Thousand forms of a mother

Written in response to: Write a story about a teenager whose family is moving.... view prompt


Drama Transgender Creative Nonfiction

Mayra's mother

Part: B

Everyone went inside of that sunless mansion and they saw there were a lot of transgender people standing. And the middle of them there was a big framed picture of a trans person covered with flowers.

Mayra came close to that altar where another trans lady was sitting. She looked like an elder. After seeing Mayra, she also hugged her and started whining,

"Your mother finally left that disgusting physical form. We were very happy for her."

Mayra put her head on that person's shoulders and covered her eyes with it. She murmured to that person,

"You are right, she always wished for it."

But her words were tumbling and breaking as she told that sentence, and her low-pitched voice sounded like a whim.She lifted her head and for a while, viewed the elderly. Her beautiful black eyes were glinting with tears and turning red. The water in her eyes was flowing down restlessly. And the pain, how much she tries to hide it, it's pretty hard to be ignored.

The elderly appreciated her courage that she was able to tell those words about the person who took care of her. She looked at her for a bit and took her inside the room. The elder invited her friends inside to rest, but it looked like they were unable to understand the situation. They didn't catch what's happening. They were all gathered for Mrs. Joshi's funeral, but it was not what they were expecting.

They don't know what to do next 'cause the situation was confusing. They returned to Lucknow after resting for a few hours.

Everyone on the way back home was giving different theories about the incident, but Charu was sitting alone, spacing out. She was looking at the chat box which had saved the contact name, Mayra. She's looking at the screen where she typed a message about they were going back. But the message was still hanging on the typing box.

She was looking at it, and she wanted to send it, but as quickly as her finger moved, she thought of something, and they all went back to as it was. And after a few failed attempts, she finally made her mind to send it, but before she did so, Adi's one theory about Mayra's mother deleted the message,

"Maybe Mrs. Joshi was a transgender and Mayra considered her as a mother."

Charu tells Adi to shut his mouth with a very aggressive tone and after that, the car's air was left muted, until Charu went out.

Mayra came to rejoin the office after twenty days. She was still struggling to get her thoughts together. She did put a bit of makeup on her skin, but the look on her face didn't brighten it. She looks a bit sad and nervous 'cause it's been long. But she was able to sense some weird air in the office. She could sense the countless stares and thousands of whispers about herself. And few were as clear as normal chats.

And after hearing their words, she could tell immediately that the rumores about her mother had been spread. She didn't care about what the rumores were, but what she heard just now wasn't a buzz. It's harassment.

"I am sure her trans mother sure kidnapped her. . Those kinnars were like that. Disgusting, heartless creatures. "

Mayra's head was about to burst, but she didn't want to do anything that would cause her more problems. So, she drank it down and pretended she didn't hear anything. And she started her work with the thought that

"She didn't have to get angry over a few senseless words. I know those are all just gossipers and nothing else."

Those rumors continued for almost half a month and slowly started to fade away, but maybe a few people didn't want them to stop. So, they started making them more and more vulgar.

Mayra is facing them because of her mother, but it's the end now. At an office meeting, when Charu, her best friend, commented, she burst without noticing who was in that room.

The rumores were the same as what she had already heard thousands of times, but the teller hurt her the most. Her best friend, Charu, and a few others who were considered as her well-wishers, were spitting out the trash now.

She couldn't bear the pointed whispers of anyone, and she let out all her agony in front of them.

She didn't have any intention of answering those false chats. But it's enough. She was okay when anyone spread rumores about her, but she couldn't control when someone talked about her sweet mother. Mayra's mother was her everything, and the people who, she called her friends at the time turned out to be like that.

"It's true that my mother was a transgender person, and it's also true that I was raised by a trans person," she said, gathering strength and confidence.

" I mean, you guys love my work and my attitude, so why were you mocking me when a few people started spreading foolish chats? "

"Yah! I know a few of them were true that my mom was a trans woman, but....."

" My lovely mother doesn't need a gender to be described as a mother. And why does anyone need a gender to present themselves as a mother."

"In my opinion, gender, color, looks, and their religion don't require them to be called moms."

And while looking into Charu's eyes, she continued,

"A mother is a mother, even if she's a kinaar."

She shed a few tears but continued with her tumbling voice, after inhaling a few breaths,

"In India, we worship goddess 'Durga', calling her maa (mother) and we all know that she was nothing but a statue made of soil.

We worship the goddess 'Ganga' and also call her maa, and we know that she was nothing but a river."

"Why can't you judge them by their existence. "WHY? "

"Why you continued abusing a person who was already dead."

While facing one of her female colleagues, she answered,

"She found me in a garbage bin. What was her mistake that you abused her? Her mistake is that she adopted that baby, or her mistake is that she fought for that baby's future, or her mistake is that she took a promise to never tell anyone about my mother's gender. What? What is her mistake? Tell me, Aditi?."

She wasn't crying that time, but her eyes were glistening and Mayra's face was ready to be filled with tears of sorrow. But she holds herself together because if she cries at that time, her mother's pride will flow down with her tears.

After that meeting, Mayra doesn't need to talk or face anyone. So, she packed her stuff and got back home. She knew that she was right.

Every line she yelled was correct. But her heart couldn't be satisfied with those lines. Mayra was that kind of girl who didn't like to yell at someone. So, it's obvious for her to feel blues.

She went home as quickly as possible to stick her face on her pillow and sleep till tomorrow. She didn't have dinner and slept in her office clothes. And when she woke up, she realized she had been sleeping since four and had woken up at four in the morning. She was relaxed and didn't feel as stressed in bed as she did yesterday.

She was still thinking about the incident, but she had to go to work today, so she changed her routine a bit. She went for exercise and prepared a great meal to fill her empty stomach. She was stable but also a bit scared about facing her colleagues. She finally got all his fears aside and now she was ready to fight. After a deep breath, she was ready for battle.

When she arrived at the office, everything seemed normal. Everyone was talking to her normally, like they always do. And she's happy about that too.

After a week, when Mayra had almost finished her work and was packing her materials to go home, a sudden sound stops her. It's Charu.

She came close to Mayra. She wasn't looking at her eyes and she also looked embarrassed. Mayra sensed the situation.

Charu's lips opened and an apology was on its way out. But Mayra stopped her and offered her to have a meal together.

Both went out of that office building, smiling and talking like old times.


Lee's thoughts,

Oh! That story makes me cry.

Mayra is a cry baby. Maybe she likes to cry a lot. I wish someone would wipe her tears.

So, support Miss Joshi, by voting it.


It's the first story I wrote in the volume of

" Thousand Forms of a Mother".

I want to write more stories about my hero too. I hope you like it


February 09, 2022 11:42

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