Mister Booger (some sensitive content)

Written in response to: Write about a missing person nobody seems to know or remember.... view prompt


Adventure Crime Urban Fantasy

Mister Booger

Greater Cincinnati Suburbs

They said I was crazy but I managed to fool them all. HA! HA! HA!”

“Hallow's Eve comes every year but this year will be different. For I will make a name for myself.”

“Let the games begin.” On those words the mysterious former mental hospital patient

goes back to using his sewing machine.

“The medicines will not be taken this evening. I wet my lips for the taste of terror on this

petty holiday.” The sewing machine continues to put away Tap-Tap-Tap. Children rise early

as they return from their classroom celebration.

Several kids pass by the three story house with overgrown shrubs. Whispering to themselves

as they past the place. “I ain't going near that house. Mr. Booger lives there.”

'Mom says to stay away Mr. Booger is not all there.”

“I don't know I ain't going near there this year just like every year.”

“Anyone ever see Mr. Booger?”

“I hear he is an old man who gives out coal to children both for Christmas and Halloween.”

“ I hear he is a cannibal and does things like the Witch from Hansel and Gretel.”

Just a bunch of bologna, He probably hides from his neighbors because he is deformed.”

“Who knows all I know he owns a dark hearse and spooks it up on Halloween. The rest of the year he keeps it in his garage.”

“I hope he does not come out this evening.” As the kids leave the overgrown shrubs and bushes in the manor house.

FBI Headquarters

Reese has his boots up on his desk as several other agents past by him looking at him like he is a goof in the FBI. Johnny High-eagle finishes typing his latest police reports of tracking

a wanted fugitive in the Indiana backwoods. Both wear dress shirts though Reese appears to be in his classic cowboy flannel shirt and jeans. The two are joined by tight lipped and FBI professional SAC Robert “ Badge” Mitchell. “ gentlemen, do you have a few minutes.”

“What's up Chief?” Comments Reese as he chews on a Reese peanut butter cup.

“We got a call from the state concerning a Warren Burgess, and they wanted us to check on him since they have not heard from his parole officer in a few days.”

“You are kidding, on Halloween?” comments Johnny “I was just getting ready to visit my

nephew this year.”

“Sorry family things later this Halloween.”

“Where is Mr. Burgess live, Chief?”


“I will get the car.” Rolls back Reese as he grabs the key for their FBI Escapade.

“Let's take the GMC instead, Reese.”

“On it. Hey Murray have a pair of keys for the GMC Truck.”

The black agent shakes his head and tosses it to Reese. Who is joined by Johnny and Mitchell. “Freaking Texas Rangers.”

The trio heads for the garage and approach a dark GMC truck. “ So Chief what do we have have on .Mr. Burgess?”

“Not much to say a few minor federal crimes and several threats against the US government. He was put in a state hospital for his threats but the doctors let him go. He has been on the parole list for a few months now. Just a traffic ticket since his release”

“He seems harmless I am not a fan of certain government things but I am far from being a fruitcake.”

“Let us hope it is a fast check.”

Latonia, KY

Warren Burgess turns off his sewing machine and place a skinned mask over his face. Burgess appears as a Caucasian man going on 60 and has balding complexion. The mask soon attaches to his face mystically. Known as Warren Burgess to the real world his true identity is Tyson Night-walker a body Shifter who has been plaguing the Greater Cincinnati for 100 years and his biggest day of the year is Halloween. Where it takes one identity and causes trouble among the Norms.

“This facial mask will serve me well now for the additional costume. As he reaches for an undertaker outfit. You look good Randolph gates. The face mask appears to be brown in color. Tyson took his parole officer and used him to make his next identity. Thank you for your identity Officer gates.” Tyson looks back at the deformed human decayed body seated in a wooden rocker..

“Now where was I, Oh yes need to finish refurbish by hearse.” Tyson walks over to an old 1950 black hearse with a ram-guard on it. “Once done here. Time to make some money.”

Buzz Buzz Buzz “ Now who is that?”


Mitchell and his team stand outside in their blue FBI windbreakers. Johnny ”Shaman” High-eagle presses the door bell. Buzz Buzz Buzz

Moments later Tyson returns as his identity of Warren Burgess and answers the door in a fresh pressed apron. “Can I help you?”

Reese takes point. “ Mr. Burgess, I'm Marshal Williams, this id Officer High-eagle and Agent Mitchell. We were just passing by to follow up on a missing parole Officer.”

'Missing Parole Officer, I have no idea what you are talking about?”

Mitchell takes over , “Your Parole Officer Randolph gates has been missing for a few days and his family is getting worried. Do you know anything about this?”

“I, have not seen Mr. Gates for a week now been preparing for the Halloween festivities.. but I do check in when I go out. I'm sorry I can't help you gentlemen.”

Do you mind if we look around?” questions High-eagle

“Please, I'm sure you will find nothing out of place.”

The agents walk into a dusty but livable living room. Several pieces of furniture

are covered in tarps and the distinct smell of several cats sniffs in the noses of the agents. Reese steps outside and sneezes as Mitchell and Shaman continue to look around in the old manor house.

“Your friend is allergic to cats?”

'We all have a weakness, Mr. Burgess.” comments Mitchell as he moves a few pieces of Halloween ornaments. “I see you enjoy decorating for Halloween.”

“Yes one of my past-times. I'm afraid the kids never come to visit me because of the stories people heard about me”

“They say Halloween is the second most decorated holiday behind Christmas.”

'Yes I could not agree.”

“Well, how long have you had this property, Mr. Burgess?” questions Mitchell as he eyes several old historical artifacts in the living room.

“My family has had it for 150 years and well I am not much a housekeeper.”

“150 years interesting. I see you have a pair of Blunderbusses and Springfield rifles from earlier days. Has it been reported to your parole officer.”

“Simple models, I built in memo to my great grandparents. You can check them they have no firing pins.”

'We might just do that. Well it looks like Mr. gates is not here. Thank you for your time, Mr. Burgess.” comments Mitchell as he and shaman exit the manor house.

“If you hear from Mr. Gates. Please let us know.” replies Shaman as he passes his business card to the body Shifter.

I certainly will. Happy Halloween.”

The agents wave back to him as he closes the door behind them. “Randolph, your friends are looking for you. That was not a treat I was looking for.” Tyson marches back to his hidden room beneath the garage

Mitchell and his team look at the old manor house as trick or tr-eaters pass by it. “what do you think, chief?” comments Reese as he wipes his nose from the cat odor.

“I'm not sure get anything Johnny?”

“I sensed something out of place on him but nothing hostile. What do you want to do?”

“Lets get a burger than stake out his place for a little while. If there is something off about him, I want to know what it is.”

“Agreed.” comments the Agents as their GMC leaves the parolee home.

Two Hours later.

The black hearse backs out of the garage. Mitchell and his team watch it back out and make a right turn. Reese notices the ram-bar on it as it passes by them. “Weird to have a hears with a ram-bar. Don't you think guys?”

"Go ahead and tail it Reese. Lets see where Mr. Burgess is going.”

.The dark GMC starts up and follows a decent distant from the hears owned by Tyson Night- walker. As the hearse passes through main street Latonia. Tyson starts to toss out treats to the kids in costumes. “Awfully considerate of him.”

“He did say he liked Halloween.”

'Reese pull up to that group of kids he just dropped some candy at?”

“Okay chief.” As the GMC pulls up to a bunch of kids and teenagers.

Shaman lowers his window. “Excuse me, kids. Will give you twenty bucks for your group if you hand us that candy you just got from the hearse.'

“Sure.” comments the oldest teen dressed up as a Zombie others hand the candy over to Shaman

“Thanks go buy your friends something at McDonald's.”

'Thanks Mister.” As the kids leave the GMC. Reese follows back on the tail of Tyson.

A radio wails over the airwaves. “ We have a 2-11 in progress at Fifth Third bank on 12th. All available units investigate.”

The GMC turns on its lights and heads in the direction of the disturbance.

Fifteen minutes later

The GMC pulls up and spots a pair of Latonia police cars and a 1950 black hearse smashed into the front window of the bank. Pair of police officers question a brown man in an undertaker suit. Mitchell looks through his case file and sees that the black man id Randolph Gates. “This is definitely weird. That guy in the undertaker suit is Randolph Gates but what the hell is he doing in the hearse owned by Burgess.”

“Maybe we should ask Mr. Gates a few questions.”

“Let's go say hi to the missing parole officer.” As Mitchell and his team get out of their GMC pickup trio approaches the Latonia cops and gates.

The older cop a white man with a salt and pepper mustache spots the trio walking over to join them. “Can I help you gentlemen?”

“Agent Mitchell, Deputy Marshals Williams and High-eagle. We heard the dispatcher say there was a bank robbery in process, so we stopped by to serve as backup.”

“The man you have in custody is Mr. Gates he's a parole agent who has been missing for a few days. We were looking into his disappearance and well it seems Mr. Gates is attempting to break in at that bank.”

'What can you say happened?”

“Appears Mr. Gates decided to crash into the bank and grab a bundle of money. He used the

hearse as a battering ram and there you have it. “

“He claims he had a seizure and that's what caused him to crash into the bank. We are just waiting for the paramedics to take him to Saint E's.”

“Do you believe him?”

“Not really has more questions than answers, feel free to talk with him if you want.”

“Thanks we will.” As the trio approaches him a Latonia fire truck and ambulance pull up followed by a tow truck.

“Mr. Gates, I'm Agent Mitchell and this is Deputy Marshals Williams and High-eagle. We have a few questions.”

“How can I help you?” comments Tyson in a GA accent related to Gates.

“Your family and colleagues have been looking for you and we were asked to help out.. Now we see that you are in custody for breaking into a bank. Care to share with us what is going on?” Directs Mitchell to Gates.

“Well I, have been having a number of blackouts the last few days and wind up in places where I don't remember how I got here?”

“And you just so happened to be going to the bank for a cash checkout?” inquires Reese

“No I ran into the front door because I thought it was still opened. Had another blackout as I said.”

“Do you happen to remember where you got Mr. Burgess hearse from?” continues Shaman

'Warren is a parolee I check in with so I asked him to borrow his car so I could get home.”

“Funny, because we also saw this car tossing out candy like the Great Pumpkin to the kids can you explain that?”

“Well its Halloween, so I decided to give candy for the kids. Nothing wrong with that.”

“I'm afraid Mr. Gates from our understanding, the bank was closed and you broke into it. That is a big no no.”

“What are you talking about?”

“I think once we get this all cleared, we will be taking you down to the station to sort this out.”

The paramedics arrive and ask the agents to leave why they review the patient.

In the distance. The trio talks between themselves. “This guy id full of crap, he just so happened to crash into the bank because of a seizure. I am not buying it Chief.” comments Reese

What do you think Johnny?”

“I agree with Reese things don't add up.”

“Okay we will see what Saint E's says and than talk to him more down at the

station.” On those words, the Fire Rescue team passes by with the gurney holding Gates.

“Excuse Us.” comments the lead paramedic a dark haired female woman.

“Should we call his wife?”

“Not yet Johnny but I will ask her a couple of questions.”

All Saints Day

Latonia Police Station.

Tyson sits flabbergasted as he sits in an interrogation room. He now wears a dark orange jumpsuit as he looks around in the room.

He is joined by Mitchell and the older police sergeant. Mitchell now wears his dark suit and black plum necktie. ”Good morning Mr. Gates, I spoke with your wife and she was concerned and we got your medical record from the hospital.”

“Oh my gosh, is she okay. I am so worried about my family.”

“He is okay. But you would have known that.”

“I must have forgotten. What did the hospital say?'

“This is really odd but I had to get it double checked by my pathologist. “You see Randolph, You are not him”

“What do you mean? I am Randolph Gates ID number 3457898.”

“Sorry randy your ID is correct but the simplest question about your wife and your expression was not. You have not had any seizures and well. What the hell are you?”

“My pathologist says that your jawline does not match up with anything on our records. You see Randy which is not your name. You have a genetic mutation.”

“We took a skin sample and though it is Randolph Gates your RDNA does not match up with Gates RDNA.”

“ So I will ask again, just what the hell are you?”

“HA! HA! HA! You primitive Norm, Have no idea what we are and NO we are not of the good fruitcakes known as the Gray.”

“We are a race of beings who have been here for a long time. Your wife could be one of us and there are many others out there who his in the shades of everyday people to world leaders.”

“My people are beyond your concept. And we will aid our Crimean Masters for world domination. So Agent Mitchell I believe our interrogation is over. I wish to return to my cell.”

“Okay just one question, Where the hell is Randolph Gates?”

“Like the animals you feed upon my people feast on our victims. I do have to say Gates was a bitter sour but he was delicious for a early Halloween meal. Now if you could send me back to my prison. I Will seek out a new identity that will baffle your prison officials.

“GUARD!” . . .

Moments later, Tyson is escorted out of the interrogation room by another pair of police officers.

“Do you believe that guy, Agent Mitchell. He thinks he is Hannibal Lecter.

“I don't want to believe it Sergeant but nothing surprises me. I have a special mental hospital where we can transport Mr. Burgess, or what ever his name is too.”

“I will get the papers. If you excuse me.”

The sergeant leaves the interrogation room and Mitchell pulls out a cell phone. “Dr. Jinn, this is Robert Mitchell. We have a new threat to the world.”

.The End

October 24, 2021 01:42

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