Crime Thriller Mystery

This story contains themes or mentions of mental health issues.

The stalker among the shelves 

I had that dream again; I can only remember bits and pieces, but it was her. The face is blurry but even I can tell she must be a beautiful woman. Her skin was like porcelain, her hair as dark as night in contrast. Her nails were always painted black, always wearing those short dresses, usually red but sometimes white. The only thing I can remember about her face is her eyes, like looking into the night sky, I could swear they even sparkled like stars.  Why has this gorgeous maiden come from? She’s been blessing my dreams for weeks...it might even be months. Why can’t I remember her face? Where did she come from? I don’t think she’s someone I know, not that I can remember.  

I had no time to dwell on this, the library is only open until midday today, I need to return my last stack of books, and I must find them first. My desk is in a state. I guess before I can find my books, I should put all the coffee cups in the sink, then I might be able to see what else is under them. I got up and looked in the mirror “Maybe I should change my style if I want to attract a gorgeous woman like her” I said to myself. After a moment of contemplating my atrocious sense of style I decided someone like her would never go for a shy, four eyes shut-in like me. I fixed my shirt, collected my books and made my way to the library, making sure I locked the door on my way out.  

The library is only half a mile away, that’s why I chose that house as soon as it was for sale. My parents were happy to pay for it, since it gets me out of their way. I don’t care if it means I can have a quiet house to myself and read until my heart is content. The library was almost empty, just the way I like it, my own paradise. The library is my favourite smell, past time and people all in one. After I drop my books into reception, I make my way to the first section ‘Fantasy’. “Be quick, there’s only 3 hours until closing” the receptionist yelled at my back. “Got it!” I replied shortly before losing myself in fantasy, crime, thriller, non-fiction, romance and supernatural.  

I couldn’t say what attracts me to a book, it’s not just the writing, but the feel, the colour, sometimes just the aura, I can’t explain it. The receptionist gave me a 5-minute warning before closing so I took my stack of books to check out before walking home. “It’s too bad that the library closes at midday today but at least I have the rest of the day to read” I said to myself. I hurried home to make a start, just the thought of new books makes me forget to eat. I skipped lunch to hurry to my desk, I put my reading glasses on and took the first book from the pile. No sooner had I flipped the page and had a peek at the previous readers of the book did my phone ring. My phone never rings...who could it be? I left it to ring, lest I have unnecessary conversation with a stranger, that’s even worse than talking to someone I already know. It rung for a good minute before I heard the “Ding” of a message received. Honestly sometimes I wish I never had a phone in the first place.  

A late fee? It appears I have misplaced a book, it’s too late to return it now...I better find that book soon or I will have wasted good reading time. I annoyedly stomped around my study looking for this book. After an hour of rummaging through the drawers and under papers and wrappers I finally found it under my dictionary on the spare chair in the corner. I flipped the first page to refresh my knowledge of this book. “Eileen Tyrrel...” where have I heard that name before? I’ve seen that name before! I rushed back to the new book on top of my pile and pulled out the ticket from the front sleeve and there it was, Eileen Tyrrel. I don’t know why my heart skipped a beat when I read that name, it can’t be more than a coincidence.  

I sighed at the thought of half an hour escaping my reading time before taking my seat at my desk and placing my reading glasses back on my face. I started to read and read...and read. I then started to realise I was bouncing my leg, something was unsettling me, but I couldn’t figure out what. I must have optimum conditions to read as effectively as possible. I found myself angrily gritting my teeth as my body just couldn’t relax, the air suddenly felt cold too. I felt almost as if someone was watching me. I closed all my windows, made myself a cup of tea and opened my medicine cabinet, I took two Haloperidol, the ones my doctor recommended, I can’t remember why and made my way back to my study. Once again taking my seat, I continued to read, when the clock struck 2 in the morning, I decided to make my way to bed. I read 2 more chapters before the book was finished and I could finally rest my eyes “I enjoyed the twist at the end...but the character development could have used some work” I thought to myself.  

I awoke to find I had left my glasses on; after yawning all my way to the kitchen to make my morning coffee I made my way back to my study. I pulled the next book from the pile and opened the front page. I couldn’t believe my eyes, two books were one thing, but this Eileen Tyrrel seems to have checked out three of the same books as me?! I scrambled through the rest of my pile and every single one bore her signature. I can’t believe this, who is this person? Could we just be drawn to the same books? Or has she read every book in the world? It took me a second to shake the thought about how amazing it would be to be able to read every book in the world. I then decided to make a trip back to the library, I could just say I’m returning that book. I rushed to grab it and made my way there; I threw the book on the receptionist's desk before making my way to the fantasy corner of books. I must have flipped open every book in that section but the only books with her signature had my signature right underneath it.  

I didn’t know what else to do, I grabbed a book with her signature and took it over to the receptionist.  

“D-do you know this person?” I asked, pointing at her signature.  

“I thought you knew her” The receptionist replied. It felt like her eyes were piercing through me.  

“W-what do you mean?” I replied.  

“You always take out the same books, just after she’s read them, I assumed you were going by her recommendations” she said.  

I had to keep my composure, I couldn’t think of a single explanation that made sense, did I know this person? Or did we just have the same interests? It can’t be that simple.  

“W-w-what does she look like?” I asked, trying my best not to stutter but such as my hand.  

“Oh, you couldn’t mistake her, she’s gorgeous, very tall, long black hair, dark eyes, usually wears a dress, even in the cold” The receptionist replied.  

“O-okay, thank you” I thanked her for her help and bid her good day before leaving for home. This woman is taking out the same books as me...but she’s getting to them first...I’m taking out the same books as her? How can that be possible?  

I made it home as quickly as I could, I put my darkest clothes on and found the only hat I had, a loose black beanie.  

It was time to get some answers, I made my way to the park opposite the library and took a seat on the furthest bench with the library still in sight. I must have sat there for at least 3 hours before something caught my eye, that perfectly silky black hair swaying in the wind. I waited a few minutes then took off my hat and walked inside, I had no idea what I was doing, what was I going to say? Should I say anything? I looked around as much as I could without seeming suspicious. Then I saw her, again noticing her shiny black hair against her pale, porcelain skin. I barely opened my mouth before she turned, noticing me.  

“You! Stay away from me! Or I’ll call the police!” She screamed at me.  

I had no idea what she was talking about, but I panicked so much I couldn’t reply, I just ran. I ran all the way home...but it seemed the police had made it before me.  

“Excuse me, are you Mr. Richard Grenville?” He asked me.  

“Y-yes” I replied, still having no idea what was going on. Before I knew it, I was being put into cuffs.  

“You are under arrest for the stalking and harassment of Eileen Tyrrel” They exclaimed.  

“I-I’ve never even met her! Until just now!” I barked back at them, trying to defend myself.  

They grabbed the back of my head and threw me into the back of the police car before driving me down to the station. They read me my rights and took me through to the interrogation room. They sat me down, gave me a cup of tea and took a seat opposite.  

Of course, we’re English, we need tea to function. I had no idea what was going on but the tea eased my throat a little.  

“You have breached the rules of your restraining order” They explained.  

“Restraining order? How can I have a restraining order from someone I’ve never met?” I asked.  

“Never met huh?” He replied, pulling photos out of a folder on the side of the table.  

He organized the photos in front of me.  

“So, you’re not the man in these photos?” they asked pointing to a picture of a stick thin man, with a scraggly shirt and short brown hair...It was me alright but how?  

“I-I-It looks like me...but I don’t remember this” I couldn’t believe my eyes, It was clearly me in the photos but this man was creeping on the woman, sneaking pictures of her...touching himself inappropriately.  

“I would never do those things!” I proclaimed loudly.  

“You will have your chance to defend yourself in court, right now you are under arrest” they said.  

Time passes by so slowly in that hollow cage, especially with nothing to read. I felt like a shell of my former self, no books, no nothing. Not to mention the lack of privacy, they even refused my medication. I felt like I was going insane. That womans face kept flashing in my mind, her skin, her eyes, her hair, her everything.  

It felt like an eternity but my day in court finally came, they put those horrid cuffs on once again and I took my place on the right side of the room, I shied behind the desk and the lawyer. I probably knew more about the law than him, I’ve read half the books in the law section of the library. That’s when she walked in, seeing her this time felt different, looking at her gave me chills all over my body, I felt somehow...excited, finding it hard to sit still. I gulped, what is this feeling? Why do I feel so weird? Seeing her this time somehow brought back forgotten memories, touching her, being close to her, watching her. I can’t believe this. How could I have forgotten something so, so thrilling, so magnificent, I couldn’t take my eyes off her, I found myself drooling at the thought of her. 

I wiped my face and stood up as I was told.  

“In the case of Richard Grenville Vs Eileen Tyrrel, how do you plead?” The judge requested. 

“Guilty” I hung my head in shame, but I couldn’t help grin to myself, my feelings had all come back to me, I remember the glaring looks from jury and audience as I couldn’t help but laugh to myself.  This must be why we were choosing the same books, it was fate! 

May 23, 2024 16:17

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