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Fantasy Mystery Suspense

In the quiet of the night, Lena once again found herself in a perplexing situation. She had always been a curious child, sticking her nose in places where it most certainly did not belong. This time was no different, and it might just get her expelled. Still, she found herself burning with questions that needed answers as she tiptoed through the halls of her academy. It all started when she received a text from her roommate, Monique. Monique claimed she was out of town visiting her parents and wouldn't be back for a few days. This made Lena skeptical; Monique wasn't known to have much of a relationship with her parents. In fact, she was the black sheep, the only person in her family with magic. Like Lena, Monique and a small number of other students in this school were half-breeds. Those who are half-witch and half-human. It is not known why it skips generations, but it happens quite often. Thus, half-breeds are the anomaly of the magic world. They are usually looked down upon, but here at Ravenwood Academy, they accept everyone. It's why Lena begged her parents to let her attend, and now here she was, about to ruin it.

Lena tried calling Monique, but got no answer. Nor did she receive any new replies to her texts. This was getting strange; it was like she just vanished. Lena had to find out what Monique was up to, but first, she needed more information on Monique's family. The records room in the back of the grand library would have all the information she needed. Thus, she now finds herself sneaking through the halls of her academy, her voice barely more than a hushed whisper. "I can't believe I'm doing this again. I'm way too nosey for my own good," she muttered to herself as she made her way toward the library. The door to the records room was locked, but Lena knew she could find a way in. She was in Ravenwood; everything here was made of magic and secret passages. Among the ancient tomes and dusty shelves, she stumbled upon a bookcase that seemed oddly out of place compared to the others. She looked around, making sure she was still alone, and then gave it a gentle push, revealing a secret entrance hidden behind. "Well, this is interesting," she mused under her breath as she squeezed through the opening. 

The narrow passageway was dimly lit, and Lena cautiously made her way through, the excitement building within her. Though Lena wasn't sure if this would take her to the records room, she was certain that something was waiting to be found. As she explored further, she noticed peculiar symbols etched into the walls, hinting at a hidden history waiting to be discovered. Curiosity consumed her as she continued deeper into the mysterious underground area. She was so engrossed in what her eyes greedily took in that she had not noticed the bookcase moving back into place behind her, effectively trapping her inside. The air grew colder, and the dim light flickered, adding an eerie atmosphere to her surroundings. Despite the growing sense of unease, her determination to uncover secrets only intensified, pushing her to explore every nook and cranny in search of answers. Venturing further, she found herself on a narrow path that led to a flight of stone stairs. Her heart raced as she descended, the cool air in the underground passage sending shivers down her spine. 

She eventually found herself facing an old, decrepit door. She pushed it open, and the stench of mold and dampness hit her face like a slap. She couldn't believe what she was looking at. Rows and rows of cells, and behind the bars, college students lay unconscious. Fear gnawed at her as she stared in horror at the students. Some she recognized and many she did not; they looked almost dead. "What is this place?" Lena thought to herself. She quietly stepped towards each cell, hoping to find one of the prisoners conscious. But to her dismay, each cell she went to held only motionless bodies. Lena's mind raced with questions. "Who could have done this? Why were these students here?" Her fear grew with every passing moment. She couldn't comprehend what could have led to such a horrifying fate.

With all the courage she could muster, she continued on. She was already here; she might as well learn all that she can. She only had the solace of not seeing Monique in any of the cells to keep her from completely losing it. At the end of the eerie corridor, she pushed open a heavy door, revealing a room that resembled a science lab. The sight was bewildering—strange equipment, flickering, fluorescent lights, and a feeling of dread that hung in the air. In the center of the room, a young woman lay on a bed. Her heart sank as she realized that Monique had indeed become a victim of whatever sinister experiments were taking place in this lab. Determined to free her friend and ready to confront whoever was responsible for this horrifying situation, she rushed to the side of the bed, her heart pounding in her chest. "Oh my gosh, it's you! Are you okay? Hold on, I'll get you out of here." She frantically searched for a way to free her roommate, but found that Monique wasn't restrained by bonds. She was bound by some kind of strange green energy that held her in place. 

Monique's eyes slowly fluttered open, and silent tears streamed down her pale cheeks. She stared at Lena with such sadness and fear. Lena's own eyes began to tear at the utter despair in Monique's gaze. She realized that whatever had happened to her roommate was far more complex and sinister than anything she had considered. Lena did her best to still her own nerves as she vowed, "I'm going to get help, and I'm going to get you out of here. Okay? I'll be right back." This only seemed to make Monique sadder for some reason. She opened her dry, cracked lips, her voice trembling as she whispered, "You're next.". Lena tried to make sense of what Monique meant, but she noticed Monique was now staring over her shoulder. Before she could turn around, she felt a sharp pinch in her neck. Her vision blurred, and Lena fell into darkness. The last thing she saw was Monique's sad face. 

Lena's head was pounding as she regained consciousness and tried to open her heavy-lidded eyes. She found herself strapped to a bed, the very same as the one that held Monique. Thinking back to her friend and how she had seen her last, Lena frantically looked around for her. Alas, the room was devoid of any signs of Monique, but before her, stood a tall, beautiful woman. The woman had striking strawberry blonde hair. deep-blue eyes and pale-red lips. Dressed in a formal white dress ensemble, the woman appeared ethereal, but there was an undeniable sense of malevolence in her presence. Lena's heart raced as fear and confusion welled up inside her, but she mustered every ounce of courage to stay calm. "Who are you, and what's going on here?" she demanded, her voice trembling. The woman's gaze bore into Lena's with an unsettling intensity. "Hello, Lena. Who I am is not very important at the moment," she replied, with a hint of false regret in her tone. "I apologize for the circumstances you find yourself in. I understand you're very confused right now, but not to worry, everything will be clear in a moment."

Lena's eyes darted around the room, desperately searching for an escape route, but the magical restraints held her firmly in place. "What is this place? What happened to Monique? And what is this magic?" she pressed, her voice a mix of anger and fear. The woman sighed, almost as if she had given this speech many times and was now bored with it. "Ravenwood Academy is the best magical school there is. We have long held the record for teaching students who have gone on to become the most powerful and wealthy of our kind. However, as you and I both know, magic is not free. It comes at a price." Lena furrowed her brow; she was still confused about what any of this had to do with her or Monique. "But why are you telling me all of this? What does it have to do with Monique?" The woman's gaze hardened. "You're a half-breed; of course, you would not understand. All you half-breeds flounce around in the human world without a care in the world. You use your magic whenever you wish, not considering the consequences of said magic. It's also why you die so much younger than pure witches." 

Lena's eyes widened in shock at the woman's harsh words. She had never encountered such blatant prejudice before and did not expect it here, of all places. Taking a deep breath, she mustered her strength and replied, "Being a half-breed doesn't define me or my abilities. I am responsible with its use, and I strive to make a positive impact." The woman smiled faintly, almost genuine, "Perhaps. You were never meant to be here, you know. You weren't on the list, but now you've seen too much." The woman's smile faded, replaced by a cold expression.,"You may not flaunt between both worlds, but half-breeds do. They are a stain on the magic realm. One that should have never existed. So why should we use our own magic and life source when we have you?" Suddenly, it all made sense. "You're... you're stealing our magic?" The woman's eyes narrowed as she ever-so-slightly tilted her head. "Stealing? Oh, dear child, it was you who stole our magic. You should not even exist, and yet here you are. So yes, we are harnessing the magic of your kind to sustain our existence, our school, and our power. It is a necessary sacrifice; you should be honored." 

The revelation hit Lena like a wave, leaving her speechless. The woman's words echoed in her mind, and she couldn't help but feel a mix of anger and confusion. "How could they justify stealing our magic to sustain themselves?" Lena's eyes widened with disbelief, her voice quivering. "But this place is supposed to be a haven of acceptance." The woman offered a wry smile. "It is, to pure-bloods at least. But half-breeds like you are only useful to us as a source of magic." Lena was overcome with a mix of anger, sadness, and disbelief. "And then what? What happens to us?" The woman spoke with chilling detachment. "Once your magic has been harvested, we erase you, Lena. You are no longer of any use to us; you are erased from the world you once knew, with no memory of magic or your old life. We release you into the mundane world you cling to so much, stripped of your abilities, your identity, and your past."

Lena's mind raced as she realized the bleak future that awaited her. She would be robbed of her identity, her magic, and her memories, all for the benefit of the school that had once promised acceptance and belonging. Lena felt her heart break, there was nothing she could do to stop this. She was trapped, helpless, and alone. In the days that followed, Lena spent the remainder of her time as a witch, moving from cell to lab. Tests, magical draining, stale food—over and over and over again. Her once-vibrant spirit was slowly fading, making her a shell of the girl she had been. She mourned the life that was stolen, her parents, her sister, her friends, and the dreams she had cherished. She wished for more time—a chance to say goodbye—to hold onto the memories that were rapidly slipping away. Ravenwood Academy had taken everything from her, leaving her with nothing but a blank slate. As the last of Lena's memories began to fade, she wondered if anyone would remember her. Would anyone know what had happened to her and the other half-breeds? Or would they all be forgotten, like they never existed at all?

November 10, 2023 03:17

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Sarah Saleem
08:12 Nov 17, 2023

Thrilling read! I liked how the place that was supposed to be accepting was infact a place of exploitation.


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