Fiction Romance

Finally I blurted out I loved him and he pulled me into his arms and kissed me, like a man in love would. I was in love with Daniel, the man who turned my life upside down. He was the only man I’ve ever known to stick by my side even when I pushed him away. I wanted to not love him, I wanted him to leave.

Daniel just held my hand even when I said I didn’t need anyone. He reached out for me without saying a word, but I could see what he was saying through his eyes. He wanted me to be brave, to face my fear of commitment.

“No, just leave. I don’t want this.” I walked away, I didn’t want to feel the heat from his body close to me. The heat made my body lose all sense of control.

“Cindy, I know you’re scared, but I’m not going anywhere.” Daniel closed the gap between us making my heart pound against my chest which was making my brain shut off everything logical. I can’t let my heart win.

“You say you want to be with me, but I’ve heard that before. You’ll just leave once you get bored.” That‘s what happened with Greg, he got tired of our life together he wanted something more. Apparently by more it meant more ladies in his life.

Daniel held my face in his hands, so soft and caring I felt as if I would melt, but pulled away as tears began to fill my eyes. “Cindy, I want to be with you, and I know you want to be with me. Just let go.”

“Why are you here, Daniel? Are you expecting me to change my mind?” I could fill the lines on my forehead as I rubbed my fingertips across it, feeling as if all the stressful years I had endured was written all over it.

“Cindy, last night at the office party was not a mistake. It meant something to me when we kissed and I think it meant something to you.”

“Last night was a mistake. I was drunk and wasn’t thinking. Let’s just forget about it.” I had one drink, but it was a strong one. I couldn’t take all the blame. Daniel was telling me about his childhood on the building rooftop and all I could think about was his soft pink lips against mine.

“I don’t want to pretend like it didn’t happen.” Daniel said as he placed his hands in his jean pockets looking as if he just lost his puppy.

“You said plenty last night, you told me about why we couldn’t be together, but I didn’t get a chance to tell you all the reasons we would be great together.” Daniel smiled like he often did when he argued with me. He knew how to press my buttons and make me like him at the same time. It was horrible.

“Spare me, the romantic words. I told you last night about the kind of girl I am and all the reasons why I am the way I am.” I wanted him to stop being so attractive, it made me sick how his blonde hair shined under my ceiling light as if he had a halo above his head. He was a literal angel for putting up with my crazy self.

“You have been on my mind for two years. Ever since you argued with me for thirty minutes straight on how I messed up the Gower account at work. You know how hard it is to like somebody who only wants to argue ninety percent of the time?” Daniel shook his head. “You’re all I ever think about.”

I rolled my eyes and let out a growl as I paced back and forth. He was saying all the right things, but all I could think about was my last relationship and how it ended. I promised myself I would never go through that again. Yet last night Daniel was everything I wanted and I kissed him. It was a great kiss and I would be lying if I said I didn’t want it to happen again and again, but I had to be smart and not let my feelings get in the way. I had to push him away.

“I want to take you out on a date.” Daniel smirked as he walked closer to Cindy to reach for her hand.

“You expect to walk into my apartment after two years of knowing me and expect me to just hang on your every word. What are you wanting to happen?” My eyes began to feel like they were going to pop out of their sockets. I was angry at him for making me feel all the feelings I never wanted to feel again.

“I like you, Cindy. I wouldn’t be here right now if I didn’t!” Daniel’s light brown eyebrows raised up as if he was trying to make me understand English. I could see the frustration behind his eyes.

“I’m not in the mood for this right now.” I let out an exhale hoping all this would be all over soon, I didn’t know how much longer I had left in me before I broke down.

“Just give me thirty minutes of your time that’s all I need. Okay?” Daniel held his hands up as if Cindy was going to arrest him

“Don’t you have a gym to go exercise at?” I said as I looked at Daniel's arms in his short sleeve shirt trying to take my mind off his lips.

“I needed to see you. I couldn’t wait any longer.” Daniel bit his lip as he stared into my eyes. He was perfect and I could stare at him for hours, but I had to get my mind off him.

My heart began to flutter as Daniel stepped forward and kissed me as a man who had been waiting all his life for this one kiss.

Written by:

CJ Kennedy

April 16, 2021 02:42

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