Drama Fiction Science Fiction

A future too cold to exist, a past too far away to be remember, is the year 2200 a, after corona virus everything change, with new technology people stop physic contact at all, everything is made by machine, first was the mask now is the room, nobody leave his room, nobody can't leave his room, no mom and child contact, no wife and husband contact nothing, we just live in our rooms, babies are made in vitro and they never get a single touch from another human, now even if our disease is gone, we forgot how to be human anymore, the fear of peoples become our disease, and robots are happy to keep us safe, every day is like a day is the same. 

We woke up in our bed, we go to the bathroom, we eat food make and cook by robots, and we get on our screen, kids get online classes from 9 pm to 12 pm, the rest of us have free time, almost all jobs are gone, the only jobs we get in this world are every job that u can do in front of u camera from YouTube, to writing basic anything that u can do from a small room, but those jobs are not paid because u have nothing to do with money, everything is free because everything mean just what robots and screen give to u in a daily basis, we can watch tv or old movie, old movies are the most popular because are the only way to see something different than a room, to see the sky, the grass, animals, human touch each other, hug each other, kiss, so beautiful things that now are gone, our relationship are not same like before. 

We can chat, see each other, but that is everything, people die together without ever touch each other, we just survive here, nobody try to escape because they don t know where to go, being born, raise, and live all u life in a room, make u weak, when some person fall in love, they try to escape so they can meat but they don t have where to go, laws make by people from the past are enforce by powerful machine that don t let us go anywhere. If you are finding out, you are immediately killed, to stop the danger, at this point, nobody knows if is a danger anymore but what we can do. 

From time-to-time riot start, but the machine kills immediately any problem off the system, I think every day how the world will look like if people of the past make better choice. All cities become shadows of what use to be, just boxes over boxes, we are born to die because we don t have any purpose anymore, all the pets and animals are virtual now, the real ones was release in nature. So, yeah, this is a future post pandemic where the wish of protecting ourself by isolation is taken to another level, now we don t have any case of the disease anymore but I wonder if has worth it. 

Until one day when our screen stops, and our rooms, doors open to the outside, all the robots are dead, we see each other in real life is so weird, lovers that they stay apart for all they life can touch in the end, but they are afraid, parents meet they children are scared of hugs, nobody know what to do next we are the first generation that can walk freely, we see a power full light from a door we open it and we get in nature, that beautiful sky with those beautiful tree, everyone start cry, kiss the ground, fell the sun warm, is a new dimension for us, is amazing thing that we forgot , but we still are caution with touch, 

We discover that a sun storm stop all the electricity for that reason we are free, is like we get another chance, from nowhere a cry is heard mall persons go to see what happen was the maternity room, a place full of babies, their robots stop feeding, singing, scratch them, all those babies need somebody to be with theme, so the first touch between humans in centuries was between a mom and his child, when that woman that that little baby in her arms, we all start crying, she hug the baby so hard, and falling in her knee, every parent go take his baby and fell the power of a child love, look in their little eyes and see the future, a chance for a new world, a world with better peoples that before, now nobody was afraid of touching anymore, we all hug each other, it fell amazing, sure now we must grow our own food and all the movies are gone but we will make our own beautiful stories. 

And now we can create something beautiful that nobody will take from us, we can be free to make our own path, our kids will build something new from our ancestor mistake, they will be better than we us, and we will never let a pandemic control our life.

And now we can create something beautiful that nobody will take from us we can be free to make our own path, our kids will build something new from our ancestor mistake, they will be better than we us, and we will never let a pandemic control our life. Because the way to fix the problem is to find here week point, to defeat here not to hide from her , we must be caution of course but we must not let the world flame make us hide in a hole in the ground when the life burn, we must live in the same time as we survive because to survive without living u life Is a torture, and now  the world can be born again and live happy and free. 

We must be caution of course but we must not let the world flame make us hide in a hole in the ground when the life burn, we must live in the same time as we survive because to survive without living u life Is a torture, and now  the world can be born again and live happy and free.

March 12, 2021 23:20

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