Romance Fiction Sad

   The sky turned from the dark colors of the night, slowly to a gorgeous orange and pink color. We always sat on the bench, me and my sunshine. We watched the sunrise and sunsets together, and later in the night we went stargazing before bed. This woman is the love of my life, has been since high school, and I can't remember a time when we were apart. She leaned against me, her smile as bright as the sun itself, her long golden locks brushing against the skin of my neck. "It's beautiful today.."

"As it always has been. Just like you." I responded back, smiling to myself as I watched her cheeks flush. I remember when we had our first date, she wore a cute sunflower dress that went down to her knees and white sandals, while I wore a leather jacket over my white shirt and dark blue jeans, with my dark brown loafers. We went out to a small family-owned restaurant, chatting and laughing throughout the entire date. Eventually I drove her back home, we said goodnight and left. Didn't kiss until the third date.

   "Steven?" She interrupted my thoughts with her soft voice, looking up at me with her sapphire blue eyes. "Yes, my Lily?" I leaned down, until our noses touched, making her smile a bit more. She stayed quiet for a few moments, as we stared into each other's eyes. "...I love you. I love the traditions we have made, watching the sun rise and set, then stargazing.." She said, and I felt her lips gently press against mine. I relax, gently kissing her back before pulling away and pulling her closer. "I'm glad you love them. Because I love doing them with you...I wouldn't want to do it with anyone else." I watched Lily smile more, cuddling against me. 

   We sat there for a few more minutes, just staring at the sky and listening to the early birds singing their songs. Finally, after our moments of silence, Lily slowly got up and took my hand, pulling me up with her. ¨Now, what would you like for breakfast, hm? I had a taste for french toast recently…¨ I smile down at her, being a few inches taller than her. ¨French toast sounds amazing, darling. You can make your special cinnamon french toast, and I’ll make some bacon and eggs, sunny side up, just how you like them.” Her sapphire eyes shone happily as she looked up at me. “Oh you mean that? I’m so happy!” She claps her hands together once, then turns. “I’ll race you! First one to the door...has to drink orange juice and brush their teeth right after!”

“Huh!? Wait but then I’ll win! How about the loser has to massage the other’s back!” I quickly say, holding her wrist gently so she didn’t get a head start before me. I watched as she thought about it, her lower lip jutting out just a tiny bit to make it seem like she was pouting. “Hmm...well, that works too! But next time it’s gonna be the orange juice for the loser!” She said, nodding in agreement. I chuckle and nod, letting her wrist go, before dashing up the hill towards our home. I hear her exclaim behind me in surprise, knowing that she was already running up to try and catch up with me. I got to the door, widening my eyes as I felt her pull me back to get to the door. “Oof!” I grunt, landing on my butt as she beat me to the door, already inside. “Ahah! I win! You, my dear, owe me a massage!” Lily said, hopping from one food to the other with joy. I smiled as I watched her, staying on the ground for a while before standing up and gently pushing her in more, shutting the door behind me. 

   It had been several months since that day, and things were different. Much different. I sat in the hospital waiting room, waiting for a doctor to come tell me how Lily was doing. She had taken a turn for the worse since then. A few years before, we found out she had cancer. She went through chemo and radiation, and the doctors said that it must have worked...but now it was back, and stronger than last time. She’s grown weaker each month, not being as happy as she used to be. Her brightness slowly turned dull. 

   I quickly jump up as the doors open, the doctor heading to me with a clipboard in his hands. “Mr. Chaser, yes?” I nod, my words stuck in my throat. I couldn’t read his face for any sign as to whether the news was good or bad. I needed to know. “Yes, yes that’s me...how is Lily?? Is she ok?” I ask, and that’s when I could tell that she wasn’t. Once he saw how worried, that’s when the sadness in his eyes showed. “I’m sorry to say sir, but she doesn’t have much time left to live...her health is dropping rapidly because of the cancer.” I felt my knees weaken, and I fell back into the chair, staring at the floor. “Not...much time..left?? H-How much then…?” The doctor kept his gaze on me. “A month...maybe two. It’s hard to really say..” Tears threatened to spill out, as I stared at the ground. ΅Can I go see her? I want to see her.” The doctor nodded. Once I stood up, he led me through the doors he had originally come from, leading me to Lily. 

   I held back my urge to cry as I stood in the doorway of her hospital room. She seemed so much smaller in the hospital bed, so much frailer than before. I made my way to a chair near her bed and sat down, taking hold of her hand. She slowly tilted her head to look at me, and gave a weak smile. She was hurting so much, it showed in her smile. “Steven...you’re here…” I nod, giving a small smile back to her, hoping she wouldn’t see my sadness through it. “Of course I did. You’re my Lily after all. I wouldn’t dream of leaving your side.” She let out a small sob, and I widened my eyes a bit in surprise. I watched as she shook, holding her own tears back. “Steven I...I’m so sorry..it hurts so much.” She sobbed, giving my hand a squeeze. I sniff, trying to stay strong for her..but I couldn’t. I lost it, starting to cry along with her. “I...I wish there was more I could do..I don’t want to lose you, Lily.” I leaned forward and pressed my forehead gently against hers, trembling lightly. We only had two months at most, and that scared me. I could lose her while I’m not by her side. “I’ll stay by you..I’ll take work off and stick with you.”

   I sigh, staring up at the night sky. I lost her a week later, and every day I kept our traditions up. I got up early to watch the sunrise, I set time to watch the sun set, and I stayed up to stargaze. I sat on the ground by the small lake that was just a ten minute drive away from the house. I remembered all the times we would stargaze, the different constellations we pointed out, whenever we saw a shooting star. I slowly look down at the water, sighing. The moon shone beautifully in the sky, and the lake water reflected that well...

November 14, 2020 22:55

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