A New Path to Redemption

Submitted into Contest #54 in response to: Write a story about someone looking to make amends for a mistake.... view prompt




*TW: references to rape*


Danny… Mission control to Daniel Wilson… hey… Danny!”


Huh? What… what happened?


My eyes refocused to the sound of laughter. I looked around and saw kids staring… and laughing… at me. Up front, Mrs. Garcia stood there, hands on hips, glaring at me.


Ah… sorry?” I don’t know what to say. The laughter continued.


Wait… Mrs. Garcia? My senior-year Mrs. Garcia?


Then it hit me.


Teacher, kids, familiar faces… this IS my senior year class. Is this a dream? What’s going on?


The last thing I remembered was… me… hotshot CEO of my own company… addressing… no… shouting at the Board. Then I saw their distraught faces as I clutched my chest, succumbing to the horrific stabbing pain. Their concerned (or was it smirking?) faces were the last things I saw. Then everything went black.


Glad you’ve returned from your reverie, Mr. Wilson. Now pay attention!” Mrs. Garcia continued her lesson about something I vaguely remembered.


Why am I here? How is this possible? I looked around and saw everyone’s faces. Is this real, or is this just a dream?


Did I die?


Wait! I turned around and looked at one particular seat… her seat.


It’s her! She’s… she’s alive!


A beautiful but naively-looking girl was sitting at that particular seat. It’s her… Nina… just like how I remembered her. She glanced at me and saw me staring at her. She nervously looked away.


It can’t be. How is this possible?


What’s going on?!!




Whatta hell’s wrong with you, man? You seem off today.” Billy nudged me gently, bringing me back once more from my reverie. Ted and George were staring at me, like they’re looking at a stranger or something.


I’m good man, I’m good. Just… just don’t mind me.” That was all I can say.


I stared at the three boys in front of me. I remember these guys well, my high school buddies. These are faces I can’t forget. My staring at them seemed to make them uncomfortable.


Hey guys, look!” Ted was pointing at someone in the distance. I followed his line of sight and saw another familiar face I couldn’t… I wouldn’t… forget. It was Nina.


She was walking in haste, clutching her books to her chest, avoiding people as people avoided her.


Still got the hots for her?” George nudged me anew, a mischievous grin plastered on his face.


Huh? Ah… u-hmm.” Didn’t know what else to reply. I turned my glance back to Nina, saw her scurrying away. As I watched her fade from view, I felt that not-so-familiar pain, mildly brewing in my chest.


I remember her. I remember her well. We were graduating that year, but Nina didn’t show up. No one noticed. No one really cared. Until the terrible news brought the town to an uproar. Her parents found her hanging from a belt in her room. She killed herself on our graduation day.


That piece of news haunted me. It haunted me for the rest of my life.




Tomorrow’s graduation day. It would be time for us then to leave this shithole of a town.


It was getting late but me and the boys decided to bum around at the field, excited for the big day tomorrow. We were all worked up, sweat dripping from our faces, breathing heavily and catching our breaths. We just finished going through a few laps.


Billy suddenly grabbed my arm and pointed at someone across the field. It was Nina. I don’t where she’s been or why she’s there. But it was her.


George gestured, urging us to follow him, and we did.


I ran after the boys. I kept running, exerting some effort to keep up. It felt good. I’ve never ran like this for God knows how long. I was swamped with work and company concerns that I just practically couldn’t find the time.


I buried myself in work. All my marriages failed. It’s a great thing I didn’t have any kids, or they’d have been big headaches. I wouldn’t have been a good role model anyway.


I just focused on my business and made good at it, finding some minor comfort in the booze, coke and occasional whores I indulged myself in. They’re the only things I can turn to. They’re the only things that can keep the nightmares at bay.


A muffled scream brought me back from my reverie.


I turned to look and saw my three buddies pinning a struggling Nina to the ground, Billy’s hand on her mouth, as the other two held on to her arms and legs.

Come on Danny! You got first dibs! Just hurry up!” George said, a lewd look at his face. His hand stroked Nina’s legs as he brought her skirt up to reveal what’s underneath.


Then it dawned on me.


This is the night before graduation. This is the night we did THAT thing to her. Each of us, doing it over… and over… and over again. We did it to her, until she stopped sobbing and just stared blankly to space.


Then she looked at me. That look on her face would haunt me for the rest of my life. She looked blankly at me then, devoid of any emotions, and she’s looking at me now… a helpless, pleading look in her eyes.


Let her go.”


Whut?” Billy said.


 “Stop messin’ around! Hurry up, will yah! We don’t got all day.” George said, looking at me like he’s looking at someone who’s gone crazy.


I said, let her go!” This time, I did not hesitate.


What the fu--!”


I threw a punch, then another, and another. I kicked, I punched and I pushed, not minding the blows I received back. My senses returned as I saw the boys, my three buddies, sprawled on the ground, groaning from pain.


I looked down and saw a shivering Nina, shock on her face as she looked at the boys then at me. I bent down and extended my arms and hands to help her up. She flinched and pulled back, but after some time, she let me help her stand up.


Y’all got three seconds to walk away… or God forgive me for what I’ll do to you.” I said calmly, looking down on the three boys.


They struggled to get up, assisting each other, and they seemed ready to retaliate. The arrogant look at their faces faded however, replaced by tinges of fear, as they felt the murderous intent emanating from my calm face. They ran away and didn’t look back.


I looked at Nina’s puzzled face. I let go of her arms.


You can go home now. Everything’s gonna be alright.” I smiled, a smile that I have never done in my previous lifetime.


I turned around and left the still-baffled Nina standing there.




A thunderous round of applause brought me back from my reverie.


I was disoriented for a few moments, until I realized that I was sitting among the graduates, listening to a lively girl on stage, concluding her emotional and moving valedictory speech.


I looked up and saw a smiling Nina looking back at me.




I just sat there, oblivious to the cacophony of jubilant noises from the people around.


Is this a dream? If not, then how is this even possible?


I’ve never believed in second chances. I’ve never believed in paths to redemption. I’ve always been a perfectionist, the kind who abhors making mistakes. If you fucked up, then that’s it, there’s no going back. It was the story of my life.


Until now.




 I looked up and saw a beautiful face looking back at me, glistening tears flowing down her delicate face.


I felt something lightly falling on the hand clutching my chest. It was a teardrop. I touched my face and felt surprised that I too was in tears.


I looked at the girl in front of me. I looked at Nina.


She looked at me, and smiled.









August 15, 2020 03:28

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