
My husband was a soldier. I loved him dearly. I knew that he was the bravest young man. He was so brave, and so strong.

As someone married to a guy that served with the military, I often wondered about my handsome man.

I always thought back when I was a child, that when I grew up, I too would do something phenomenal. But being a natural introvert, I steered away from anything too noisy, and preferred being my quiet self.

I never truly worried. I knew that Sam was made of steel. All I ever longed for was the days when he was back home, with me, his faithful side kick.

Sam and I were friends since junior high. We were in the same classes. I went to his football matches to cheer him on.

Sam and I didn't see each other for a while. Then when I was doing college Sam resurfaced. Again I was happy to see my highschool friend.

But one day while we were sitting on a bench at a park. He squeezed my hand. Then he kissed me ( my first kiss).

That's when we started dating.

Sam and I had many moments together. Many adventures that were thrilling to us alone. Being an introvert, while he claimed to be an ambivert, we went along well together.

He loved reading books. He also loved spending time in my room, with me, playing board games, having hot chocolate together, and playing video games.

But Sam really let the video games get to him, and he decided he wanted to do what the characters in Mortal Kombat did. He wanted to fight.

But I worried for my boyfriend turned husband Sam. It sounded so glamourous to have a husband that served in the military. But Mortal Kombat had nothing against me that day. I decided to ask him things...er...things.

"Sam are you sure you want to continue being a soldier, even though we are now married?" I asked Sam one day.

"Sam replied yes, it's always been a dream of mine to serve my country" he replied.

I was not heart broken, but I was sad. I knew of many soldiers who made it through many wars and returned to the country as war veterans with many glorious stories to share. But I was selfish. I was concerned. I knew I was worried about my husband.

So there wasn't much to do in Sams absence. I decided to get a decent job somewhere. Initially it was a part time gig. I did write Blog articles for a website that paid me small amounts to write for them.

The satisfaction that came from writing abstract ideas into lucid, flowing words was amazing. The money I got from it made it even better. I loved writing for travel blogs, I seemed to have a knack for describing places I had never seen like heaven.

Sam came home that Christmas, and we had a wonderful time as usual. Sam was being extra romantic and bought me flowers.

After that we had candle lit dinners every night, and we did romantic things every day...and night.

Soon it was time for Sam to leave. I didn't want him to go. But Sam had made up his mind.

I took my content writing very seriously and tried to identify and develop my own style.

Sam decided to retire from the armed forces. He had many ideas to set up a business.

I was actually thrilled. I was happy to have him back! All the while I did not get a chance to see him or spend time with him.

I promised him I would make up for all the time we missed each other.

We were like a newly married couple, romantic in every sense of the word.

We decided to set up a small bakery near the city. Sam promised that he would run the place efficiently and that I could be second-in-command.

Sam really had a way with words. It really attracted me to him even more. I also did my content writing on the side. Soon we were making a tonne of money...

I liked being the side kick, the supportive partner, the one with all the answers.

One day we were Talking...about nothing in particular at the bakery. I asked Sam the dreaded question - Sam were you ever scared during your term with the military?

Sam answered ' there were times when I wondered whether we were going to win the war. But I never knew how or whether I would get out alive.

I had this picture of you, that I kept with me under my pillow. It gave me hope. And I also did try to pray, coz on the fighting front God has to be on your side!

Suddenly Sam started to kiss me. I returned the kiss, but wondered if our conversation was making him feel that way.

He started to kiss my neck and unbutton my top. Soon we were in our bed. He kissed down a trail of kisses from my neck to my tummy, there was no better feeling! He nibbled on my ears and softly bit my lips. He kissed my thighs and my toes. I had not made love for ages.

He asked me if I liked being a side kick since I always was away from the limelight. I answered yes, but as someone who was a natural INTJ I didn't mind at all. And felt most comfortable when the light of other peoples attention was not focussed on me.

He kissed me more than usual in bed that day. I felt so loved and appreciated. I was happy to have Sam back, and happy to be his sidekick forever!

So even though I have never recieved any medals or certificates for being outstanding in anyway, I am truly happy that I'm my husband's best friend. I loved being the third wheel, some supportive person who ecked others on to do things!

April 23, 2023 15:25

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