The end of the night

Submitted into Contest #93 in response to: Write your story about two characters tidying up after a party.... view prompt

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Drama Friendship

It was supposed to be the best night of my 5th grade year.  My parents were going out on a date night and we had the most epic party planned. My best friend Emma and I had been prepping for this night for 2 weeks. We had saved up money to buy pizza’s and pop and had picked out the best music to dance the night away.  It was going to be perfect. It was perfect, until everyone left. They left a mess and it's so rude how they just expect me to clean up after them like dogs.  I thought all of these people were my friends?

Emma and I looked around my living room and it was so messy. How could we forget about cleaning up!  We look at the clock and quickly realize the best night of my life was fast becoming the worst night of my life. We had exactly sixty mins before my parents were getting back home. I had only an hour to clean the whole house up! But I also had Emma by my side to help me. Emma and I came up with a plan, she takes the right and I take the left.

Emma’s side included the kitchen and the bathroom.   In the kitchen, the sink was full with cups and the water was on and almost to the top of the sink and ready to flow all over the floor.   Emma discovered in one of the cabinets someone hid a vase they broke.  It was my mom’s favorite vase and was very expensive; How am I going to explain that?   In the bathroom,  the mirror had words written all over it in Sharpie.  It said “Sick party” and “Hope this happens again” I don't know how she did it but Emma was able to get it off.  

When I chose the left side I didn’t know what I was getting myself into.  I had the living room and the rest of the house!  My side was a complete mess. There were cups and pizza boxes everywhere.  When I went to put the pizza boxes in recycling I found candles on the floor broken into pieces.  I go to throw away the cups and in the trash there are plates in there instead of in the kitchen sink.  How rude!  I hollar across the house to Emma, "How's it going?"  You can hear how tired Emma is when she replies back, "I am almost done.”  I sweep and vacuum all around the living room but discover there was still trash hidden all over the place after we thought we were done.  I find garbage under the couch,  on the book shelves, even in my bedroom!  I have no clue how it got in there because no one was in my room and it was spot less when I left it the last time?  I reached for my hydroflask to get a drink of water or what I thought was water.   I popped up my straw and took a drink and it did not taste like water!  I take the lid off and guess what?  It is Root Beer.  So then I screamed in anger and I never scream.  You want to know why I screamed?  I screamed because I left my hydroflask in the bedroom where no one was supposed to go but someone emptied it out and filled it up with the thing I hate the most, Root Beer!

Finally, after fifty minutes we were done picking up all the pop cans and trash but then we had all the trash bags to get out of the house.  Six minutes later all the trash bags are safely hidden in the garage. It then took us two more minutes to put all the cleaning supplies away.   We did one last look around the house and noticed my dog Daisy had joined us in the living room.  She had been the perfect party host playing with everyone all night.   Knowing she had been a good girl she did what she always does for attention and she rolled over onto her back so Emma and I could rub her belly.   Of course, nobody can resist her big eyes and happy furry face so Emma and I took a much needed 30 second break and gave Daisy those belly rubs.

Just as I think we have pulled this off I remembered that I did not ask if I could have Emma over and my parents strictly forbid anyone over when I am home alone so Emma quickly grabs her bag and yells, "Good luck!!" as she runs out the back door.

I just got changed into my pajamas and the tv turned on when my parents walked in the door and said "The place looks spotless! We should go on date nights more often!"  They take their coats off and start to head into the kitchen.  No WAY! I got away with it? But then my mom gets a weird look on her face and turns to my Dad and says, "I don't remember it smelling so gross in here when we left hon, do you?" Dad starts sniffing the air and says, ''No, that's odd.  It would only smell this bad if the house was full of trash.”  As if on cue, Daisy pulls a trash bag from the hallway that I missed.   My parents see it and ask me what it was. We all notice the garbage smell is way worse with the garbage bag in front of us.   “That's what smells so bad but why is it in the house and what’s in it?” my mom asks.  My dad add’s, “You would only have that much trash in here if you threw a party.''  My parents both quickly turn and look at me at the exact same time. Time stood still for hours it seemed. Finally, I say, "I would never go behind your back and have people over and throw a party!" The next day at school Emma asked, “How did it go? You didn’t respond to any of my messages!”  I told her all about my parents coming home and Daisy pulling a trash bag full of garbage out right in front of them.  It was all downhill from there I told her.  

Here it is 4 weeks later and since that night, I'm still grounded.  Stuck in my room all day besides going to school and dinner.  I am giving Daisy the silent treatment, I thought I was her favorite in the family but I guess not.  That was my first and last party I am ever throwing!

May 09, 2021 03:23

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McKena Kirk
03:29 May 09, 2021

This is my first story that I posted on this website


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