Submitted to: Contest #35

The Horseback Riding Stroll Through The Park

Written in response to: "Write a story about someone walking through a park on a spring evening, told only through internal monologue. "


 "Are you ready to go?" said Tia  "We will be leaving soon to gather up the horses from the barn. So make sure you have a sweater and a flashlight in case it gets to dark". Nate packed his things into his backpack and got ready to leave. His Dad is out in the barn gathering up the horses for our walk in the park to watch the sunset. His mother has never been on a horse before and wanted to go horseback riding, and he was very excited too because he has never been on a horse before either. So his babysitter Tia is going to teach them how to ride. So his Dad, Mom and Nate got ready to meet her in the barn for their first lesson on how to saddle up a horse. They jumped in their red Jeep and got ready to go to meet Tia. They pulled into her driveway it was paved and there was a white picket fence clear around the barn. The barn is built with pine and the scent filled our noses, of course horse manured too. As we walked into the barn, we saw Clydesdale standing in their stalls as Tia greeted us. Nate went over to the horses to see them and to pick out his horse that he wanted to ride. So he saw a black horse standing in the stalls next to the Clydesdales. The horse was neighing when he walked over to him to see him. He was looking at him and eating some hay from his stall. He asked Tia, "What is his name?" he asked her.  "His named is Buster and he loves kids." She replied. So he talked to the horse for a few minutes before he patted him on the nose. Buster was happy to see him and started neighing when he patted him. Tia told him to unlock his stall and walked him out of the stall. So he unlatched the hook and grabs a saddle too. She told him that there are different saddles for each person. So she gave him the saddle to put on him. The horse was very calm and let him put the saddle on him and he watched Tia saddle him and told him to make sure the straps are done and buckled. Then she gave him a hat to put on his head to protect him incase he falls off. She told him that it was for his safety incase he falls off so his head will be protected. His Dad and Mom walked out the Clydesdales out of the barn and saddled them up for their walk. After a while, Tia shows everyone how to saddle the horses and they got ready to go. The horses galloped along the trial and Nate grabbed a hold of the reins and watched the horse gallop through the trail and he watched how the horse gallops. He could see the top of his head between his ears, there was a bird who wanted a ride too and he sat on top of the horse's head, as he galloped the trail. In the distance they could hear the brook running and splashing across the rocks. They knew they were getting close to the spot where the horses like to rest. So they galloped to the brook and tied the horses to the tree and gather up their backpacks with their supplies. They came up to meadow filled with dandelions and there are bees buzzing through the air as they gathered the nectar from them and the wind started to blow across the fields as the watched from the lookout point, there is a picnic table that overlooks the brook and the meadow of dandelions. As they gazed across the brook eating their snack, there was a big bird with a wide wingspan circling the brook, looking for something to eat. It was a Bald Eagle and Nate could hear-it screeching out. As he ate his peanut butter sandwich it had a nutty taste to it with a blend of grain in his sandwich too. He dug out his chocolate milk too and took a sip while he watched the Eagle circling the brook for some fish. What a nice sight to watch as he ate, His mom and Dad dug out their sandwiches and took in the view of the bird. A few minutes later, there was a family of deer that had some young ones with them, as they trotted over to the other side of the brook and there was a patched of green grass growing up around the edges of the bank. " Oh look at the family across the brook, they have babies with them", Nate said. There are spots across their fur and they are having fun trotting around in the meadow. After a while as they walked through the Park to have a picnic they looked across the brook and saw the sun setting in behind the hills and the moon was coming up to take the sun place as it set in the hills. The horses took a drink from the brook as Nate and his family returned back with his babysitter Tia and his family packed up their things and went over to the horses to give them a snack. Then it was time for them to return back home with pictures of the sunset in the park, waved goodbye to the sun and watched the moon come up as they landed back at the barn and went home and thank his babysitter for their adventure of horseback riding to the park to watch the sunset. After a while the family drove down to the ice cream shop to grab an ice cream before they drove back home to Nateville and they stopped at the coffee shop too before they went home because Nate s mom wanted a coffee to drink out on their deck before they called it day and wrote about their Adventure they had today.

Posted Apr 03, 2020

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42 likes 5 comments

Pragya Rathore
14:25 Aug 18, 2020

This was such a sweet short story! I really liked the fairy-tale-ish form. Great!


Tina Laing
17:52 Aug 21, 2020



Tina Laing
01:04 Apr 03, 2020

I have never been on a horses back before and wanted to write about a stroll through the park on a horse. After we let the horses rest for a bit,we continue on foot and had a picnic by the lookout point where there was a spot to rest and eat lunch too. Enjoy! Have a nice day.


Charles Stucker
21:57 Oct 02, 2020

This needs to be broken into paragraphs. Writing everything as an internal monologue is hard, because it easily ends up feeling like telling instead of showing. This does a pretty good job of making the events pop to life, which is nice to see.
Internal Monologue is typically first person. "I was in the barn, saddling the Clydesdales for out ride through the park. Nice day, but..."

For the prompt, you probably need to tell about conversations because dropping in dialogue interrupts the monologue. Very low tension, slice of life story, but that's what the prompt pushes toward.


Tina Laing
14:41 Oct 09, 2020



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