
Your heart clenched as he stares at you, with those warm brown eyes of his that are usually busy glaring at you in contempt. That is when, for the very first time in your life, your mouth doesn’t run off like it normally does. At that very moment, you knew you needed to let it all out. He had to know the truth. Yet your lips still stayed shut and all that remained before you two was a sad sort of silence. Your other classmates didn't seem to notice the two of you. They themselves too busy with their tearful goodbyes and their fervent promises to keep in contact during the summer to acknowledge the awkward atmosphere surrounding you two. He looked at you. You looked at him. “I’ll miss you when I move. I hope you have fun at your new school”, you mutter finally. "Are you sure, that’s all you want to say to me", he asks his eyes piercing, searching for something. For a moment, you falter. Could he see it? Did he know? Your knuckles start to tighten but you only give him a crooked grin and say, “Enjoy yourself and keep safe”. Then you escape to the other side of the room. You just walk away even as the pit in your stomach grows. You want to turn around and finally confess yet your feet hold steady as you drift away into the crowd of meandering twelve-year-olds. You should have said something. You should have told him how you felt, told him how much he meant to you. But you didn't, so now all you have remaining is a bucket full of regrets. Since the start of 6th grade, he was always there. Always there with a lopsided grin that seemed to be just for you. Always there with those glimmering brown eyes that appeared to linger only upon you. He clung to you like a lost puppy and stuck with you through thick and thin like glue to the skin. He and you were best friends. Friends that could have been more but you happened. You with your insecurities that suffocated you till you could barely breathe. For you could feel their eyes following you. You could feel their eyes boring into you, looking within you. You could even hear the whispers, no matter how much you pretended not to, when you walked down the hall. For they all knew what you were: different. 

So you change, trying to wear skirts as much as possible, try to get in with the in-crowd, cursing, and roughhousing just like any other. But they still saw you as a foreigner, they knew you as the nice quiet teacher pet. you were still an alien to them, you will always be an outsider.

It was around the second semester of the school year. An unknown girl came into the classroom one day. She was a shy, quiet Asian wearing glasses. Not only did she seem friendly enough, and it was your duty as the “nicest” girl in class, but. She sorts of reminded you of yourself. So you walked your peppy self over, shake her hand, and introduce yourself. Then after getting to know her for a bit you dragged her over to meet your closest friends that you share a table with. She fit in like a missing puzzle piece. But as the days go by, you can’t help but feel more and more empty, you feel replaced.” who needs them, I was never part of their little clique anyway!” you mumbled to yourself, staring at the ceiling of your dark bedroom. That is when you became more aggressive. Everyone seems to have noticed but didn't dare to speak about it. The friend she has been ignoring in her pursuit of inclusion had to deal with her horrid attitude that pops out because of her short fuse.

You ask him a random question as you sit together in the English class. “What do you want to be when you grow up?” you ask him. He shot a quick glance over at you as he answered.” I want to be a YouTuber when I grow up” you paused, you heard of YouTube but never allowed to watch. Not only did your parents argue a lot, but they were also strict. That means no weekend birthday parties, no sleepovers, and no social media. So YouTube was a rarity to you. You remember what the adults always said, your parents, and you spewed similar words right back to him. “Being a YouTuber is not a job. It should only count as a hobby. You should be a doctor or engineer.” That’s when matters started to turning south. As a concerned friend allowed dreadful words to fall from her careless mouth, he frowns. His eyes sort of glazed over as he started to tear up, his frown develops a little pout, and before you know it he was trying to stop himself from crying. Just as he was nice, he was very sensitive. This wasn’t the first time he cried because of your bluntness and oblivious to other humans’ emotions. In that school year alone you made him cry from your words alone on about four to five “unique” occasions. Everybody couldn’t help but just look on in pity. It wasn’t unusual news to hear that he was crying again because of you. Even after all those times, you make him cry he still chases after the oblivious, blunt girl. It wasn’t until towards the end of the school year he started distancing himself from you. You continue the pursuit of putting down your insecurities in a wrongful manner as he stops being with you. He stops talking to you, smiling at you. The very eyes that once happily shine as bright as the stars at you now only look at you with nonchalance as if you are unimportant to him, like thin air. You only realized it when it was too late. You wished to have gotten his contact information before the year ended. You were moving to an entirely different school district, but even if you weren’t moving, you would have gone to different middle schools. Your chances of meeting again were slim to none. it’s been several years since then. You regretted everything that happened that year. six grade was the year where you were not you. You burned bridges that shouldn’t have been burn. You regretted a lot of things that year and if you could turn back time you would. But now that you’re older, you realized that those things are meant to be left in the past. Those events happen for a reason and they have helped you grow and mature in recent years. You have become more open-minded and have became attached to the site called YouTube that brought some light in your world. You hope that things have gone better for him on his side. That he didn’t let people like you from back then hold him back from his dreams and passions. If there was one thing that you wished to say to him, it would be:

“I’m sorry.”

June 27, 2020 00:18

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Abby McCreary
00:09 Jul 02, 2020

Great story! My only critique would be to consider your POV. Although your story is very thoughtful and well-written, it might be a bit mature for a sixth grader. I have a sister the same age and had a hard time imagining her or one of her friends thinking so maturely. Other than that, it's a well-written story with a great ending!


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Caryn K
21:37 Jul 01, 2020

Artemis, I liked your story. Great use of second person and not having a predictable ending. My critiques would be to break up a few of your long paragraphs into smaller ones. Also, there is at least one example of mixed tenses (present vs future) and a few punctuation errors. Otherwise, a good story. Keep writing! If you're interested, please read my story called "15 Years" at https://blog.reedsy.com/creative-writing-prompts/contests/47/submissions/22078/ Thanks! Caryn


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Batool Hussain
16:54 Jun 28, 2020

Great story, Artemis. I love your name, though🌸🌸 Mind checking my story 'You and the train?' Thanks.


22:14 Jun 28, 2020

Thanks! And yeah sure no Problem.


Batool Hussain
16:40 Jun 29, 2020

Mind checking out my new story? Thanks.


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Show 1 reply
02:25 Jun 28, 2020

Hey! Thanks for being my first comment ,like and karma points ever. I really liked your story the"silent betrayer". I,m thankful that you enjoyed my story and understood due to having similar experiences where you also grown from. Thanks for the encouragement and i'll keep the advice in mind next time!


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Kelechi Nwokoma
21:24 Jun 27, 2020

Artemis, I really enjoyed your story. About how insecurities can make us push away the people that truly care about us. This has happened to me, too, but I learnt my lesson and started going for what I wanted. My only issue was the thing of spacing... Your work is a little clustered up, and more spacing, especially after dialogue, would make it look appealing Overall, this is a great job. Seeing as you're new to the reedsy community, I encourage to continue writing. Keep it up!


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