
''It started in the worst time possible. A time of struggle, which made it add more struggle. But it all leads up to one thing. When we stand together united we are unstoppable. It doesn't matter if there are other people or places to blame. In December 2019, a mystical virus came. December 2025, six years later, it still lives. A Chinese professor recreated the reign of dinosaurs. It had been kept discreet, so discreet that the Chinese government wasn't even aware. It has been said that the professor had been working on this for twenty years and it is only now that those twenty years have proven success. The professor became greedy, he knew more dinosaurs meant more money for him. Soon it got out of hand and now dinosaurs are roaming the earth once again like they did fifty-five million years ago.

The people of the earth now have another problem to kick in the arse. People have now been forced to start building underground houses because of the fact that among the dinosaurs roaming the earth are also Carnivores. It is advised that all stay home and all stack their shelves with lots and lots of tin food. The government is all over the place and all we can do now is pray and hope.''

Mrs. Maroon had finished watching the morning news and was feeling very emotional. It was impossible not to feel scared. It was like the only thing adults now watched was news and how to keep safe from dinosaurs. The world leaders didn't help, all they did was argue and fuss over another countries mistake. What was their problem? Nobody knows. Now In the world, there were over three million deaths. Twenty thousand of them from the dinosaurs. Graveyards were being filled up by the day. So many funerals were being held, many done online. But then there was the time that hundreds marched up to the dinosaurs and all died. The reason for all that havoc was because the same dinosaur had ripped out many bodies from a graveyard. Some of those bodies were fresh, so the dinosaur devoured the flesh out of them.

Many advice were being told, for example anytime your in close proximity to a dinosaur you should spray perfume to change your scent. Many streets were no longer streets, instead, they were just junk filled with big dinosaur prints. After all the events happening if you were still alive, you should consider yourself lucky.

Though in the midst of all this, a new world had opened up, a powerful one, a very very powerful one. The online world. But that was soon destroyed in some places. People stopped getting posts, letters, and deliveries. After all, it was a huge risk for the postmen. So normally the earth would be quiet apart from the occasional roar of a dinosaur. Or the screaming of somebody being ambushed by a dinosaur, it became a second nature of sound.

Mrs. Maroon woke up in the morning, feeling tired. She went to bed every night with a bat in her hand. The council had still not called her to move into her underground home. Then she got the call. She moved all her furniture and properties into her underground home and used air freshener to spray everywhere. She had her first sleep in her new home. She suddenly jolted up in the middle of the night. She was hearing loud stomping noises. She got up and went to the secret camera that views outside and saw a humongous T-rex wrecking her home. She then realised that the council knew that the T-rex would be coming her way, no wonder they moved her out. She then saw the T-rex settling down. By now she was terrified she quickly dialed her neighbour called Sheila, she answered immediately.

'' There is a bloody T-rex at your house, tell me they moved you underground, well they should have, they moved the whole neighbourhood underground,'' Sheila shouted.

'' Yes, I am terrified to the spot, I don't want the T-rex to hear me and dig me out.'' Mrs. Maroon replied.

'' Well what about me, my two-year-old is very scared, my four-year-old is crying and my thirteen years old can't be bothered. I need help !''

Then from the other end of the line, Mrs. Maroon heard screaming. It appeared to be that the T-rex had heard too. It stayed still trying to locate where the sound was coming from it then moved right above Sheila's underground home. It started digging it kept digging till it got to a steel bit. The steel bit acted as a roof, it kept trying to claw out the steel but it couldn't. It left and went to settle down at Mrs. Maroon's house once again. Sheila then told Mrs. Maroon Good Night before cutting the call.

The government was constantly trying to provide as much help as they could but no matter what, people were still really stressed out. A few months later, Mrs. Maroon was viewing the camera that was viewing the T-rex. She then noticed three white eggs, two hatching. The third started hatching a minute later and out came out three lovely looking baby dinosaurs. Their skin was smooth. Unlike their mother, their eyes didn't show eyes of terror but eyes of cuteness, eyes of love, eyes of happiness, eyes of goodness. They looked up and down, maybe looking for something that looked a bit like them. After some chirping, their mum came, it looked at them lovingly. That was the time that Mrs. Maroon knew that all living things had some things in common. A mother's care giving to a human baby is not different from a mother's care giving to a baby dinosaur.

December 2027, Life was slowly going back to normal. But the impact made by all the mayhem will never be healed. The military had taken care of all the dinosaurs by shooting them down. The professor who created all the dinosaurs was jailed for life and the pandemic...

February 12, 2021 22:56

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