The True Story About Lizzy Borden.

Submitted into Contest #65 in response to: Start your story with two characters deciding to spend the night in a graveyard.... view prompt


Historical Fiction Holiday Horror

This is a story of two best friends who were close, like they might as well be brothers close, who wanted to meet up at THE graveyard. A graveyard where the worst murders happened. Lizzy Borden. Ya know, THE Lizzy Borden. The one who killed her father and mother with an ax? THE one that the lullaby is based from? Anyway, here is the TRUE story of Lizzy Borden. This story starts out by two grown male friends. Well, here we go.

There are these two young, yet not very smart, brave men.

They thought that spending the night at the graveyard to scare some kids about what happened with Lizzy Borden.

"Hey." Said one of the two men. The kids who were sharing their candy and see who wants what looks up.

"Hi." Said one of the kids.

The kid that said hi to the young man is around, maybe give or take, around 10 years old.

The men look at each other and thought the exact same thing.

Tell them the story of Lizzy Borden.

"The name is Brian." Said one of the boys.

He has a blonde short hair. Kind of like a bob. Like Ringo Starr bob but blonde. (I hope you know The Beatles.)

"Ummm. Mr. Brain, whats your costume supposed to be?" Asked from a different kid.

Brian looked down his clothes and said. "I'm the boggy man. Ohhhhhh." Brian said while laughing.

Good way to start off on Halloween, huh? Scaring the kids.

"Listen, kiddos." Said the other man.

"Oh, the name is Jake. Wanna hear a scary story?" Jake tempted the kids.

Jake had shoulder length box dyed, ( Which was obviously. ) blue hair.

"Yeah!" The kids said at the same time.

"Well, there is a price. Buuuut, I don't think you'd like it." Brian said.

"W- w- whats the price, Mr. Brian?" One of the kids stuttered.

"Well, it'll cost you all your candy AND you have to spend the night here at the graveyard. WITHOUT telling anyone. That is, IF you want to hear the story." Jake answered instead of Brian.

The kids look at each other. They really want to hear the story but then looked up at the sky. Jake and Brian looked up the sky to see what they were looking at. They all noticed it was getting dark.

"Sorry sirs. but we should to go home. Its getting kind of late." Another kid said.

"That's fine. I guess you don't want to hear they story about Lizzy Borden." Jake mocked.

The kids, with wide eyes, said. "No, thank you sirs. We really need to get home."

All the kids agreed.

"Fine." Brian said, sounding annoyed.

"Looks like we're spending the night here. Lizzy Borden is a fake story anyway. The story is so fake, they even made a stupid lullaby about her." Brian said.

The kids ran off with their candies. One of them even started crying.

"Ha, wimps!" Jake yelled at the kids.

"Really." Brian agreed in a softer tone.

They both looked at each other and , again, they thought of the said thing and said to each other.

"Bro, lets spend the night here!"

So, hours has pasted and the two men were getting really bored.

"Hey, Jake." Brian said.

What?" Jake replied.

"Let's see if we can summon "Lizzy Borden". See if the story is true or not." Brian said with a mischievous smile across his face.

"I don't know, man. What if she is real?"

"Oh, come one." Brian said, rolling his eyes. "Don't be like those kids. Are you going to cry to mommy?" Brian teased Jake.

"Heck no, bro. I'm staying. And no, I'm not going to cry to mommy." Jake said.

"Well what are we waiting for? Lets sing the stupid lullaby."

Jake and Brian sang the lullaby.

"Lizzy Borden had an ax. Gave her mother forty wacks. After she seen what she has done, she gave her father forty one."

Then all of a sudden, the graveyard shook. They saw the head stone of Lizzy Borden broke. Then SHE came.

She looked around and saw the two men who look like they could wet themselves any moment.

"Who has summoned me?" The ghost of Lizzy said.

The two men, hugging each other, both said. "W- w- we did." the two men stuttered .

"We're sorry. We didn't mean to bother you." Jake said.

Lizzy screamed at them as she comes closer to them.

"Do you want to know what I really did to my beloved parents?" Lizzy said. The two men nodded.

"I didn't give my parents forty and forty one wacks. I didn't even use an ax. I used a hatchet as my weapon. I killed my not my birth mother, but my step-mother. Yes you heard me right. I killed my step-mother with 14 wacks and my father with 11 wacks. I hated them. I hated them. I HATED THEM! AND I STILL HATE THEM!" Lizzy yelled.

The two men, shaking, closed their eyes and for the last time from Lizzy Borden.

"Tell them the truth. LOOK AT ME!" Lizzy yelled.

The two men opened their eyes and looked at her, too scared to even look at her in her white, blank eyes. "Tell them the TRUTH!"

Lizzy laughed so hard it woke up the two men. Only to find the police with concern in her eyes.

"Boys, do you know what time it is? Your friends and family were worried sick about you."

The boys woke up, looking around and saw the sun has risen.

The boys looked at Lizzy's gravestone only to see it cut in half.

With it a tiny note that said, "Tell them the truth."

The two men's face turned white as snow.

"Umm. Guys?" Jake said.

"We have something to tell you about Lizzy Borden. The real story of Lizzy Borden." Brian said.

After that the two men never returned to the graveyard. Lizzy's laughing, haunting in their heads. Forever.

The End.

Hope you liked it.

October 24, 2020 05:58

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