African American Fiction Romance

Mariah why are you over there looking like you just lost your best friend? please get it together he wasn't all that any way i heard Kara say as i stood looking out of her bedroom window.

Tell that to my seventeen year old heart. Ka he was supposed to love me like he said he would but because I wasn't ready to go all the way with him he dumped me and went to her. Out of all the people he could have ran to he picked her.

Mariah I told you from jump that bucket head buck tooth girl couldn't be trusted but no you wanted to give her a chance. any fool could see she wanted your man . well everyone but you.

Tia was this girl at our high school that everyone said was nothing more than a jump off but i believed that with the right people in her life she could be a great person. boy was i wrong. come to find out she only wanted to be my friend so that she could be closer to my man. I refused to believe that anyone that close to me would stab me in my back.

It is prom night and I am home getting dolled up waiting for Mark to show up. You can imagine my surprise when two hours passed by and he still don't show up. At this point I'm worried that something bad happened to him. He is never late. He is always on time always. So me being the concerned girlfriend I am called his phone no answer, I call his mom she answers on the first ring

Hey baby is everything okay? I know you guys are going to have a great time. He looked some handsome when he left to come get you. I'm sorry i didnt get to see you before but you no duty calls she said

No problem I responded and asked so he should be here soon?

Mariah what do you mean be there soon. He should have been there already he left two hours ago, oh, Lord I hope nothing has happend to my baby, Not my only son.

I'm not sure Ms. Jones I tried calling him and I didnt get a response.

hold on baby let me call and see if he picks up. okay, thank you .

After three rings Mark answered the phone for his mom not realizing i was on the call as well.

Mark, where the hell are you? Mariah called here looking for you. His response shocked me when he told her he was at prom already with Tia Jackson. I could not believe what I was hearing the tears fell down my face and my mom was by my side in a matter of minutes.

Mariah what is wrong? What happened did something happen to Mark? come on baby talk to mommy let me know how I can help you. I looked up to my mom with tears in my eyes and said

" He's not coming, He went to prom with Tia! Mom he went with Tia and he didnt even have enough respect for me to tell me to my face or She for that matter.

She was supposed to be my friend. How could they do that to me..

That was ten years ago and here I am still not able to open myself up to new people. I don't put anything past anyone. everything is at face value with me. you must prove yourself to me in order for me to even give you an ounce of my trust.

The only person I trust is Kara, she has been her for me more then anyone in my life. We do tend to bump heads however because we see things differently. She lives her life freely and I'm more safe with my choices too afraid to let anyone get close to me.

Kara has been asking me for the past month to go to her cousin's wedding and I keep telling her no but of course she refuses to take no for an answer.

So here I am sitting in her car listening to her tell me how fun tonight will be.

Mariah girl let me tell you it's going to be some fine men here at this wedding and I'm going to need you to act right. you are going to lose that V card to night. how many twenty-seven year old virgins do you know she asked. I looked at her with a grin and said not many but I'm sure there are some.

she laughed at me and said well after tonight you won't be one of them.

I laughed harder than I should because the look on her face let me know that she was dead serious. But that meant nothing to me. I wasn't giving up anything. did i want to die a virgin no but i didn't want to settle for anything at the same time.

I wanted the whole love thing, you know when a man looks at you and you feel like you can't breathe or your heart starts to skip several beats just from one look at him. that's the kind of love I'm looking for and it seems that - that is so far out of my reach.

Mariah don't be laughing at me I am dead serious.

I know that is why it's so funny to me. you trying to sell me out to some guy that I don't even know how do you think that makes me feel i asked her.

Well if you do what i say you'll feel less like a twenty-seven year old virgin period poo.

I could do nothing but laugh and shake my head at her. look i am not in agreement with your foolishness i am here and you will have to be happy with just that.

As we pulled up to the venue everything looked so amazing. The colors were aqua, gold and white i had never seen anything so beautiful before in my life until I saw him. I had no idea who he was but he was standing across from me leaning on the door and it looked as if he was looking into my soul.

He was six feet seven inches green eyes with the most smooth looking caramel mocha skin that I had ever seen in my life. He smiled at me and i felt as if i was going to pass out. there was know way that this man was real.

Kara looked at me and asked if I was okay. i shook my head no and asked who the man was standing at the door she looked over and smiled waving him over. he walked over to us as if he owned the place the confidence in his walk let me no that he was not to be played with. and when he opened his mouth it sounded like thunder was falling everywhere around me, I was so drown into this man. yet i had no idea who he was.

He looked at me with a wink and said hey niece who this you got here with you?

She looked at me and said Uncle Tye this is my girl Mariah.

I stand here looking from him to her not sure if what I heard was true. Here I am standing her lusting over my friends Uncle, her much older uncle. I feel so ashamed and I turn to walk away but he stopped me with the touch of his hand on my shoulder.

Shriver's ran down my back and a moan escaped my lips he looked down at my five foot two frame and asked where are you going so fast beautiful.

I looked at him trying to say something anything but nothing came out. I mean nothing I was standing there looking like a deer caught in head lights. He smiled at me and Kara said well dang girl why are you looking at my uncle like that. I put my head down trying to hide my shame but he lifted it up with his thumb and index finger and said you are to beautiful to walk with your head down you are a queen keep your head up at all times.

Now may I ask you for a dance?

I don't think that's a good idea I said.

And why is that, please tell me.

I just don't sir.

Please don't call me sir, how old do you think i am

old! was all i could think to say

laughing he said you are very funny I can see why you guys are friends.

I however am not as old as you may think I'm only thirty-four years old

oh, I said at that declaration

Now may I have this dance?

Yes, I said this time and we danced all night long and before i knew what was happening we were at his home laying in his bed just looking at one another.

I was scared out of my mind I didn't know if this man thought that I was going to be one with him this night but it was not going down like that.

Tye, I'm sorry I shouldn't have come here. I don't want to give you the wrong idea that something is going to happen. I'm just going to put it out there and let you know that I am a virgin and I don't plan on giving it up to some man that I just met. nope no way not happening. He looked at me with all seriousness in his face and said

Mariah I did not bring you here to get to know your body. I brought you here to become one with your mind. I have had my fare share of woman, I'm not looking to rush anything. I just want to get to know you. I was really looking forward to meeting you tonight. I know all about you.

Kara talks about you all the time and you have been a great friend to her and for her. but I am here to be everything that you need to be everything that you asked God for if you give me that chance I can and I will be that for you.

All you have to do is trust that I won't hurt you. can you trust me?

I don't know you to trust you Tye.

We can change all of that and it all starts with a conversation and i will make sure that at the end of this conversation we both walk away with an understanding.

He spoke with so much power that I just looked at him and waited for him to get the ball rolling.

We talked all night that night and it was the best decision that I had ever made. Tye Has been everything that he said he would be to me and more.

He helped me to see that I am a woman worthy of the sun, moon and the stars and he was the best man to make it happen for me.

We now have three kids two boys Brayden five, Ali three and a girl Carman one. Yes, We have been busy but it's been the best time of my life, Our lives let him tell it. I never thought that I would find a man that would love me in all my brokenness and left me up so that I didn't want to come out of the clouds.

This man took me and helped me to rebuild myself, he taught me to love me again but he was also helping me get my walk with God back on track. We prayed together and for each other and others. never let a day go by without letting me know that I was great and even when I thought I wasn't able to move forward he talked me over every obstacle that I faced. and for that i will always be thankful to him and for him.

My hreat was broken early in age but God showed up years later with my forever love . We have been married for seven years now and I know that it can only get better from here.

The End

December 15, 2020 17:16

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