
Cordelia King (nee smith), an excellent woman belonging to the upper class of New York City. Well-bred and well educated in several fine subjects like literature, world history and fluent in numerous languages. Possessing all the qualities expected of a accomplished female in the late 1950s. Married to handsome, sensible Phillips King just five years hence, who served as a lieutenant in Navy, his profession demanded him to be away for long periods of time which was very advantageous for Cordelia's habits and lifestyle. Being a socialite she was quite busy attending social events and was free from tending to her husband. Her life was full of all sorts of parties, theater, gowns, lace, ribbons and a head full of gossip.

Her marriage was a very happy one despite the long absences of her husband which Cordelia didn't seem to mind for she had enough at home to keep her busy and content. Truth be told Cordelia didn't had time to miss her husband, so absorbed she was in other people's affairs. Their matrimonial union produced a son, named after Phillip's grandfather 'Theodore King'. Now, three year old Ted as he was called was a pretty, plump blonde boy with a very nice and attentive nanny arranged for him who he was quite fond of. Like all the mothers of high society, Cordelia didn't took an active role in mothering her child but always made sure he was taken well care of , the best of best was provided for him, everything except his parent's presence.

Gossip, was one thing that was delight to Cordelia's soul. She just absolutely loved discussing other people's lives endlessly, scrutinizing their every step, choice and decision they take. She had gathered about her group of friends of the same class and mentality and together they sat at every social gathering with fragments of reputations scattered about.

Cordelia King was one of those people who never stopped to check themselves, their moral and values but being so sure of their actions, the confidence that comes with money, class and resources. These kind of people are unable to pause and actually think about what they are really doing. Having nothing in her life to worry about which might take a bit of space in her mind she happily went on worrying exceedingly about other other people's lives.

Cordelia's gossiping played the role of both mischief maker and surprisingly match maker too. How many homes had been made and broken by Cordelia's interference was mind boggling. She herself lost count of the couples she match made and laid awake of all night in planning of bringing them together. How once she put wings on a rumor of a respectable, married man's cheating and how his wife blissfully ignorant before filed for divorce immediately in her rage. How once she ceaselessly pursued to make a match of two people who were already secretly engaged of which Cordelia was unaware of. She had all the qualities needed to become a match maker, shrewd and intelligent, Cordelia was extraordinarily gifted in reading people, by just their facial expressions and body movements; Cordelia could tell what they are thinking about or what emotions they are feeling. She was a born mischief and match maker!!

A settled tendency of Cordelia was that while sharing some new, exciting gossip she always began with emphasizing it strictly that the particular information was to be kept a serious secret, but of course they share it with someone else saying that it was a secret. That’s just the basic rules of gossiping. And the other habit of Cordelia’s was that at the end of sharing gossip she, no matter what always wrapped it up with one ironic sentence, that is: “though it’s none of our business”. This was an incredible tactic to completely separate herself from all the slander she just uttered with an addition of her eloquent opinions, salt and pepper. It was just as if binding up a cracked mirror with bandage or pouring a glass of water on a burning building, and that also when she herself cracked the mirror and put the building on fire. The audacity!!

On one such elegant party, taking place at the home of one of the leading socialite of the elite class. Understandably, Cordelia with her group of cronies was in attendance, it was seldom ever that Cordelia won’t be present at any social gathering taking place in the fashionable society. Dressed at the height of the latest fashion, her thick locks of nut brown hair dangling till her shoulders, exquisitely curled on her forehead. Her springy skirt and her vivacious smile, the coquettish roll of her wise grey eyes was very attractive. After downing three glasses of champagne, playing endless rounds of cards and gossiping away scandalously. Cordelia needed to use the restroom, interrogating the way from the hostess who guided her to it.

Joyously clicking down the hallway, suddenly her dainty, black heels stopped to the subdued murmurs of a man and a soft voice of a girl coming from library. Just out of habit, she slided straight against the wall, Cordelia could got to any length for obtaining any kind of confidential information even if it required her to eavesdrop, the most immoral act ever. Her mindset was so engraved around gossip, it wasn’t just a pastime for Cordelia but it was her passion, she ravished in it.

Instantly, Cordelia recognized the voices of both the man and the girl. She knew right off that he girl was Emma Pringle, daughter May Pringle, an active socialite and the man was Joseph Lawrence, the heir to vast Lawrence estate, the finest family in New York. Cordelia was also well aware of their forbidden affair, it was topic of every discussion these days. It was ‘forbidden’ because Emma had long been betrothed to her maternal cousin.

Cordelia was listening to their whispered conversation with sharp ears and idle interest. “we must elope”, said Joseph tenderly. “Elope! Is there no other way”?? Said Emma sounding distressed.“No Emma, we cannot persuade our families no matter how much we try.” “Oh, Joe!” exclaimed Emma in despair. “Will you marry me or that cousin of yours”?

It was quiet for a second than she heard Emma saying, “Yes” decidedly. Cordelia’s astute grey eyes widened to their utmost capacity and her crimson painted lips formed a perfect ‘O’. Completely dazzled and delighted, Cordelia slipped away on tip toe. The conversation she just deliberately heard thrilled her and the sole thing her heart desired right now was to spill it to someone, anyone!!

It was a news too exhilarating to keep it to herself, “elopement”, she thought gleefully as she skipped down the staircase, “what a disgraceful thing for Pringles and Lawrences”!! Lo and behold, Maria was standing in front of a mirror in the spacious corridor. Maria Duckworth, a close friend of Cordelia’s and an important member of her squad. Cordelia was so, so glad to find her alone, she was the ideal person to break this news to. “Oh, how she loved to create a sensation”!

“Maria, Maria”, Cordelia spoke merrily like a child. Maria who was fixing up her sleek, blonde hair, didn’t bother to turn around and replied with an irksome, “What is it?” she was clearly not in the mood. Not letting Maria throw cold water on her enthusiasm, Cordelia went on with an enraptured whisper, “you won’t believe what I just heard!” Still without turning, Maria raised her eyes and gazed at Cordelia’s reflection, Maria knew that whenever Cordelia said ‘you won’t believe’ it was apt to be some juicy bits of gossip, juicer than rich, pulpy mangoes of India. She studied her intently, Cordelia’s breathless disposition, her eyes shining and dancing with merriment and her expression of someone who knows something you don’t. No, this was something unusual, concluded Maria and turned round to face Cordelia and said, “Well, what is it that you heard in the lavatory?” sarcastically, Maria was well known for her dry humour. “No, No, you don’t understand, said Cordelia annoyed, “I heard Joseph Lawrence and Emma Pringle talking in the library.” At the name of the two infamous lovers Maria was quickly intrigued and asked, “What were they talking”? Curiously. Cordelia clutched Maria’s hand and uttered the most animated sentence human kind ever came up with, the word secret was her favorite, so full of charm and mister. She said happily with a tinge of secrecy, with deep emphasis at each word, ‘but first tell me”, (this! This is the very moment she lives for, the suspense!) “can you keep a secret”?

August 21, 2020 15:51

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Saron Mengistu
08:25 Aug 27, 2020

This was a lovely tale. Very catching and gripping. Plot was interesting and kept the reader continuing to read. Characterization of Cordelia was wonderfully done. Grammar needs work, things like capitalization and punctuation marks mean a lot in writing. So does dialouge, you can make it mirror your writing to make it mirror your story better. You should proofread your story and make edits. That way, your own fresh eyes can pick things that need fixing. You have a lot of potential, so just keep on writing because practice make perfect.


Fatima Kanza
11:17 Aug 27, 2020

Thank so much for your feedback and good advice, I agree with about the grammer, I am vexed on it myself. will surely take your advice. Thanks again!!


Saron Mengistu
16:56 Aug 27, 2020

You're most welcome. You should try running your text through an editor like Grammarly or even just Microsoft Word. They'll pick you up on the errors and help you fix them. Good luck, and stay safe:))


Fatima Kanza
18:09 Aug 27, 2020

Oh,sure i will do that!! Thank you and same to you;)


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