Written in response to: End your story with a character looking out on a new horizon.... view prompt


Fantasy Fiction Drama

I am Ptocho and was a citizen of Broq island on planet Tellus. I had been highly regarded for my ability as an astronomer, magician, wizard and also medicine man. However circumstances conspired against me and the king ordered me exiled to Dulam island which was done. That island’s oldest citizen was Zoya, a woman past 35 who had been exiled for some lawless act she did commit. I won’t go into the pasts of those on Dulam.

Zoya said “Ptocho, I don’t know if you’ve been told about Dulam. Since I came here, Tex the fisherman, and  Lipka the dancer have also been sent here. We all have separate spacious huts built by the king. Supplies to the residents will be free and sent to us once a week by boat. There is a well in my house with good water and we all share in it. Cooking material has been provided in the huts and facilities for cooking have been provided. As you can see there’re many fruit trees around and fruit can be harvested and used by all. This is a convenient place to camp in. Your hut is the nearest to the shore. I’m sure you’ll enjoy the sounds of waves lapping on the shore.”

I nodded. She said “You’ll meet the others soon enough.”

I studied Zoya closely. She was dressed in the pareyou which covered men and women only waist down. She was passable in looks and was pleasant though abrupt. Zoya exited. I entered my hut and saw it had two rooms and would be quite comfortable. I would’ve to sleep on the mattress probably filled with dried hay. There was water in a pot and I took a sip. It was cool and I relished it. A day passed when I cooked my fish and rice and ate. It was then that Tex dropped in. He wished me and said “I’m fisherman Tex.” He coughed and going out spat the mucus outside.

I introduced myself. He said “We aren’t allowed to leave this island but I cast my net by going into shallow waters and occasionally find some good sea food which I share with others.”

I asked “Why were you exiled?”

He said “I don’t want to talk about it. People here are a little sensitive about their past.” Again he had a cough and went out to expectorate. Then he abruptly left.

Two nights later there was a giant storm and I saw very tall waves. I felt my hut would be washed away. But suddenly there was a tsunami and sea water was flung afar inland. I tried to sleep but I was disturbed by someone knocking on my door. I opened it to see Zoya with water streaming down her body. She said “My hut has been hit by the tsunami and I can’t sleep inside it till the king’s men come and repair it. Till then I request you to share your hut with me. But I’m not looking to share your bed.”

She occupied the next room. She came out again and said “I’m fond of intoxicants and drink almost daily. Be careful when I’m drunk as I’m known to be then argumentative and quarrelsome.”

She went to bed.

Two days later I saw Tex was very sick. I had explored the vegetation on the island and knew there were certain plants which could yield a cure to cough. I gathered the required leaves and roots and brewed an extract. I gave it to Tex saying “This will help to cure your cough. Take it for 3 days thrice a day. I’ve prepared enough quantity of the brew.”

Tex was much better only a day later. I examined him in his hut as he lay on the bed. I said

“Your lungs are clearing. You should be well soon.”

Tex got up and from under his bed brought out a long metal tube. He said “I picked this up from a deep sea bed and have kept it as a memento. I’m grateful for your cure but this is all I’ve which I can give.”

I looked at the tube and shook it. It made no noise. Nothing dropped out of it. I peered into it but could see nothing. But I found the tube was extendable and could again be brought back to original position. I thanked Tex and said “I’ve no use of this tube. I’m perfectly satisfied with your oral thanks.”

“I insist on your taking it. It will remind you of me if I die soon.”

I brought the tube to my hut. A week later I was at the well to collect water for drinking when the other resident whom I hadn’t met that far showed up. It was Lipka who looked only about 18. She had also come for water. As I was drawing up a cistern from the well the ground shook and Lipka screamed. A portion of the restraining wall of the well now collapsed. Lipka out of fear held on to me.

I said “LIpka, this is an earthquake. It has passed. You’re safe.”

Suddenly Zoya was there and she smacked LIpka and said “Don’t try your tricks with him. He is my man.”

Tex also joined and I said “We’ve to seal the broken wall as otherwise some dog or cat could stray and foul the water.”

Tex and I worked, and in a day the broken wall was repaired. Despite Zoya saying that I was her man and her habit of drinking intoxicants I kept away from her. She saw my reticence and didn’t try to seduce me.

Sitting alone and doing nothing made me fiddle with the tube Tex had given me. I studied it a lot and once I saw that it showed distant objects nearer. One moonlit night I sat and studied the clouds through the tube. It was then that I noticed that instead of a full moon a partial moon showed. I said to myself “May be this indicates an eclipse. I haven’t got my records to study the date and time of the phenomenon.”

I looked in the distance through the tube and saw a high tower. It was burning! I guessed it was the lighthouse used to guide sea going vessels and it was so far away. I had an idea. Why not construct a tall structure here on top of which I could study the heavens? Tex, Zoya and even Lipka joined, and  soon we had made a tall tower using sawn wood. I started studying the sky from the top of the tower using the tube. Viewing the clouds, and from wind direction I was able to forecast the weather.

The king’s men who would bring us supplies reported back about my skill with a metal tube. The king offered to take me back from exile but I refused saying that all four of us should be set free. That was agreed to and I was appointed the king’s astronomer. We four former exiles are as it were, looking into a new horizon!


February 21, 2022 14:15

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