Drama Fiction Sad

It had been twenty-four years since she’d last seen it, but the place looked exactly the same. It had been twenty-four years since she had been estranged from her husband due to irreconcilable differences. They had agreed to go separate ways after twelve years of been together. She had relocated to somewhere else far away and moved on with her life. She refused to remarry. She couldn’t bear interlocking herself with someone else for a number of years after a failed marriage. She wasn’t ready for anything to slow her down, she had so much to achieve and accomplish. Although, maternity had slowed her down for a while but this time around she wasn’t ready to take any chances.

“Hello mum! How are you doing?”

“Oh! My love. Am fine. It’s just that I have a backlog of work that will encroach into my weekend.”

“Mum.... please take it easy. You are too much of a workaholic. You need some time out.”

“Yeah. I know. But it’s not yet time. Bills, bills, bills. There’s so much bills to pay. You know for myself, you and your siblings.”

“But mum, you don’t need to work yourself out for my siblings and I. We've got dad. He's been supportive.”

“No! No!! Not as I want. Not as he should. I want you all to have the best of everything. I want you all to have ease and comfort. At least that’s why am working. Why are we parents if we can’t give you the best of the best?"

“Hmmm. OK mum. I have heard all your sermon. But take it easy. Aside that, I have a good news!”

“Wow! What's that my love? Please tell me.”

“Eric has proposed. We're getting married soon”

“Wow! Congrats! Am so, so happy for you. You’ve said a lot of sweet things about him. At least I think he'll be more considerate than your dad. How’s Matthew doing?”

“Mum! Please don’t go there. At least dad is really trying his best. Only God knows what caused your separation. None of you is saying something reasonable. Probably, you've been too hard on him.”

“Did he tell you that?”

“No mum! He never did. He said he’d rather say nothing about it. We've asked him a thousand times and he keeps giving the same answer. Well, he's doing great.”

“How’s your step mum? Hope she’s not a pest?”

“She’s fine. She’s just there in her own world serenading dad with all she can.”

“Please tell Eric to give me a call.”

“OK. Mum, will you be around for the wedding?”

“I’ll try. As long I don’t have a very important official assignment. Don’t worry. If am not able to make it down I'll send in something very worthwhile.”

“Mum, you haven’t always been around. You weren’t around for my graduation both from high school and college. Neither were you around for any of my siblings. Mum, it’s been two decades and four years. Don’t you miss us? Don’t you long to see your pretty girls?” Angela spoke with a sad tone.

“Not that I don’t miss you all so much. Not that I don’t care about seeing you all. It hasn’t been so easy. Thank God things are now much better. I can confidently say that. Am planning on coming sometime soon. Hopefully the coming year. At least even though not around, I've been contributing my quota. Isn’t it?”

“Yes. I know mum. I just need you around.”

“Hmmm. Don’t forget to tell Eric to call me soon.”

“OK mum. I'll sure tell him.”

“Bye. Love you. Please send my love to your sisters.”

“Bye mum. Love you too.”

Eric called and during her conversation with him she found out some things about him. Although very amiable and affable, she realised he was a sex addict and too much of a momma’s boy. She was afraid that it wasn’t going to be healthy for her daughter.

“Hello! Angela! Are you there?”

“Hello! Mum. Am here.”

“How are you my love? How's everyone?”

“Am fine. So is everyone.”

“Guess what?”

“Mum. Am tired. Today’s been hectic. I can’t guess. Please just tell me.”

“OK. I will. I have spoken with Eric.”

“He has told me. How's he?”

“Very cool. But I found some things about him you might not know.”

“And what’s that. Please tell me.”

“I don’t think you’ll like to hear this. He's a sex addict. That’s a danger sign for you. He's going to be too demanding of you. He's also going to have all your friends one after the other. And not only that. He's a momma’s boy. That I also say a double No for you because his mum will be the one dictating the tune in your home. Please I'll advice you find someone else. I know your wedding is close but it’s better you call it off than live with a memorable scar.”

“Mum! How did you know all these about him? How did you get to see all these? Are they facts?”

“Yes, my love, they are facts. You know I have been in this world much longer than you have and am also talking out of experience.”

“I’ll think about what you've said.”

“OK dear.”

Angela was blinded by her love for Eric. He was just too nice and good to be who her mother said he was. She didn’t take a cursory look into all her mother said. The wedding went on as planned. Betty wasn’t happy at all that her daughter didn’t heed to her warnings, although, she sent all she had promised. Some few months, Angela started seeing all that her mother had seen. She tried to change him but the more she tried, the more frustrated she became. After a while she had a major nervous breakdown. Matthew called Betty and explained everything to her. She told him that she had seen the writing on the wall and had warned their daughter. She cancelled all her upcoming schedules and in a week’s time she arrived. It was late. Angela was already in a coma in the hospital. Betty wept bitterly. She blamed herself for not making out time to come for the wedding and also for not creating time for her children. It was spilt milk and that was all that mattered.

November 20, 2020 04:42

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Joselito Laraya
05:18 Nov 27, 2020

I like it. Good short story.


Thompson Emate
03:05 Nov 28, 2020

Thank you.


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