Romance Happy Teens & Young Adult

It takes her back to freshman year. It was the potent smell of burning, fall leaves that made the air around her whirl with nostalgia, as it began to take her back to the moment she met him. 

College was a time where Katie didn’t know what her future held. She was constantly wondering what her life would amount to be like and what events would unfold in order to get her there.

It was a bonfire; the very first college party she ever attended. Being forced by her three roommates, Katie was not looking forward to a night full of trouble. She was dressed from head to toe in a soft pink beanie, bulky grey sweatshirt, black leggings, and combat boots that had added a couple inches to her 5 foot height. The moment they all arrived Katie found herself immediately abandoned by her few friends in their attempt to mingle with the others around. However, Katie was never the forward type. She’d always find herself lost in the crowds, head looking down, only taking in the people around her instead of interacting with them.

Lost in a trance, she began to notice the low, soft voices of the people around her beginning to sing the lyrics to the song “I Want It That Way” by the Backstreet Boys. The song had brought everyone to cheers as the ambiance quickly heightened to waves of excitement. Before she knew it, all of her peers had joined closer together around the blazing fire, all singing incredibly off key.

It took Katie a while to loosen up, but the moment she started smiling and swaying from side to side to the words of her peers, she began to notice at the corner of her eye a boy who seemed to be watching her. It appeared to be a preppy dressed boy who was mimicking her bright smile and energetic movements.

Instantly blushing, Katie couldn’t take her eyes off him. His dark brown hair, white smile, and vibrant energy, she couldn't stop wondering who he was and why he had decided to stare at her when there were plenty of others to choose from. But in that moment it didn’t matter, because he was staring at her. And in that moment all she could remember was the way she felt, and the powerful smell of the crackling, leaf burning fire.

* * * * * * * *

It takes her back to their first date. It had been months since they first met at their college’s bonfire party. With the scent of fresh apple cider filling the crisp, cool air, Katie couldn’t help but think back to when Zac had taken her to a pumpkin patch as an “official” first date.

They rode on the back of a tractor which gave them a hayride around the farm. They picked pumpkins and took pictures as Zac would try to lift the unbelievably heavy ones, while sometimes finding himself butt first in the dirt behind him. The laughs, the giggles, the smiles, all were so vividly visibly within Katie’s head. She still couldn’t believe that someone as amazing as him would even look at a girl such as herself. Zac was so friendly and outspoken, he was fun and spontaneous, and brought out so many hidden qualities within Katie that she didn’t even know she had.

Once they had gathered their pumpkins, Zac carried them in a bright, red wagon as they went into the barn where they were serving hot apple cider along with fresh baked apple cider donuts. They each took a serving and found themselves placed upon a bench where they both enjoyed their fall treats together. They became lost in each other’s words as they laughed uncontrollably and gained more knowledge of the other and their life.

It wasn’t until that moment when Katie began to realize that she was falling so incredibly fast for Zac and she didn’t know how to control it. She wondered how he felt and if it was the same or maybe not the same at all. Confused within her own thoughts, Katie didn’t even realize that Zac had begun to lean closer into her, indicating that he wanted a kiss. Completely caught off guard, Katie’s heart began to sprint as she suddenly found her body falling closer into Zac’s.

The moment was a blur as both their lips collided together creating a sensation between them that was overwhelmingly magical. And all she could remember was the way she felt, and the strong scent of hot apple cider that filled the air around them.

* * * * * * * *

It takes her back to their very first “I love you.” It was Thanksgiving dinner and Katie’s family had invited Zac’s family over for the holiday. She remembered the long table drowned with colorful place settings and white lit candles. It was a day to remember, and she knew she would never forget it.

Once the meal was ready, the hammering smell of turkey and cranberries swirled around Katie, as her and Zac helped set the food amongst the table top. There were so many options to choose from and everything looked delicious. They all sat around the beautiful sight and continued to pray and say grace before digging in.

The meal itself was a blur as all Katie remembered were her eyes completely lost in the ones of Zac. Seated across from her, he would make corny jokes and silly puns that would make the water in her mouth fall straight to her lap. She remembered attentively watching as Zac would interact with her family, making her mom laugh just as hard as he would make herself laugh. She’d watch as he’d squirt extra whipped cream on her younger sister’s nose and how he’d make her dad smile like she’s never seen before. Katie was completely obsessed, she was completely engrossed with the feeling that overcame her while she would watch the love of her life just perfectly be himself.

After dinner, Katie and Zac took their pumpkin pie slices out to her backyard where they sat thigh to thigh on her bench swing. Settling in, a sudden cool breeze swept by that lifted Katie’s hair, blowing a stray piece straight into her eye. With Katie wincing in pain, Zac was quick to assist and began to search through her eye for the loose strand. Finding the piece, Zac carefully peeled it back from Katie’s face as she was amazed at how incredibly gentle his movements were.

Staring back intensely, Katie felt every bone in her body stand on end. She knew that what she was feeling was not temporary, or false hope, she knew it was love. Grabbing Zac’s hand, Katie gave him a start as he swiftly turned back towards her meeting her loving gaze. In that moment Zac knew exactly how and what she was feeling; because he was feeling the exact same thing.

Zac had then taken a hold of Katie’s other hand as he muttered the words “I love you Katie.” Heart completely melted, Katie had found herself speechless. She was at a loss of words even though the only ones on her mind were the ones just uttered from the one boy she’s ever loved.

Catching her breath, Katie was able to just get out his stolen words of “I love you,” as they then sealed the moment with a very passionate kiss. And within that moment all she could remember was the way she felt, and the comforting scent of sweet pumpkin pie.

* * * * * * * *

It takes her back to the proposal. The most gorgeous fall day she had ever seen with freshly, fallen leaves all around their feet. Her and Zac had taken the day to take a leisurely walk on the forest path that sat behind their apartment building. It had been years that they’ve been together, just graduated college and living on their own in their top floor penthouse.

It was Zac’s idea to go out on the path since he knew how much Katie adored fresh fallen leaves; as he knew that the forest would for sure be covered in them. Autumn was both their favorite time of year and ironically the season where most of their relationship seemed to blossom. It was the most absolute perfect time for anything and everything to happen.

Taking their first steps onto the dirt path, Katie could instantly tell that Zac had grown oddly out of sorts with his hands practically shaking. Extremely perplexed, Katie reached out to take Zac’s hand as he returned her gesture with a reassuring smile and they went forth on their unknown journey through the woods.

Halfway through their walk, Katie once again began to notice the stiff and tensing muscles that began to show throughout Zac’s entire body. To relax his demeanor, Katie began to send Zac a very sly smirk; her indication that something devious was about to unleash within her. Catching her signal, Zac immediately contracted his tense body and sent a very similar smirk back at Katie. Knowing exactly what the other was thinking, Katie acted fast and touched Zac on the arm as she blurted out “YOU’RE IT!” A wave of shock washed over Zac’s face as he turned it into a wistful smile and began to chase after his sprinting girl.

They spent the entire afternoon chasing one another, laying under trees, pointing out cloud shapes, and listening to the others’ hearts that they knew only beat for them. The day couldn’t have gotten any more magical, until they were marching up a hill that would overlook the entire forest.

The leaves were crunching beneath their feet and the air couldn’t have been more crisp. Running full force up the hill, Katie couldn’t wait to take in the view, as she was sure it would take her breath away.

Taking it all in, Katie realized that Zac wasn’t with her. Turning her head frantically from left to right, a wave of concern washed over her as she knew that Zac was acting strange all afternoon. But turning around she didn’t find Zac missing, but yet him kneeling on his shaking, right knee, holding open a small, black box which contained a shiny, round ring.

Consumed by shock, Katie instantly felt as if she had been hit by a live, electric wire. While on the verge of passing out, Katie barely managed to move herself forward towards her teary eyed lover. With her hands pressed tightly to her lips, soft tears began falling down her flushed, red cheeks, as she stared down at Zac who was stuttering over his words. His entire speech was almost a blur to her now as she remembered her mind being completely out of her body. All she remembered was her resounding  “yes” and the tightly kept hug she and Zac had around each other for what felt like an eternity.

With the ring perfectly placed around her finger, Katie couldn’t help but laugh at the fact that her breath was most certainly taken away, but it wasn’t from the view. And while in that moment of sealing her love, all she could remember was the way she felt, and the euphoric smell of fresh, fallen leaves.

* * * * * * * *

It had taken her all back to the key moments of her life. Katie was sitting peacefully on her front porch, eating pumpkin pie, watching the love of her life mess around with their two beautiful children. With the fire pit flaming with leaves, and apple cider heating on the stove, and with the fresh fallen leaves that surrounded her, all of those smells had taken her back through a journey. A journey where she not only found herself, but found a person for life whom she would never stop loving. They had made it through the worst, and had witnessed all the best, but the image that was painted in front of her could never be replaced by anything they had been through. Watching Zac play so happily with their kids had made Katie believe that no matter who you are or what you’ve been through, a fairytale life full of magic is only a few scents away.

October 01, 2020 03:56

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