Thriller Suspense High School

It's been two years. Two years since I was deceived and left all alone. Most people would've gotten over it by now, but, not me. If you can't tell, I have an issue with holding grudges. I smiled, finishing the last letter to my worst enemies. I knew who they were, alright. I doubt they knew who I was, but even if they don't, I have hope they'll come for the cash prize because all they care about is money and reputation. I looked over the letters and read the names to myself.

Lindsey Holland... The girl who bullied my younger sister behind my back.

Nick Douglas... The boy who was my partner in crime.

Chelsea Ingram... The girl who stayed silent through it all.

and the worst of all...

Elijah Karr... The cheater, manipulator, and, most of all, liar.

A knock sounded on the door and I smiled to myself wickedly. They're here! I smoothed out my purple silk dress before swiftly answering the door with a normal smile, because that's what I was pretending to be; normal.

"Payton! I haven't seen you in ages!" Lindsey exclaims.

"I know, right? It really has been awhile." I agreed, smiling at them. Then, I realized we were missing someone, the most important one. I looked at the three who were present. Lindsey, Eli, and Chelsea. "Where's Nick?" I asked, a little scared that Nick wouldn't show.

Elijah shrugged. "He said he already had plans. He said he would try to stop by after wit his ginger cookies."

I chuckled at Nick's choice of cookie. He was a ginger and pretty dang proud of it too. Too bad they won't be able to taste them.

"Ginger cookies? Really? Out of all the options?" I grinned.

"Can we come in? It's cold out here." Chelsea asked, a wry smile on her face.

She had always been shy and was quite nice; but that doesn't make up for what she did.

"Of course. The cookies are almost done, you can set up yours on the bar in the kitchen."

They all nodded and followed me.

"So, what cookies did you make, Payton?" Lindsey asked innocently.

I smirked devilishly since they couldn't see my face and responded simply with; "Berry." Little did they know that 'berry' was the berries from the bush of Nightshade; which creates a highly lethal poison named Atropine.

"I've never had berry flavored cookies. Have you, Chels?" Eli commented.

"No, not that I can recall."

"What about you guys?"

"Oatmeal Pistachio. It's supposed to be really healthy." Elijah responded.

Eli had always cared a lot about his appearance. He tried not to eat anything with a high amount of carbs because he was terrified of it messing up his body. Come to think of it, even when we were together, I had never seen him eat fast food.

"Pecan." Chelsea smiled. "I used a special diabete-friendly recipe."

Chelsea used to be a borderline diabetic but she's not anymore. She wasn't borderline for long, but she still prefers foods with less sugar.

"Chocolate Chip." Lindsey's face flushed, embarrassed to even admit it.

"Boring." Elijah rolled his eyes.

"I know. I just had so many ideas and I just decided to go with something simple." Lindsey defended.

That was a problem Lindsey had; over-complicating things until she just picks the most simple option there is. Like, for example, in grade 10, she had to do a presentation on one of the planets in the solar system and she couldn't choose between all of them, so, what did she choose? She chose Earth. Like, really? Who chooses Earth? My phone buzzed with a text notification. I realized we had finally arrived at the kitchen and looked at the text while they set up their cookie stands.

Nicky<3: I'm here and I brought the roofies.

Payton: Great. Make sure to act extra lovey. I wanna make Eli see what he missed out on.

Nicky<3: Will do.

I grinned extra wide at the messages. I'd been waiting two years for this, now it's time.

"What's got you all smiley?" Eli inquired.

"Nick's here."

"Wait- why do you have Nick's number and not ours?" Elijah gave me a suspicious look.

"Oh. You guys don't know?" I faked a concerned look.

They all gave me curious looks and shook their heads. Then I heard the front door open and close then footsteps to the kitchen.

"Babe, I'm home!" Nick chimed. Nick arrived in the kitchen and snaked his arms around my waist and put kiss to my cheek. "I missed you."

"Baby, our friends from high school are here." I whined.

He raised his head up and looked at them.

"Long time no see, Chelsea, Elijah, Lindsey."

"So, how long has this been going on?" Eli asked with a jealous look on his face.

"Well, it started not too long after you two split. Even though we both noticed the chemistry before you and her ended." Nick bragged.

"Do you guys want anything to drink? I have root-beer." I smiled, knowing we all adored root-beer.

They all nodded and Nick and I went into the actual kitchen and not just the bar.

"You get the drinks and I'll finish up the cookies." I whispered.

"Yes ma'am." He replied quietly with a smirk.

He got the drinks for the three of them and but the sleeping drug in them just like we had discussed. I took the cookies out of the oven and they were baked to perfection.

About an hour had passed since they all had passed out. They were all tied to chairs in the living area. Chelsea on the left, Eli in the middle, and Lindsey on the right. With Nick's help, this was all possible. Miraculously, they all started to wake up unanimously.

"Good morning, liars, cheaters, and secret-keepers." I greeted.

"Payton, what's going on?" Lindsey groaned.

"You tell me Lindsey. You're the one who bullied my sister while pretending to be my friend." I growled, venom seeping in my voice.

"I'm sorry. That was two years ago. It doesn't matter now." She attempted to persuade.

"My sister is in a mental hospital because of you! Of course it still matters!" I screeched.

Nick tapped me on the shoulder and handed me my largest kitchen knife. I smiled evilly and held the knife to her throat. I hate fakers. I hurriedly pulled the blade across it, seeing crimson fill her chest and lap. Eli and Chelsea looked petrified and just stared at Nick and I.

"Who's next?" Nick asked lowly.

"Chelsea. We're saving the worst for last." I gave a look of amusement and cruelness.

I walked passed Eli to Chelsea and squatted down to her height.

"Now, Chels. You're a sweet person and would have done great things with the world... if, of course, you didn't keep secrets." I stammered out some type of apology.

I hate hiders. I jammed the knife into her stomach, hoping that she wouldn't suffer too much. I sighed happily, turning to Eli.

"You really didn't think I didn't know about all the other girls? About all the nights you said you were hanging out with Nick when, in reality, you were with some other girl. Well, I wasn't completely honest either. When you were lying about being with Nick, I would call him then he would come over and we would 'hang out'." I admitted, grinning from ear to ear at his expression.

"I-I don't know what you want me to say. I would apologize but you were doing the same thing I was doing, but with my best friend." He roared back.

Nick looked infuriated and took over the torture. He got up in Eli's face a yelled; "It's not the same! You initiated it! If you didn't lie to her every five seconds then maybe you would still be together!"

I grabbed one of my cookies we had brought into the living room for this particular reason and put it into Nick's hand. He smirked and pried Eli's mouth open. He shoved the cookie down his throat and Eli started choking awfully bad. The sight of him suffering made my heart smile. I had finally gotten revenge. Nick gave him on last lingering look before taking my hand and guiding me into the kitchen.

"Let's make him die alone."

I nodded and willingly went with him into the kitchen. We sat down at the bar stools and tasted the cookies everyone had bought.

"Do you want to try mine?" He inquired with a sweet tone.


He handed me a cookie and my gut was screaming at me not to eat it but I took a large bite anyway. I mean, this is Nicky, I've known him forever. I moaned into the bite. This was the best cookie I had ever tasted... but it wasn't gingerbread.

"I thought you made gingerbread cookies?"

"I thought about it but I finally settled on sugar cookies with one very special ingredient; Cyanide." He smirked malevolently at me as I started choking and as I fell to to the floor.

Moral of story: It's not how long you've known someone, it's how well you know them.

December 08, 2020 01:16

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Chris Wagner
16:20 Dec 17, 2020

I myself thought of doing a poisoning plot for this prompt, but didn't do it. This had some good dialog and personality in it. A couple things: Could have used more description of the victims and setting. And when the character speaks, and you have a period ending the quote, you use (," John said.) , not (." John said.) Other than that, no obvious writing problems, the dialog and events were believably diabolical enough for a tv movie, I guess there might be someone that crazy in real life


Stefanie Starnes
18:04 Dec 17, 2020

Thanks for the feedback!


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Stefanie Starnes
18:04 Dec 17, 2020

Thanks for the feedback!


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Stefanie Starnes
18:04 Dec 17, 2020

Thanks for the feedback!


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