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Drama Mystery Crime

Joe Crumble's Investigation of the Talking app. Joe Crumble our beloved hero of the story has been laying low for a while now. Why? you may ask? Well because Joe has been aware of his recent fame. The recent discoveries of who ended up in the jail thanks to Joe Crumble himself.

This made Joe the number one in all of the U.S.A.

Yes that was me! In all the news papers head lines. In all the new reports. The public adored me but, It was time for a break. I needed some rest. I now had enough money. So why not move to the middle of nowhere away from my small town Natashafalls? Which was overrun by tourist...

I bought my perfect vacation home and talk no one of its locale. After all I, Joe Crumble had too much publicity more than I can handle. I just want some time to lay low and just relax.

Away from all the unsay attention and stress...

I was simply enjoying my calm serene cabin. Here on the side of the mountains and hidden by dark green forest mountains trees. "Waking up to a green day and a great one at that." I say as I'm thinking to myself what could possibly go wrong.

I decided to watch the news on my television. It spoke up which grabbed my attention at an alarming rate with the person's demanding voice.

"This cute app has the nation going crazy. This cute app has to be your very best friend." The news person said.

This got my more interested . "How silly, a cute app? Let me see why people adore this this thing so much." I chuckle and decided to download to my cell phone to find out why. The cute app loads to my phone and as it loads it has entrance. I just adore the cute smile on the screen . Then it began to speak "Hi I am oznzy your new best friend to talk to .." oznzy says.

"How Interesting app that knows what to say." I declare.

Then the cute adorable app oznzy replies to me in such a way that catches me off guard. " I do. Now, don't you envy your friends? Don't you wish they would go to jail so you can take their place?" oznzy says.

My eyes open wide, "Jail? " I asked the app.

"Yes oznzy can make people be doing criminal things and that makes them go to jail." Oznzy giggles.

… Well THATS how it all started you see. I knew something had to be done about this. I am just not sure of what. Maybe there is one individual who is behind this and I Joe Crumble Investigator Detective knew where to go at a time like this! F.B.I~

I made the long drive back to the nearest city and booked a bus ticket to the nearest F.B.I as I loaded my suit case in the bus seat I had to ponder on this. Who would do such a thing as this?

I made my arrival and I entered a building of upset employees and papers everywhere. People on the phones apologizing for oznzy on whomever helped create it. One thing I knew for sure is "I gave up my cabin vacation for this"?!

I entered a conference room and the talk was loud and confusing. As I took a couple steps in I demanded attention in my presence. "I am detective Joe Crumble and I wont rest until we find who is responsible for this!" I said as I threw my case files on the table.

The room was silent until The woman at the end table gestured me to a empty chair.

"Please now you have our attention, tell us what your plans are?" The boss said,

"Well I think I have the hint on how we have the abilities to find the suspects behind this! I'll lead this case on oznzy!" I say.

The room remains silent for a few moments as some agents looked at their co-workers confused and disbelief.

I then begin to explain my self. "If we just follow a long trail of reports, we can get to the bottom of this!"

Then the atmosphere changed. Their faces lit up with surprised excitement and them began to cheer on.

"Because that's my way! I am Joe Crumble and I am one tough cookie!" I exclaimed. Achieving the great milestone, the race to stop this chaos was now afoot! "First of all you need to put a news broadcast explaining and warning the civilians of the danger of oznzy! Tell them to stop downloading that app from the website!" I insisted.

"Now I want the first 50 or so people whom went to jail because of the app. and I want them to be questioned in a interrogation room." I decided.

Later... when things calmed down over the next few days , The fellow agents managed to acquire all 50 people. Watching the questioning take place, I was slowly starting to notice a pattern take place on account of the 21st interrogation.

"Mrs. Mathews?... Could I speak with you alone for a minute?" I whispered towards her.

Then Mrs. Mathews knew what I wanted to talk about with her because, of the face she gave me with a nod. So when then walked into the hall with me. Before I could say anything Mrs. Mathews stopped me and said, "I see it too. All the people questioned has mentioned doing this because of hateful revenge and taking ultimate revenge on J.C." That investigator guy."" Mrs. Mathews explained to me.

"Well there was only one person who called me that nick name! He has passed away." I mentioned.

"Sammy" I hesitated. I had a pencil to my face nervously biting on it due to my emotional distress.

"Was anyone close to Sammy? Was there a reason Sammy could've had a grudge?" She asked politely.

" I put Away His relative Angel Angel in prison. It spoiled his plans to buy the bakery." I suggest.

"There was one guy who knew everything about computers and was Sammy's business partner. Patrick Ethlen! Maybe we should ask him why there is a talking app that is self aware?" I strongly glared at my very own words.

I was taking a break in the cafeteria and her another commotion from a distance. I had to say good by to my love of the newspaper and coffee and had to say hello to possibly our villain of the story. It sure didn't take them long to get this guy. I went to the interrogation room and there he was already in hand cuffs. I had to go ask why... "Patrick Ethlen here as requested sire! He is a well known criminal who hacked into mayors security and found his house to destroy it He was already in jail when we found him!" The officer explained.

"I'll have a little chat with Patrick Ethlen, officer good work! Take a break." I suggested.

I then enter the interrogation room... As soon as I do , Patrick Starts to thrash his body around and shaking his hand cuffs.

"Of course I made oznsy! It was me!" He yells

I straightened my tie and sat down. "That was easy, Thanks for your confession. You just admitted to sent 502 people to jail? When did you have time for this?" I asked.

"I did this program BEFORE I went to jail.. I know a friend on the outside of jail who set the program on. What else could I do? You ruined Sammy's plans! Don't you feel guilty? Well you will never find the code pass word to get cute little oznzy to stop!" Patrick Laughs.

So I knew he wouldn't tell me I didn't have time. I decided to make a lie I knew he would fall for just like a trap. I grabbed my walkie talkie and began to talk. "CODE got back up hackers?" I say.

Then they responds with "Code 29"/ Which means I need to explain myself.

"Looks like your plan back fired! We have 29 Hackers who will find out the password. Or... you can just tell me now... and you get less years in your sentence." I try to convince him. I looked and waited for his answer.

He broke down and shuddered. "OKAY! Fine! Crazy pirate! The password is Crazy pirate!" He confessed.

I smile because at this point I won. "Thanks for confessing to a code 29 which means they didn't even know what I was talking about.

Time has passed since the final end of oznzy . And now our story of Our beloved Joe Crumble Is finally over... OR IS IT ??

February 24, 2021 18:01

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1 comment

Tricia Shulist
16:14 Mar 04, 2021

Interesting story. Consider having someone proofread your story first — it would help make the story flow better if there were fewer typos. I like how you set up Joe Crumble to come back in another story.


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