
“Stop it!” Kat giggled as her wonderful dog licked her face, “I’m trying to get work done here!” She pushed Jade away and kept at her computer. She was a college student at GVSU and did not want to get bad grades. Kat was taking calculus and she was studying for a project due in three days. Jade tugged on Kat’s pant leg but Kat shook her off. She kept searching and working, trying hard to ignore her dog.

“Okay, fine!” Kat said, annoyed, “I’ll take you out, is that what you want?!” Kat walked over to the door and got Jade’s leash out and hooked it to the dog’s collar. She opened the door and breathed in the fresh air.

“Jade, I’m getting really annoyed with you constantly bothering me, but honestly, I’m grateful for the distraction.” Kat pulled on the leash and Jade slowly walked out the door, “I’m taking you on a walk whether you like it or not, because I am done with you annoying me.” Kat walked with Jade by her side and she took in the view. She didn’t live in the city. Or in the country, she lived in a nice, small house and had a few neighbors.

“Good afternoon, Kat!” Called Anna Mousse from next door. Kat nodded and went on. She waved to a few people on the walk, but Jade really wanted to go back home.

“Fine.” Kat said, giving up. The two walked home and Kat went back onto her computer.


The next day, when Kat got up, she got ready for the boring day at home, and walked over to her dog’s bed.

“Jade!” Kat said, astonished, “What happened?!” In a puddle at her dog’s feet lay puke. Kat immediately went to the kitchen and got stuff to clean it up. Jade didn’t usually throw up, and Kat was really worried. She walked over to the landline and put in the number for the veterinarian.

Hello?” A voice on the other end answered.

“Yes, um, I am calling because my dog threw up this morning.”

Have they been acting strange at all recently?” 

“Well, she has been bothering me a ton, and I don’t know what she wants,” Kat responded, looking over at Jade.

Have you been paying attention to her? Has she been under stress of some sort?” The vet sounded a little bored.

“Well, I mean, I have been working a lot recently…” Kat trailed off.

There you go, now, please call back if your dog continues her strange behavior.” 

“Alright, thank you!” Kat hung up and ran her hand through Jade’s fur, “I wish I knew what was going on.” Kat played with Jade a little, then ran over to her computer. She desperately needed to get her project done if she wanted to help Jade.

As she worked, Jade nuzzled her leg again. And again. And again. The dog paced around the living room and whined. Kat sighed and walked over to the couch.

“C’mere Jade!” Kat called as the whining grew, “Jade, come!” The dog walked over to Kat and tried to clamber onto the couch.

“Have you gained weight?” Kat asked as she helped Jade up. She rolled her eyes and brought the computer over. Petting Jade, Kat noticed the dog was panting. She stopped petting her and went back to her work. Instead of continuing on her project, she looked something up.

‘Why is my dog panting, sleeping more, and bothering me?’  Nothing helpful popped up, except suggesting her dog was sick. Kat sighed and continued doing her work.

“I really wish I knew how to help you.” Kat said as Jade rolled over. Kat learned many things about math, and different strategies. Then she felt a rough tongue on her face, “Oh my gosh, Jade, you really need to stop-” She burst into laughter. Kat decided to take a break and spend some more time with her dog.


Kat talked with her friends and family, and tried to tell what was happening. They all said not to worry, but she was scared something was really wrong with Jade. The dog constantly wants attention, but never wants to play. Kat tried taking her on more walks, but Jade was way too lazy. Some days she ate a lot, and some she ate nothing. Kat powered through the days, and helped Jade as much as she could.


A few weeks later, after Kat’s presentation, Jade had thrown up four more times and her belly grew much larger. She never wanted to go on walks, and Kat struggled to deal with the answer of this after another call to the veterinarian. 

“I’m sorry, WHAT?!” Kat exclaimed into her phone.

Your dog may be pregnant. You will have to bring her in, so that we can tell for sure.

“Um, uh, okay?” Kat said as the vet hung up. She shook her head at her large dog, “I’ve made sure, I thought…” She slapped her forehead, “Oh my gosh, I forgot to get you fixed!” 

Two years ago, when Kat first got into college, she found a young dog on the side of the road, starved and thirsty. She took her in and cared and loved the little dog. Kat kept little Jade with her almost constantly, but not in her classes, if it wasn’t obvious. 

Kat made an appointment in a few days time, and true enough, Jade was pregnant with puppies. Kat was worried, because she didn’t know who the father was. What would the puppies look like? Jade was a medium sized dog, a mutt definitely. When she called her family to tell them the news… they were all very excited.


“Mom, Jade’s pregnant.” 

What?! *squee* No way! Awww, I guess I’ll get a type of grandchildren!


“Dad, Jade’s pregnant.”


“My dog.” Kat said impatiently.

Yes! I want one.


“Hope, Jade’s pregnant.” Kat said to her sister.



Kat didn't know what to do. So, she made a wooden box for the puppies, and basically turned into a mom herself. As soon as the adorable little puppies were born, she helped Jade out in any way she could. When the puppies were old enough, Kat invited her family over for a ‘puppy party’, as she called it.  Her parents did keep one of the six puppies, and so did Hope, but three were given to Kat’s friends. Kat ended up keeping one for herself, and Jade loved the little puppy to pieces. Kat made sure to get Jade fixed so she didn’t have to worry again.

April 23, 2020 18:17

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16:10 Jul 29, 2020

Great story! (I LOVE DOOOOGS) I love the names, especially! Oh, and would you mind checking out my story ‘Hello, Weirdness, My Old Friend’? Thanks! ~A


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✰ Jessica ✰
18:12 Apr 30, 2020

Great read, Nora. I really like how real this story feels! I did notice a couple typos, but no matter! That was a very cute story. I hope you write other stories about animals.


Nora R
13:50 May 01, 2020

Thank you for the feedback! I adore animals, thanks!


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Ndekwoh Ojen
21:21 Apr 28, 2020

Oh! I love this story especially Jade's puppies. Hopes to get one too. It made me remember when our dog had hers. So lovely. Keep writing.


Nora R
13:52 Apr 29, 2020

Thank you! I love dogs, and I just got a rescue puppy without one of his feet, and I love him so much. Thanks again!


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Andrew Eller
22:36 Apr 25, 2020

Love that the story starts with dog kisses and ends with puppies! Lovely all around!


Nora R
21:57 Apr 26, 2020

Thank you! I have three dogs, all rescues and I love them, so I’m happy you liked it!


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