One Magical Night

Submitted into Contest #65 in response to: Write about a group of witches meeting up on Halloween night.... view prompt


Fiction Holiday

One chilly evening in Salem, Massachusetts, a strange traveler arrived. This traveler was unusual in several ways. For one, she was dressed in a black robe, had a large pointed hat for another. Her mode of transportation was a broom. She was a witch.

Upon arriving in Salem, Misty, the witch touched the ground, pointed her finger at the broom, and it became invisible. "Now, let's see. I'm supposed to meet the other witches at the local Denny's. I'm about 15 minutes early. I will ask the next person I see."

About three minutes later, Misty found a police officer exiting a second hand store.

"Excuse me, officer, could you please tell me how to get to Denny's," Misty asked ignoring the other people who were trying to hide and avoid her at all costs.

Turning, the officer said,

"Certainly, ma'am. It's two blocks ahead and on the left."

"Thanks, it helps a lot," Misty said and she turned to leave, ignoring the shocked look on the officers face.

Five minutes later, Misty arrived at Denny's and saw her high school friends there, everyone talking merrily amongst themselves. Once the group entered the restaurant, the other customers were frightened of their appearances and hastily left. The staff were confused by what was going on until they saw the group of witches taking seats at a long table. One waitress, Jan approached handing them all menus and taking drink orders. After the drinks arrived, everyone started placing their orders. One plump witch said, "I would like my burger to still make noise from the poor animal that it came from, is that possible?"

The waitress, looking confused, said, "I don't think that is possible," as she walked away from the table.

The witches were enjoying their time together and before they knew it, their food arrived. The plump witch pointed her finger at her burger and a deafening MOO! was heard. That act scared the waitress. Another witch used her magic to make the silverware sprout legs and run around as they ate.

Once everyone had finished eating, Misty spoke to the group, saying, "It has been to long. I'm pleased to see all of you here for our reunion dinner. I'm glad we survived the Salem witch trials."

One witch said, "Its hard to get what we need. Not many places sell eye of newt. Plus if we don't disguise ourselves, people are quick to judge us." Another witch nodded in agreement with everything that was said.

Upon hearing this, many witches said "Hear Hear!"

"Its safer here now. We can have one Magical revenge here tonight. Join with me in one big spell. Pointer fingers up."

Upon hearing this, everyone in the group of witches raised their pointer fingers and cast their favorite spell of revenge. Suddenly, huge amounts of snow, feathers, and tar started falling from the sky. The wind died down. Everyone outside was tarred and feathered, and the snow caused it to freeze quickly. There was flooding around the homes of the descendants of those that persecuted the witches hundreds of years ago. The witches all cackled. The staff at Denny's were transformed into cats. The city of Salem was a huge mess. There was utter confusion, and chaos everywhere.

One, timid witch said, "Should we put it right before long?"

A couple more witches agreed and the group did a time release of the chaos. An older witch said, I only wish we could change history and let those that were burned at the stake live."

Another witch agreed and said, "Its been hard, having to live in disguise after all this time. I have been through five hundred neighbors and always had to pretend to be younger than I am. Not to mention, having to come up with excuses why unusual stuff happens."

Another witch said, "I had to take on a new job every few years to avoid suspicion. If I stayed at the same job for too long, people would think something was up."

Another witch said, "I'm glad we had the opportunity to bring our revenge to town tonight. We need to do this more often."

"I agree, we need these reunions and nights of revenge more often," Misty said. "Let's vote on it. All in favor, say 'eye of newt'."

Everyone present said, 'Eye of Newt'.

Misty happily announced, "The decision to meet more often has passed."

Upon hearing this, there were many cheers, explosions and magical fireworks going off.

The next thing they knew, the time release on their spells wore off. There was more confusion than ever before. People were scurrying to get home and get cleaned up. The Denny's staff transformed back into people and were in different spots that were tight. The witches just laughed at what they caused. Once everything settled down a bit, the witches got up to leave. The Denny's staff were glad to see them go, and didn't bother saying anything as the large group exited the building. No one was worried about the bill. The group of witches went to the bay and each conjured up their broomsticks. One witch said, "It was nice being out and seeing all of you again." Another witch agreed.

Misty said, "Don't forget, next month, we are meeting at the big red barn and planning more ways to have revenge here. See you in a month!" Many goodbyes were said, and many hugs were given. It was a joyful night for this group of witches. As each witch mounted their brooms, kicked off and flew off into the night. Anyone that could have seen them immediately went to get their eyes examined the next day. The community didn't say anything because they were afraid of being thought they were crazy. Maybe they were, maybe they weren't. All anyone knows is that once a month, they experience some discomfort and witness strange things going on. That's one crazy thing about living in Salem. That's one thing many locals don't like talking about, especially with outsiders.

October 29, 2020 07:15

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Maria Blackman
09:02 Nov 01, 2020

Hi Charles, I like your story, it has lots of potential as a humourous short story. I like the idea of the Salem witch trial survivor meetings. One thing you can try to improve your writing is work on your imagery (the old "show, don't tell"). For example, you tell us that the other customers in the Dennys were frightened, perhaps instead you could show us them going white in the face, quickly grabbing their bags and keys and rushing out the door. All the best with your writing.


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04:41 Nov 05, 2020

A very nice story. Keep up the good work!


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