I found my future on the Side of the Road

Submitted into Contest #39 in response to: Write a story that begins and ends with someone looking up at the stars.... view prompt



I Found My Future On The Side of The Road

Frank Alford 

“This has to be the clearest night I have ever seen,” thought Jay, as he laid on his back, staring at the stars in the sky. Everything has to be perfect. Tomorrow was going to be a big day, and he had a lot on his mind. He was taking Renee out to dinner at the fancy steak restaurant on the edge of town. They had been dating for three years, and he was going to ask her to marry him. This is his “happy place,” the place he has come to since he was a boy to think about life. The last time he was here was when his grandpa died five months ago. He was reminiscing that night, but tonight he is dreaming of the future. 

His mind drifts back to the cold December night three years ago when he found her on the side of the road where her car had broken down. He wasn’t really in a hurry, so he pulled over to help. The first thing he saw was her bright green eyes, and Jay was speechless. Literally, for the first time in his life, the class clown was void of any words. When he did finally speak, he resembled a fourth-grader asking a girl to the school dance for the first time. Renee was amazingly beautiful, her red hair was curled around her shoulders, her cheeks were red from the cold, and she had a smile that would warm up Mr. Freeze himself. While he stood there staring at her trying to make his mouth and mind work together, she stood there giggling, at him.  After what seemed like hours, he asked in a stutter,” Do you need any help?” “Yes, actually, I do. My car just died on me.” She replied.  “I would be glad to look at it with you, um I mean for you.” Blushing as the words came out.  She giggled again, “ That would be kind of you,” smiling at him. 

Jay popped open the hood and checked out her car’s battery. “Let me pull my car around and try to jump-start it.” Said Jay. Renee began to explain how her family has just moved to town the day before, and she was just checking out her new home.  He noted that was why he had not seen her before. This confirmed his suspicions that she was new in town. He would have never missed those eyes, man those eyes. Jay offered to show her around town the next day if she would like. Renee happily accepted his invitation on the condition that he help with her car tomorrow. Jay smiled the biggest smile he ever had and replied, “deal.”  

The two met the next morning at the Sonic for breakfast, after which Jay went with her to Billy Bob’s to have the battery and alternator checked in her car. Jay paid for the new battery that needed to be replaced. When Renee kissed him on the cheek, Jay thought he would pass out. Jay took her to lunch, and they drove all over the county. Jay told her about the local high school that she would be attending when class let back in after the winter break. It made Jay’s heart skip a beat when he found out that they were both seniors and that they would probably be sharing some classes. They spent the last week of winter break hanging out together. Jay asked her on a date for Friday night, “I was hoping you would ask.” She replied. Jay took her to the local hangout to introduce her to all his friends. It appeared that everyone liked her. It was also apparent that a few of the other boys were a little jealous of Jay. They had a great time on their first of many dates. That next Sunday, Jay asked her to be his girlfriend. Now it was her turn to stutter, “ Well I…. um… don’t know what to say,” she replied. “ I wasn’t expecting this,” as she blushed. “I hope you say yes. I like you a lot, and well, I want us to be a couple.” He replied. “Yes! A million yesses!” She said excitedly.  The new couple kissed for the very first time…. Jay once again was speechless. Their senior year was the best it could have been. It was a whirlwind of excitement and many firsts for both of them. They had classes together, both helping each other with their work. The two were inseparable. They soon became the talk of the whole town. Their parents became friends, having cookouts every other weekend. Life was crazy fast, and Jay wouldn’t have changed a thing.  

It is now three years later…. Both are in their second year of classes at the local college. He still gets tongue-tied when she stares at him. She still giggles when he just can’t find the words to speak. He confessed his love for her the year after high school, and for the second time since they met, her cheeks glowed red. Tomorrow night at this time, he is hoping her cheeks once again will be glowing, that her eyes will have that same twinkle they had on the side of the road that night, and that she will say yes to the rest of their lives. As he lays on his back thinking, about the past, as he dreams about the future, a warm smile forms on his face. The only reason he is alone tonight is that she had to work. He does miss her, but he is also happy to be alone with his thoughts and the stars. He looks up, and his eye catches a star that is shining brighter than any other star in the sky. Jay thinks about a poem that his grandfather taught him a young boy.  


“Starlight, star bright,

First star I see tonight,

I wish I may, I wish I might,

Have this wish I wish tonight.


Jay takes one last look at the star of his future. He sees that twinkle in Renee’s eyes as he drifts off to sleep under the stars. 

"Star light, star bright," by Anonymous | Poetry Foundation. https://www.poetryfoundation.org/poems/46976/

April 29, 2020 18:30

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Ariel I
19:52 May 06, 2020

This was such a nice, light-hearted story. I liked the incorporation of the poem at the end. The dialogue would also be easier to read if it was indented each time a new person spoke. Overall, well done!


Frank Alford
02:38 May 30, 2020

Thank You kindly Ariel! This was the first short story that I have ever written. I plan on writing and submitting more in the future.


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Sandra Campbell
03:38 May 06, 2020

Very well written. I could almost feel the young boy/man's excitement.


Frank Alford
02:38 May 30, 2020

Thank You! I am glad that you enjoyed it.


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