
Sender: Saint Margo Hospital

Receiver: Addison Montell

Subject: Farewell

I regret to inform you that we are terminating your contract and you no longer work with us. We hope you have success in finding a future career and will help out with any referencing you may need.

love, Katie

Sender: Addison Montell

Receiver: Katie

Katie we’re is this coming from. You know I need this job, I thought we were in a good place with our relationship and nothing would change. I need this job Katie and you know this. I trusted you. Im not just some piece of trash that can be used then thrown away. I thought we had a great time, if you wanted to call it quits you could have just told me instead of firing me. Already give me a reason.


Sender: Katie

Receiver: Addison Montell

Subject: No Need

This wasn’t my choice Addi, I wanted you to stay, I wanted us to grow old together and maybe evenope adopt some children. I still want that. But someone in head of department found out. It was either me or you that had to leave,

if you want we can continue seeing each other. We both knew the risk of what we were doing and now your blaming it all on me? How mature. We both made a mistake and now we’re both suffering the consequences

Love Katie

Sender: Addison

Receiver: Katie

Subject: ...

What do you mean we are both suffering the consequences. I’m the one who doesn’t have a job, who cant afford to eat and who can’t even afford rent. Of you were to be fired you would have been able to find a job and live off your investement homes. Id like to say I don’t believe this but I do.


Sender: Katie

Receiver: Addison Montell

Subject: Sorry

Do you want to move in with me? I know it’s a lot but we couldnt have done this if I was your boss. I love you and I never wanted anything to come between us. And just sk you know I did loose something. I lost you, I lost being with you every day, and if I was to quit I would have had to move 7 hours away to have a role that wa a half as good as the senior role I am in now. I hope you understand and take this offer.

love Katie

Sender: Addison Montell

Receiver: Katie


How did they find out. Was it you with your big mouth chatting up all of the other women in the hospital? or maybe it was your ex, maybe she found out about us. I don’t see why you get the better straw here. I risked so much for us. I’m sick of using email, it’s to formal and they can be tracked through the hospital systems. You should have my number.

Katie: I told them...

Addison: ...

Katie: please here me out. I couldn‘t handle not telling anyone. If they found out through anyone else but one of us we both would have been fired.

Addison: so who decided that you could keep your job. Why not me

Katie: please you have to understand this will all be worth it in the end. Have you thought about my offer?

Addison: Katie this ridiculous. I can’t trust you

Katie: at least until you get back on your feet

Addison: only if you don’t mind. I’ll take the spare room. I’ll try and find some money but do you think I really need to.

Katie: I mean move in, like a couple

Addison: ...typing

Addison: Katie I can’t trust you, we both agreed we wouldn’t tell and if anyone found out we would be in this together and we wouldn’t turn our backs on each other. I’ll stay in the spare room for a few days until I can find a job and that’s it.

Katie: ok

2 months have passed, Addison has found a new job in a clinic and Katie has continued her role working in the hospital. Addison stuck to her word and move out just 6 days after she was fired.

Sender: Saint Margo Hospital

Receiver: Addison Montell

Subject: Farewell

We regret to inform all former and current employees we have receive news of a death of one of our staff members. Katie Windshore, she has been battling stage 4 cancer for the past 2 months. She refused treatment for the fear that family and loved ones should see her weak. Katie is one of the strongest people I know and we will all miss her very much. for all wondering her role as senior supervisor has been left to a former employee who will be emailed separately.

Addison, Katie has left her Senior role to you. Due to the circumstances of how you left us you will need to attend an interview. Don’t worry no one else has been left the role so your certain to get it. If you have any questions feel free to email us at any time.

Addison: Katie are you there?

Sender: Lawyers 101

Receiver: Addison Montell

Subject: Will

Miss Katie Windshire has left her life savings, investment properties and current job to Miss Addison Montell. These assets will be transfereed within the next few days with the legal paperwork to be filled out immediately.

Sender: Addison Montell

Receiver: Lawyer

Subject: ?

are you sure she left everything to me? We haven’t spoken in months... we didn’t end things on great terms so I don’t understand why. Did she leave any notes about why? She has family shouldnt it go to her? Sorry about this email I’m just confused.

Sender: Lawyer

Receiver: Addison Montell

Subject: will

We are 100% certain that the contents of the will is directed at you. If you wish we can hand everything to charity, the money along with the price of the housing will give the charity of choice to be $9,480,100. She did leave a note saying ‘dear my only love, I didn’t want to tell you because I knew how angry you would be. I have left all of my life’s assets to you, sorry for everything I have put you through. remember you are worth the world to me and never stopped loving you and thinking about you everyday. Please, I know you will want to donate everything because you feel as if you don’t deserve it. But you do. You deserve the world. Please keep everything, and don’t worry about my family. They have enough. Love from Katie

Sender: Addison Montell

Receiver: Katie

Subject: Farewell

Katie, why, why did you leave me everything. Why didn’t you tell me you were sick. I would have stayed to help you through everything. I always knew you weren’t a terrible person. I am forever grateful for what you have given to me. I Love You

Love from Addison Montell

March 26, 2020 03:58

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