why we never arrived...and why we were never found. It’s not like we left town. We were always there. There, in the woods. In the eerie, sinister woods.

“Where is my son?” My mother had asked the bowling alley manager after it had been a few hours past my curfew. 

Of course, the manager didn’t know because we never even got there in the first place.

A few hours later, each of our parents were all over the city, trying to find us. All of them, though, knew we were probably in those woods. But they didn’t dare to believe. They were too afraid. Why would their children go into the woods after being told the dreadful danger?

Rob and Tommy met me at my house so that we could walk to the bowling alley together. Our parents were working, and none of us had extra money for a bus. I just wish it didn’t have to be at my house. The woods backed up to my backyard, behind a fifteen-foot fence. I still can’t remember how we made it over that fence. I don’t remember much of that day, really.

We were about to leave when I heard a whisper coming from behind us. We all heard it.

“Help,” the whisper cried.

At first, I thought it might have been coming inside of the shed behind my house. But as we went to explore, we found it wasn’t coming from the shed at all. It was coming from the woods. 

And everything after that… was a blur. 

The next thing I knew, I was standing in the middle of the sinister forest. The screaming silence pierced my ears. Winter’s coldness seemed unforgiving below the towering trees. I could feel my heart pound like a million slamming drums. I was breathing so fast that it felt like I wasn’t breathing at all — a blanket of fear wrapped around me, causing me to tremble to my very core. I wanted to yell. I wanted to cry- to stop the weighing silence. But something was controlling me. I couldn’t speak, move- I couldn’t even think without it being an effort.

Was I dead? Was this the afterlife? Where are Tom and Rob? I had no answers to my fearful questions.

I used all my strength and power to look around. My eyes were stinging as if on fire. I moved my head slightly to the right. 

Endless woods as far as the eye could see. I started to feel trapped. I was afaird. I felt cornered and claustrophobic. Slowly, with all my might, I turned my head to the left. My body stood still, not moving with my command. 

And there stood that woman. She wore a cape as red as blood, covering her whole body-- but leaving her pale white face to see. She had brown hair that went down to her waist. Her nails were long and curled at the tips, like a crow’s. A white wolf sat next to her, staring at me. He showed his sharp canines with a low growl. During that moment I wanted to run. But the woods made me stay. The woods glued me to the ground. I was no longer in control of my life. The woman patted the dog’s head, then moved her gaze to me. She was truly beautiful. Flawless. But I couldn’t help but be scared of the young woman. Her soft face had a haunting glow, and I was blinded by it.

I heard yells coming from behind me. They belonged to Tommy and Rob. I was relieved, but all the while terrified. Chills ran through me, running up my neck. Their screams were full of pain. 

I stared at the red-caped woman. A smile formed on her face. It was a pleasant smile — the kind my mother would give after I did all my chores. I should have felt comforted by this. But there was a layer of evil painted on her lips.

The screams grew louder. I realized they were coming from above me. 

Somehow, I unlocked my gaze from the woman and craned my neck to look up. 

My two friends were hanging from a tall branch by their ankles, crying mercy. They were telling me something, I think. 

The woman began to laugh. Louder and louder. She overpowered their screams. Her laughter was stronger than the silence. 

I looked back at her. But she wasn’t there. All of a sudden, the sky was the ground- and the ground was the sky. I was upside down. I could feel the blood rush to my head. I could feel my ankles tied together with ropes. I must have been a hundred feet off the ground. My friends were to my right, still crying. How could they speak? Were they not under the same spell I was? I looked up(down) and saw the woman and the wolf staring back at me. Then, I found the strength to scream.

Our parents had warned us not to go into the woods. They said those who go in never come out. I always believed them. It wasn’t my fault I ended up in there. Neither was it my friends’. I guess I blame the woods. The desirable, eerie, sinister woods. It’s more than ‘don’t go into the woods’. It’s ‘don’t go near the woods’. Or it’ll swallow you whole.

The End

November 21, 2019 20:42

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Natasha Arnold
18:13 Nov 27, 2019

Oh my goodness, goosebumps! :o


Kaitlynn Flint
18:18 Nov 27, 2019

Thanks!!! Happy Writings, Kait


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Babbs Davis
04:09 Nov 28, 2019

Hello, Kaitlynn, Your first paragraph--nay, the very first sentence grabbed my attention and compelled me to select your story to read and offer a critique. The second paragraph was disappointing. Many redundancies and needless information that did not contribute to the main storyline. And you spoiled the horror and the surprising elements in the story by giving away the ending.("I don't know why we never.....") Paragraphs 3,4, and 5 relate events occurring after the boys' disappearance and then, in paragraph 6, you revert to t...


Kaitlynn Flint
22:28 Nov 28, 2019

Thank you for taking the time to critique my work :) I appreciate your honest eye. I am grateful people are reading my stories! I will be sure to include some of your suggestions in my future works! Happy Thanksgiving!!! Happy Writings, Kait


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Yoomi Ari
16:40 Nov 26, 2019

Literally the best only horror story I’ve ever liked - normally I don’t even like horror stories, I’m too much of a scaredy-cat. LOL! I can even imagine this being a film. Great imagery and takes you on a characters mindset.👏👍


Kaitlynn Flint
15:34 Nov 27, 2019

Thank you, Mariyam Ghafar! That is so nice! You just made my week!!! Happy Writings, Kait


Yoomi Ari
17:53 Nov 29, 2019

Glad to have


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Jen Flint
12:53 Nov 26, 2019



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