Friendship Happy Fiction

Mary was looking very beautiful. She looked like a princess in her elegant looking white gown. It was her wedding. Mary and John would get married in the church. At two in the afternoon, they had to go to the Marriage Registrar’s office to get their marriage registered. In the evening there was a party to celebrate the beginning of their togetherness.

All her family members, friends and cousins were ready to go to the church. They were waiting for John to arrive. A white, decorated Mercedes entered the gate. Everyone clapped to see John arrive. The car stopped and out came Mary’s grandparents. They had always enjoyed togetherness and appreciated each other’s feelings. They always planned a different entry every time.  It was a pleasant surprise. They had expressed their inability to attend the wedding at such a short notice. Mary and her family were overjoyed to see them. Mary’s grandparents, Hilary and George, hugged her tightly and congratulated her.

Soon John and his family and friends arrived in five cars. The bride’s people warmly welcomed them and offered them snacks and drinks. Friends of John told him to carry Mary to the car. He did so and everyone cheered and whistled. After the marriage ceremony in the church, parents of John and Mary accompanied them to the registrar’s office. All the others went back home to get ready for the evening party.

It was evening time. The Five Elements Banquet Hall was decorated with beautiful and colorful lights. Most of the guests had arrived. John and Mary sat on the stage. Their friends and relatives gave them bouquets, gifts and congratulated them. There was light music in the background. All the people were laughing, eating and enjoying the party.

Suddenly the music stopped. There was a surprise waiting for all. Mary’s sister Teena made an announcement.

Teena: Attention everyone. Please be seated. My grandma and grandpa have offered to share the secret of their successful marriage. And the best thing is they will act out some of the scenes to enhance our enjoyment.

Seats were arranged in a circular manner leaving empty space in the middle for the performance. There was pin drop silence.

Hilary: Good evening everyone. Dearest Mary and John are starting their new life today. The first lesson they have to learn is that for them, the word “I” has become “We”. Now they will be sharing everything in life- from all material things like property and bank accounts to emotions like joys and sorrows. We all wish them a very happy married life ahead.

George: Now, my dear children I want to tell you about my love journey. It started in 1950 when I was just seventeen years old and Hilary was just sixteen. I went to live with my aunty in Agra and joined coaching classes for defense services.

Hilary: Yes, and I was the neighbor of his aunty. I had noticed that his eyes followed my movement in the street and market. He was ready to do small errands for his aunty if it included a visit to my house. As soon as he entered my house I would hide behind the door or curtain. While doing the errand his eyes would search for me.

George: You told me that you looked forward to my visits.

Hilary: Yes, dear. In those days we did not have the courage to talk to any boy other than our male relatives. But children, I just can’t tell you how important I felt when George looked at me. This continued for six months. Then one day….

George: Wait Hilary, let’s show them what happened. I saw Hilary enter a lonely street.

Hilary started walking slowly like a teenager. George walked slowly behind her and suddenly blocked her way.

“Oh! help help!” she screamed.

George put his hand on her mouth. She signaled him to remove his hand.

Hilary said, “You almost scared me out of my wits. See my heart is beating so fast.”

George touched her heart. She shouted at him.

“How dare you touch me like this?”

“You also touch my heart. It is also beating so fast.” And George took her hand and put it on his heart. Hilary’s cheeks blushed deep red as they must have blushed seventy years ago.

Both of them stood together facing the audience. There was a huge applause. All smiled to see how their love story had started almost seventy years ago.

Hilary: Now we started meeting in parks, shops and finding an opportunity to interact.

George: I was selected in Navy and went for a training for two years. I had to leave in a hurry and could not bid her farewell.

Hilary: I felt upset and alone. I could not share my feelings with anyone. Then, I got a shock one Sunday. I was told to get ready as a boy’s family was coming to meet me. I couldn’t even think of marrying anyone except George. I was speechless. There was no way of talking to George as he was in the sea. There was no satellite communication.

George: Yes, she planned to let things go on and wait for the right opportunity. After six proposals, the seventh was accepted by her family. Hilary was in a dilemma. She decided to talk to my aunty.

Hilary: You know children though his aunty had nothing to do with my father, she was really scared of his anger. For the sake of our love, she planned to help me till George returned. It was my good luck that the proposed groom had to appear for an administrative exam so engagement ceremony was delayed for two months.

George: And I returned a week before the engagement. When we told our parents that we wanted to spend the life together, our parents were very angry. Mary’s brother and my aunty had a great role in convincing our parents to agree to our marriage. It was really embarrassing to inform the proposed groom’s family. Even today, I express my gratitude to the boy who understood our situation and cooperated. This is how we got married on the scheduled day.

Hilary: But life was not easy after our marriage. Our families did not accept us. On several occasions either they avoided us or humiliated us. Both of us silently tolerated their taunting words. We knew that with time things will change. As long as both of us were together, we were happy and didn’t mind what anyone said.

George: One day I came to know that Hilary’s parents were alone in Agra. Her brother’s job was in Goa. Their tenant had refused to give the rent and often bullied her parents considering them to be alone, old and helpless. We decided to go and stay with them and discuss the matter with the tenant.

Hilary: Did you notice that George is so kind at heart.  Even though my parents had not accepted him, he could not bear their insult. He took leave from his job for a month and we went to live with them. As you all know George is very polite and soft spoken. The tenant took George lightly.

George: A week later after we went there, the tenant cut the main electricity wire and didn’t let anybody repair it. He wanted Hilary and me to leave Agra. When father argued with the tenant, he pushed him hard. He lost his balance and fell down. When he was about to attack mother, I came in between them and boxed his ears. Both of us had a good fight and were hurt badly.

Hilary: A neighbor called the police. There was police case. Both George and the tenant were hurt badly. The neighbors told the police how the tenant often insulted my parents and a case was registered against the tenant. George had fought in self defense so he was proved innocent. If the neighbors had not supported us, George could have lost his government job.

George: There is a brighter side of everything. After this incident her parents accepted me as their second son. My parents were proud of me and accepted Mary as their daughter-in-law.

Hearing this, everyone started clapping loudly.

Teena said, “Grandma and grandpa your story is amazing. You are talking about so many years ago. Both of you were so deeply in love that nothing could separate you. We’re proud to be your grandchildren.”

Hilary: George was away for his job eleven months in a year. Our families always helped and supported me. I could bring up my children with their help.

George: Now let us tell them what happened when I took voluntary retirement from Navy. Let’s act it out.

Hilary sat on a chair and George entered.

Hilary said, “George, I was really missing you all these months. It’s good that you came back early this time.”

George looked sad. He said, “Mary I’ve something to tell you. I’ve taken voluntary retirement. I will not go back now.”

Mary was overjoyed. She jumped and hugged him. She said, “Then why are you so sad? Imagine we will be together day and night now.”

George said, “That’s Ok. But now our income would be less. We have so many responsibilities.”

Mary replied, “Don’t worry about money. I’ve lots of savings. We can use them judiciously till we start some work and have regular income.”

Her moral support and encouraging words were enough for George. He hugged her passionately.

Once again, the audience clapped and cheered. Mary shouted,


Hilary: My dear children, remember that marriage is a very strong bond which makes our life meaningful. No one is perfect. We should accept our partner with all good and bad qualities. Love can change our life. So dear children appreciate what you get in life and make the best of it.

 There was a loud applause and all the couples looked meaningfully at their partners.

February 19, 2021 19:24

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