"The room is unfamiliar. I don't know how I got here." I woke up and looked around. I was upset at the idea, all these thoughts going through my head and then my head started screaming at me. I felt my head and touching my head, felt two large bumps.
I was dizzy and nauseous, I was so disoriented, I tried to stand up and fell backwards several times before I finally was able to stay standing.
I knew one thing, this was beginning to feel like one of those video games, like "Exit Here", or "Escape if You Can". I also had seen "Saw" and dread filled my thoughts, while I was making my way towards a door marked EXIT.
I had been trained for such an event, yet I was not sure if those who had placed me here, wherever here was, were friend or foe. Then I realized that whoever "they" were, was surely not going to make or allow my exit to be easy. I knew that showing one's emotions and responses to those emotions was considered a sign of weakness.
I looked around the room, saw that there was the door, and several windows, boarded up, with another door, over on the opposite side of the room. I started towards the windows first but had nothing to remove the boards. I saw something in the darkness, after my eyes adjusted, and made out a long crowbar.
It was then that I heard a sound, of screeching or chattering I was able to make out the noises I heard, and figured it was spiders. I, of course, imagined the worst possible spiders, and yes, I am deathly afraid of spiders.
I then moved slowly towards the spot where the crowbar lay, I reached out for it and claimed it. I rose up from the ground, then turning to the noises, saw a tape recorder playing the noises. I swung out and smashed the tape recorder, laughing hysterically.
I stumbled, got up once more, then made my way back to the other door, trying to pry the lock off. It gave without much effort, and I was able to grab the doorknob to open the door.
After exiting the room was still a task to complete, the location was not too clear, and the area was dark. I grabbed the crowbar, slowly making my way down a hall. Some fog had rolled in, making my visibility less sure to lead me anywhere.
I stumbled once more, grabbing for whatever, to keep me upright. I leaned against a railing, before preventing my fall. I felt my head again, with the throbbing pain, and winced. The bumps were becoming larger, and I was afraid I would pass out soon.
I returned to the room and laid down, for I was in no shape to go out, much less attempt my escape. I was laying there, motionless and napping, when I heard voices approaching the room. I saw several men, reaching down to pick me up, and they were talking amongst themselves, in whispers.
It was not whispers, it was a different language all together. Even with the headache I was able to make out some of the words. I learned the plight of my being here, and I was very afraid for what they had been expected to do.
I had the crowbar concealed, and rose up suddenly, much to their surprise, and swung that crowbar wildly. I hit two men, and they went down in a heap. The third man ran out the door, which I follow suit.
I ran and followed until the man disappeared in the fog, then the silence was deafening. My heart raced. My senses tingled. My training kicked in. I was in a race for my life, and I was not going to let them catch me off guard again.
I passed another room, off to the right, and stopped to peek in. The door was wide open, there was a table, several chairs, and several guns, which I hope were loaded.
I grabbed two of the guns, placing them in my waist band, and grabbed the crowbar once more, before I was about to leave the room.
I saw a medicine cabinet by the door and raided it for my headache, finding some aspirins to take. I turned to find a large shadow near me, and slowly approaching, I noticed the figure did not move.
I poked the body hard, not sure if they were alive or dead, and heard nothing. I felt around, finding a flashlight on the ground, and picked it up. I shuddered at the sight I saw, with a nest of spiders on the figure's body and a look on its face that made me feel less comfortable.
I backed towards the door, bumped into something, turned around, but whatever I had bumped into had ceased to move. Shining the flashlight up at them, I noticed the same expression on their faces.
It was a sheer horror, and it had been frozen.
I ran out of the room, running wildly, this way and that way, not stopping, even when I was out of breath from running so hard and so long. I would have continued running, but something made me trip and fall hard. I reached out for the flashlight, finally retrieving it and then saw what had made me trip.
It was another body, stiff and frozen with the same expression as the others. Of something that had made it this petrified, this scared, this horror, like looking at Medusa, turning to stone.
I then turned and seen fiery lit eyes in the distance, was compelled to rise and run, but my legs were not cooperating and then it was upon me, and my strength left me without a will to or a wanting to run.
I closed my eyes tightly, to not look at whatever was there, hearing a loud scream, it picked me up and threw me hard against a wall before I passed out. I laid there for how long I know not, but it was so long that I came to one a table with a loud whirling sound above my head.
I was tied down to the table with ropes so tight that I was barely able to breathe. I was beginning to believe that my fate in the room had been less scary and less complicated. I wiggled and squirmed, trying without success to get free.
This was to be my end; to be the last thing I would see before the whirling noise was right upon me. I think I may have simply given up hope and let fate take its right to allow this to be. Then a loud banging noise replaced the whirling, and I was no longer tied down to the table, but was then on a massage, yet not receiving a massage, but repeatedly being whipped.
No longer having a headache, like before, I was in pain all over my body. I winced at the crack of the whip, was screaming and praying for a quick end. Those that were whipping me laughed, but it was the same ones who had been torturing me, the same ones who were speaking in a different language.
I was about to ask them, to find out what was going on and why I had been chosen for this experiment. Then they disappeared, and I was left back in the same room I had begun in.
It was so sudden, so rapid, so unnerving. I was filled with terror, and a fear that was "planted inside" my head. It was like they, whoever they were, had no specific reason for doing what they were doing to me.
The room expanded and contracted. The room became spiked and pointy, but I still was not sure if this was reality, or just my imagination, playing tricks on me. The door opened wide inward, hitting me in my face, knocking me backward. I shook my head and tried to get up.
The figures that stood before me looked like something out of a horror movie, and I was their plaything to do with as they saw fit to.
I began to believe fear, panic, or anxiety or pain would be my best defense. Then they laughed, more like a howl, which rose to a high pitched screeching noise. I placed my hands over my ears. I screamed.
Then they left, closing the door and welding it shut, so I had no hope for escape, ever.
Then thoughts began to run through my mind......Believing Fear, Believing Panic, Believing Anxiety, Believing Pain, believing being Abandoned and Believing being Left Alone. The void grew bigger, the gap between reality and false sense of reality was stretching my mind and my brain beyond anything I was ever to know.
The room twisted and turned, became an opening into vast space, I was not sure what to do. I was feeling a tightness in my chest and looked down to see myself in a strait jacket. I was confined in the same spot I had begun in.
I saw a knife, and the room lit up. It was soon so bright, I tried to block out the bright light.
I turned around to move towards the knife. Then I was turning over and over, my stomach was starting to knot up, making me feel sick.
The strait jacket tightened. The blood rushing to my head. I was so disoriented, so unsure which was the right way to go.
Then the figures came into the room, and with a quick wave of their hand, I disappeared. I was no longer in any room or was tied up. I was back where I had begun before, yet back in an interrogation room, with a mirrored window and the door leading me out.
The figures returned to being human, very human, and police officers. I was in cuffs, slowly realizing, I was being held there against my will, or was I? The big burly police officer came towards me to uncuff my hands.
As he leaned over to uncuff me, he whispered in my ear, "You know that this is only the beginning". With that, I was no longer there, but back in my bed, my soft comfortable bed. In an Insane Asylum.
This seemed more like a motion picture, I was the main character. I was to play a part and never know if it was real or false. I know I was there for all eternity.
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