Submitted into Contest #34 in response to: Write a story about someone who finds a secret passageway in their house.... view prompt



I was walking cautiously over the weak wooden floor in my old store room when I fell straight down in a deep hole Unfortunately i was working in the deem light of a candle as the room was not supplied with electricity i just had a charged bulb which i lit and fearfully worked there but now i was in such a deep hole it was full of dark pungent smell and a difficult way for going up I lit the bulb on and the Candke off i Could do this but I was afraid of going further but then i saw an old letter signed by someone I was suprised that it was so clean that it seemed to be printed i walked in Praying god to save me if I encounter a problem I went inside and saw an old metallic device carved very well and i threw it up from the entrance but then i heard a high pitched sound i knelt down and a dozen a bats flew over me i dont know how they can enter there but then now i was more alert my experince as a archeologist was helping me to be brave my bulb lit off and now i was surronded with darkness no light i just had a 2-3 inches long candle and a single matchstick even i feared that may be due to lack of oxygen the candle might not lit up evenbi was not able to breath properly. I luckliy lit it but now i was meters away from entrance and i had just a small candle nothing else i was unaware of what is going to happen next i saw small cube shining brightly in the deem light of the candle i picked it up and i saw that it was something really wonderful on it were written the words "When the Candle is on" the worlds were basically unclear but its shine made them visual on the back was written "1845" i jumped with joy and the short roof hit my skull but i was full of joy i saw something which was so old and being an archeologist i knew what great value it held today i discovered that now it was the last wall but something was there i brought the candke close and i saw that it was a sword with a gold handle with my surname written on it i remembered that my father once told me that my grandfather was a general in the king's army oh yes it really had a symbol of the king now the pasaage had a last door it was actually a broken one what was inside i saw a second pyramid made entirely of three sapphires and a pearly how could have they shaped it below it was a map which showed an unclear map of a the swiss fort but what was it doing in my home it ,was it a coincidence that my grandfather fought the battle with swiss for about 6 days? i think this passage must be made by my grandfather to store his memories in life i took it and carefully kept it in the intrnal pocket of my apron when i moved forward i saw a small ray of light coming inside from a second door i opened the door to see what is inside it took me to a place which diverged in two ways i was now confused and my candle was now about to go off but then my luck was strong i remebered about the candle hung in the hook of my belt i bought for backup i lit it and went forward in the right way i dont know why but i saw a huge clay pot with something written i cant read it and it was so big that it would be difficult for me to take it out alone now i was filled with more energy as i encounterd with more such things with my expectations on the peak meanwhile i was now open to huge lumps of dust over years and then came the thing which made me stand still it was a bundle of human hair how can a bundle of hair be there i kept it there thinking that i will inform whole team and take each amd every single thing with me the right way ended i came out and entered the left one the left one made my soul go out of my body for about a minute there was a skeleton of a dog what was this i feared and now i was full of fear how can a dog and that too dead be in such a passage which was unintroduced to me and even to my father and the only thing around his neck was a batch which had written on it "SF " probably meaning Special force i without spending a single moment there went away from the skeleton and pungent smell i would have vomited if i would have stayed there i then saw small barrel of a rifle which yet had a smell of gunpowder now i saw a really bright ray of light this was probably the exit i rushed out and the door went out in the garden of my house in a huge hollow banyan tree which was so huge that a man can stand inside i came out urgently made a call to the archeological department and told every body they rushed to my home with all use full instrument we in a team of 4 went inside with shovels, lights, brushes, etc. and we found a small gun, two gold plated coins and a hand polished glass skull. The next day i saw my name and pics of my secret passage in almost every newspaper i was a reknowned archeologist now, i earned $68000 selling the Skull the Cube and the coins and the gun and all other things. the only thing i kept was the sword and the letter signed by someone later i knew that the letter was signed by my grandfather and the device i threw out was not a device but was a silver batch written GENERAL i cried for my parents if there were alive they would have been extremly happy but now they are with me invisibly in my mind But now the Bulb was on and the Candle off. I was now a leading archeologist.

March 25, 2020 05:49

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